Impatiens Walleriana: Characteristics, Features, and Facts

Impatiens walleriana is a herbaceous perennial plant that appears in a variety of colours.

Gardening requires thorough familiarity with plant upkeep and propagation. After all the hard work, when the plant starts blooming, there will be some special feeling. But what can be the best plant to keep your garden decorated always? Well, you can try Impatiens walleriana, commonly known as busy Lizzie, which is a widespread plant with a variety of colours and shades.

The plant originated from the eastern part of Africa. If you want to bring life to your garden, do not hesitate to keep Impatiens walleriana in your garden. Some important details about Impatiens walleriana are provided in this article.

See also: Plumbago Auriculata: Tips on growing and caring for the plant


Impatiens walleriana: Key facts

Botanical name Impatiens walleriana
Family Balsaminaceae
Common name busy Lizzie, balsam, sultana
Plant type Herbaceous perennial plant
Native East Africa, including Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, and Mozambique
Leaf type  Broad lanceolate leaves of 3 to 12 cm
Flower Characteristics Colourful tender perennials
Varieties available Impatiens acaulis, Impatiens arguta, Impatiens bokorensis, Impatiens campanulata, Impatiens celebica, Impatiens dempoana, etc.
Height Up to 30 inches
Season Spring
Bloom time Spring and summer
Sun exposure Light to medium sunlight required
Ideal temperature Up to 75°F
Soil type Humus-rich, moist, and well-drained soil
Ideal location for placement Indoor areas, open gardens, rooftop gardens, etc.
Maintenance Does not need a huge amount of water
Fertilisation Fertilise every two weeks only if your tree is in a pot


Impatiens walleriana: Physical description

Impatiens walleriana, also known as busy Lizzie, is a plant usually available in the Eastern part of Africa, Kenya, etc. The plant is available in various colours. When kept in the shade, the flower blooms rapidly.

The plant height can go up to 2.5 metres, depending on the variety. Usually, leaves are dentate. Floral nectaries are always with the leaves. The flowers of this tree are zygomorphic. Flowers are a group of five free sepals.  Various colours, like red, white, violet, pink, etc., are available.


Impatiens walleriana: How to grow?

Impatiens can be the best garden plant. To enjoy the gorgeous flower of the impatiens, follow these steps properly.

  • Choose the time of plantation after the last spring season.
  • Find a perfect shady area where direct sunlight is not available. Also, the heavy wind should be away from the plant.
  • Soil should be well drained. The soil should have all kinds of major nutrients required for the plant.
  • In case you find out that nutrients are less in the soil, then add some to the soil and mix it properly.
  • Keep each plant six inches from the other, which will help grow the plant in a heavy bush shape.
  • Water regularly, but do not overwater.
  • The fertiliser level should be checked. If you know the soil has fewer nutrients, you must add fertiliser every two weeks.


Impatiens walleriana: Facts, features, and characteristics of busy Lizzie

Source: Pinterest


Impatiens walleriana: Maintenance tips

  • Impatiens walleriana does not need a huge amount of water. If clogged water is under the pot, the plant will collapse soon. It is called Downy mildew.
  • Downy mildew problems can happen due to cold night weather too. Keep the plant away from cold temperatures.
  • This plant may experience spider infestation, and you need to stop spiders from coming to the plant. To prevent spiders, you have to spray some insecticide occasionally.


Impatiens walleriana: Benefits

Impatiens walleriana has a few benefits that we have to take into consideration. Here you can find those benefits.

  • Impatiens juice is beneficial for skin issues. The juice is beneficial for treating a lot of skin diseases.
  • Impatiens plants are also helpful for reducing dandruff.
  • Impatiens plants are a good herb for getting rid of skin bites, bee stings, etc.
  • Torn nails can be treated with Impatiens juice or paste.


Impatiens walleriana: Facts, features, and characteristics of busy Lizzie

Source: Pinterest


Impatiens walleriana: Is this plant toxic?

Upon ingestion, it can be slightly toxic. It will be best to keep the plant away from small kids and pets.



What are some common names of Impatiens walleriana?

Some prominent common names of the impatiens walleriana are balsam, sultana, and busy Lizzie.

What is the main region where impatiens walleriana is found?

Impatiens walleriana is found mainly in the Eastern part of Africa.

What is the main issue in Impatiens walleriana?

Impatiens walleriana's main issue is downy mildew, and when it affects the plant, it quickly starts to collapse. To prevent this disease, make sure not to overwater the plant.

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