15 best Vastu plants for home

Here are some indoor plants Vastu tips, for nurturing suitable plants at home in specific locations, to bring good luck, peace and happiness.

Plants remove toxins from the air and make it cleaner and healthier to breathe. Plants also have favourable energies that boost the mood and help in relaxation. Plants connect us to the colour green that has healing qualities.

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Indoor plants and their effect on Vastu 


Benefits of indoor plants as per Vastu

As per Vastu, certain plants are considered auspicious as they remove negative energies and attract positive energies. Healthy plants, placed in the right direction, can attract abundance into your life. Vastu states that houseplants aid to maintain the flow and balance of energy in a household. They can also affect the health, affluence and fortune of the inhabitants. On the other hand, if the plants are not compliant with Vastu, they can attract negative vibrations and bad luck.


Indoor plants and their effect on Vastu


Here are the Vastu recommended indoor plants, which bring harmony, peace, prosperity and health to homeowners.

See also: Lucky plants for home: Plants that bring money and good luck


15 best Vastu plants for home

Discover the most beneficial plants for home according to Vastu Shastra. 

Best indoor plants as per Vastu #1: Tulsi

Indoor plants and their effect on Vastu


The tulsi plant is described as a form of goddess Lakshmi in the Vedas. The tulsi plant is auspicious for the financial, mental and physical health of the family. Vastu suggests a tulsi plant at home brings harmony, happiness and spirituality. Tulsi is also known as a mosquito repellent and has medicinal properties. The ideal place for the plant is in the east. You can also place it on the balcony or near the window in the north or the northeast. Ensure sufficient sunlight is available to the plant.


Best indoor plants as per Vastu #2: Lucky bamboo

Indoor plants and their effect on Vastu


Bamboo plants are considered lucky according to Vastu Shastra and Feng Shui. Keeping bamboo plants at home leads to good luck, wealth and fortune. The lucky bamboo plant attracts well-being when placed in the east. It invites money and wealth when placed in the southeast. Keep bamboo plants at the centre of the dining table to boost positive energy and attract abundance. A six-stalk plant attracts prosperity. A seven-stalk bamboo symbolises good health. An eight-stalk bamboo brings growth and prosperity.

See also: Wall clock direction as per Vastu


Best indoor plants as per Vastu #3: Money plant

Indoor plants and their effect on Vastu


True to its name, the money plant is associated with wealth and prosperity. Money plants help remove obstacles in financial growth. It is believed that having a money plant at home brings good luck, happiness and positive energy and protects against evil eyes. Vastu states that you should keep a money plant indoors in the southeast of the living room for positive energies as Ganesha is the god of the southeast. Avoid placing the money plant in the northeast. Ensure that the vines do not grow to spread their leaves on the floor. Use threads or climbers so that the plant grows vertically upwards. A dried money plant is the symbol of misfortune. Never keep it at home. Avoid placing your money plant near the kitchen.

See also: 10 beneficial Feng Shui plants for your home


Best indoor plants as per Vastu #4: Jade

Indoor plants and their effect on Vastu


The jade plant is associated with positive energy, growth and prosperity in Vastu Shastra and Feng Shui. East, southeast, west and northwest are ideal directions to keep the jade plant. You can also keep this plant near the entrance to invite success and blessing. The dining room table, reflected in a mirror on the opposite side, is apt for a jade plant to bring abundance as the leaves resemble jade stones that symbolise wealth and prosperity. For good health keep a healthy jade plant in the east. Never keep the jade plant in a bathroom or bedroom.


Best indoor plants as per Vastu #5: Snake plant

Indoor plants and their effect on Vastu


Snake plants spread positive energy and make an environment healthy by absorbing toxins and removing carbon dioxide. As per Vastu, keep the snake plant in the southeast. It aids in reducing stress and promoting a positive ambience. When placed near the window, it advances the oxygen stream and creates a calm ambience as it is regarded as one of the top air-purifying plants. As it releases oxygen in the night it is an ideal bedroom plant.

See also: How to set bed direction as per Vastu


Best indoor plants as per Vastu #6: Peace lily

Indoor plants and their effect on Vastu


Peace lily, as per Vastu, is the symbol of love, peace and harmony. It keeps away negative energy and attracts good vibes. It is an air-purifying plant that signifies hope and healing. The best place to keep this plant is near a bedroom window. Keeping it in the bedroom can aid peaceful sleeping and benefit those who have insomnia.


Best indoor plants as per Vastu #7: Rubber plant

Indoor plants and their effect on Vastu


The rubber plant or rubber tree plant is one of the popular Vastu indoor plants. The rubber plant represents wealth and fortune even in Feng Shui, as its rounded leaves resemble coins. When placed in the home, it is believed to provide abundance. This plant removes toxins and improves the air quality. You must keep this plant in the southwest of the living room to get the best results.

