How to clean a leather jacket?

Regular cleaning and conditioning, along with proper storage, is essential to keep a leather jacket in good condition.

A leather jacket is a timeless fashion statement that exudes style and sophistication. However, to maintain its lustre and longevity, proper cleaning and care are essential. Cleaning a leather jacket might seem like a daunting task, but with the right techniques and tools, you can easily make it look like new. Regular cleaning and conditioning, along with proper storage, will ensure that your leather jacket remains a timeless wardrobe staple.

See also: How to clean white shoes?



How to clean a leather jacket?

Source: Pinterest (One Good Thing by Jillee)


Steps to clean a leather jacket


Obtain all the required supplies before beginning the cleaning process. You will need a soft cloth or sponge, mild leather cleaner, distilled water, a clean towel and a leather conditioner. It’s important to avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials, as they can damage the leather.

Spot test

To ensure the leather cleaner you’re using doesn’t have any adverse effects on your jacket, perform a spot test. Apply a small amount of the cleaner on a discreet area, such as the inside lining or an inconspicuous corner. If there are no negative reactions, you can proceed with confidence.

Remove dust and debris

Begin by removing any dust or debris from the surface of the leather jacket. Gently brush off loose particles with a soft cloth or a soft-bristled brush. This step prevents dirt from settling into the leather during the cleaning process.

Clean the leather

Moisten a soft cloth or sponge with a small amount of mild leather cleaner. Rub the cloth or sponge in a circular motion to create a light lather. Start cleaning the jacket one section at a time, applying gentle pressure. Focus on areas with visible stains or dirt buildup. Avoid soaking the leather; instead, use a damp cloth to prevent excessive moisture.


How to clean a leather jacket?

Source: Pinterest (An Indigo Day)


Rinse and wipe

After cleaning each section, dampen another clean cloth with distilled water to rinse off the soap residue. Make sure to wring out any excess water to avoid over-wetting the leather. Wipe the jacket gently to remove the remaining cleaner and dirt. Repeat this process until you’ve cleaned the entire jacket.

Dry properly

To dry your leather jacket, use a clean towel to absorb excess moisture. Pat the jacket lightly, but avoid vigorous rubbing or wringing, as it may cause damage. Hang the jacket far from heat sources and direct sunshine in a space that is well-ventilated. Allow it to air dry naturally, as using a hairdryer or heater can lead to cracks and stiffness in the leather.

Conditioning and protection

Once the leather jacket is dry, it’s time to nourish and protect the leather. Apply a small amount of leather conditioner to a clean cloth and rub it into the jacket using circular motions. Conditioning helps restore the natural oils, suppleness and sheen of the leather. Overnight or for a few hours, let the leather absorb the conditioner.

Final touches

After the conditioner has been fully absorbed, use a dry, soft cloth to buff the leather gently. This step helps restore the jacket’s shine and removes any excess conditioner. If desired, you can also use a leather protector spray to add an extra layer of defence against stains and water damage.



My leather jacket has stains, how can I get them out?

To remove stains from your leather jacket, start by gently blotting the stain with a clean cloth or sponge. It's best not to rub the stain too hard because doing so will spread it. If the stain persists, use a mild leather cleaner and follow the cleaning process mentioned in the article.

Can I clean my leather jacket with water and soap?

It is generally not recommended to clean a leather jacket with water and soap as it can strip the natural oils from the leather, leading to dryness and damage. It is best to use a mild leather cleaner specifically designed for cleaning leather garments.

How often should I clean my leather jacket?

How often you use your leather jacket and the amount of filth or stains it gathers will determine how often you should clean it. As a general guideline, aim to clean it once or twice a year, or as needed if there are visible stains or dirt buildup.

Can I dry my leather jacket using a hairdryer?

Using a hairdryer or any direct source of heat to dry your leather jacket is not recommended. High heat can cause the leather to become brittle, crack or shrink. Let the jacket naturally dry instead, shielded from the sun and away from heat sources, in a space that is well-ventilated.

How do I prevent my leather jacket from drying out?

To prevent your leather jacket from drying out, it is important to regularly condition it. Apply a leather conditioner to the jacket every few months or as needed. Conditioning helps restore moisture and keeps the leather supple and soft.

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