How to clean vacuum cleaner?

Always store the vacuum cleaner in a cool and clean place and deep clean it once in 6 months.

When it comes to cleaning our home, the vacuum cleaner is definitely one of the best inventions ever. Not only does it help you avoid the unnecessary hassle that you face while cleaning the corners, but it also saves you a lot of time. This efficient machine removes all the dirt and dust from our homes, but we often forget to clean it, which results in dust accumulating inside the vacuum cleaner, reducing its overall efficiency. Check out this guide that tells you how to effectively clean your vacuum cleaner. 

See also: Collection of the best vacuum cleaners for home


Why should you clean the vacuum cleaner regularly?

  • Cleaning the vacuum cleaner improves its performance by creating better suction power.
  • Regularly cleaning and maintaining the vacuum cleaner helps increase its lifespan.
  • If your vacuum cleaner is dirty, instead of cleaning your space, it will release the dirt and dust back into the air, which can even cause several respiratory issues.


Vacuum cleaner cleaning: Steps involved


Start with the exterior

The first step is to unplug your vacuum cleaner and then disassemble all its components like the hose, nozzle, brush roll, etc. Disassembling the exterior helps in proper cleaning. 

The next step is to take a damp cloth and then wipe the exterior properly. Clean the handles, buttons and all other parts. Use a mild detergent to clean any stubborn stains. Be careful with the usage of water as it can cause electrical issues.

See also: Types of mops and their use


Clean the filter

Source: Pinterest (Family Handyman)

The vacuum cleaner’s filter determines how you are going to clean it. There are three types of filters: disposable filters, washable filters, and HEPA filters. If you are not sure about the filter type, you can refer to the vacuum cleaner’s user manual to determine it. Once you determine the type, here’s how you can clean them:


Disposable filters

Disposable filters are not meant to be cleaned, if they get dirty, they should be replaced. For replacements, you can refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for recommendations.


Washable filters

As the name suggests, you can wash these filters and let them dry before reinstalling them in the vacuum cleaner. 


HEPA filters

HEPA filters attract very tiny particles such as allergens. To clean them, you should probably read the manufacturer’s instructions. Generally, instead of cleaning, you should just replace them as cleaning won’t be that effective.

Clean the dustbin

In order to clean the dustbin, first empty it and then use a brush or a cloth to remove the dirt that is stuck inside. You can also wash the dust bin with warm water and soap solution if it is washable. Make sure it is completely dry before reinstalling it.


Clean the brush roll and nozzle

To clean the brush roll and nozzle, first remove all the stuck hair or other stuff. Make sure you do not end up damaging the brush roll bristles. Now clean the brush roll bearings to make sure your vacuum works efficiently.

Now that you have successfully cleaned your vacuum cleaner, reassemble all the parts and make sure you have secured everything. Now plug it in and test if it works efficiently and does not make any noise. 


Vacuum cleaner cleaning: Some tips

  • If your vacuum cleaner smells, use an anti-bacterial wipe to clean the insides thoroughly. Besides using wipes, you can also use a warm soap and water solution. 
  • Keep replacing the garbage bags regularly, and don’t wait for them to be completely full. 
  • Deep clean the vacuum cleaner once every six months. 
  • Always store the vacuum cleaner in a cool and clean place.



How often should I clean my vacuum cleaner?

You should clean your vacuum cleaner once every 2-3 months and deep clean it every six months.

Can I wash the entire vacuum cleaner with water?

The vacuum cleaner is an electrical device; washing it with water may damage it. It is best to read the manufacturer’s instructions to know which parts can be rinsed with water.

Do I need to lubricate the brush roll bearings?

Some brush roll bearings automatically lubricate themselves, but you can lubricate them with a drop of oil if they don’t have this option.

How do I prevent my vacuum cleaner from getting clogged?

To prevent your vacuum cleaner from getting clogged regularly, clean the brush roll and empty the garbage bags regularly.

When should I replace the vacuum cleaner’s filter?

You should replace the filter of the vacuum cleaner whenever you see signs of wear, and there is a reduction in the efficiency.

How do you clean the top of a vacuum?

A microfiber cloth helps in effective cleaning of the top of a vacuum cleaner.

How do you clean vacuum cleaner parts?

If the parts of the vacuum cleaner are detachable, remove them and soak them in soapy water. Brush, clean them, wipe and let them air dry and then fix back.

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