 Also read all about Vastu plants for the home and garden


Best indoor plants as per Vastu #8: Aloe vera

Indoor plants and their effect on Vastu


Aloe vera has been lauded for its healing and medicinal qualities. The aloe vera plant brings good luck and positive energy to homes. It is believed that the energy it releases can fight off bad vibes and bad fortune and add protective energies. Vastu suggests placing the aloe vera plant in the east or the north of the house. You can also place this plant within two to three feet of your computer to filter electromagnetic energies.


Best indoor plants as per Vastu #9: Areca palm

Indoor plants and their effect on Vastu


Areca palm attracts positive energy, neutralises negative energy and brings prosperity, peace and wealth into a home. The areca palm plant reduces air pollution, increases air humidity and helps in overcoming dryness. According to Feng Shui, place it in the north, east, southeast or south corners of the home.


Best indoor plants as per Vastu #10: Rose

Indoor plants and their effect on Vastu


Blooming flowers bring feelings of vitality, improve mental health, lift the spirit and brings happiness. The rose symbolises love and passion. It is also believed to attract healing and luck. Alhough Vastu Shastra forbids thorny plants like a cactus, the rose plant is an exception due to its numerous benefits. Rose should be grown in the southwest corner of the house.


Best indoor plants as per Vastu #11: Jasmine

Indoor plants and their effect on Vastu


As per Vastu, the jasmine plant attracts positive energy and calms the nerves. The flowers are fragrant and bring positivity to the surroundings. It also helps maintain harmony in romantic relationships. It is the much-loved flower of Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva. Jasmine is an effective Feng Shui houseplant that improves relationships. Place the plant near a south-facing window.


Best indoor plants as per Vastu #12: Chrysanthemum

Indoor plants and their effect on Vastu


Chrysanthemum symbolises happiness, optimism, positive energy and good luck. Buddhists use this flower for offerings on altars. Symbolic of powerful positive energy, this flower attracts good luck and well-being in the home. The chrysanthemum is best placed in the living room of the house, but never in the bedroom.


Best indoor plants as per Vastu #13: Lavender

Indoor plants and their effect on Vastu


Lavender is notable for its aroma and therapeutic qualities. The lovely, floral fragrance that lavender flowers emit promotes good health, healing, happiness and relaxation, as per Feng Shui. The colour purple also symbolises wealth and prosperity. This Vastu plant attracts inspirational tones and calms down frayed nerves. Keeping a lavender plant in the bedroom is suggested for improving marital happiness. Keep the lavender plant in the north, east or northeast.


Best indoor plants as per Vastu #14: Daffodil

Indoor plants for home as per vastu

Source: Pinterest

The daffodil flower ranks among the finest Vastu plants for home, representing virtues of faith, truth and forgiveness according to Vastu Shastra. To harness its positive energies to the fullest, it is recommended to plant daffodils in the north or northeast direction of your house. This auspicious plant is believed to bestow good fortune and luck upon the household and its occupants. When selecting a daffodil plant, avoid the dwarfed variety, as it may lack the expansive positivity associated with its larger counterparts


Best indoor plants as per Vastu #15: Orchids

Indoor plants for home as per vastu2

Source: Pinterest


Orchids (Orchidaceae family) are esteemed symbols of success and abundance. Adding orchids as Vastu plants to your home can infuse your living space with positive vibes and symbolise the flourishing growth of your entire family. These exquisite flowers not only add elegance to your indoor decor but also radiate an aura of prosperity and well-being. Including orchids in your living environment aligns with Vastu principles, inviting good fortune and harmony into your home.


Also read: Indoor water plants: How to grow indoor houseplants in water?


Vastu plants to avoid in home 

Introducing Vastu plants and trees into your home is a great way to enhance its ambiance and attract positive energy. However, according to Vastu Shastra, there are specific plants that should not be planted inside your home. Here are some examples:

  • Tamarind: Vastu suggests that tamarind trees can attract evil spirits or negative energy inside homes.
  • Acacia Arabica or Babool: Babool should always be planted outside the home as per Vastu Shastra. Planting it indoors can have a negative impact on relationships.
  • Date Palm: Keeping date palm trees inside the home is not advisable according to Vastu Shastra, as they are believed to bring poverty.
  • Cactus: Vastu advises against keeping cactus plants indoors as they are believed to emit negative energies. The sharp and prickly nature of cactus plants is associated with bringing misfortunes, stress, and anxiety.
  • Cotton Plant: Growing a cotton plant inside your house is discouraged. According to Vastu, it may invite unfavourable conditions and bad luck.
  • Bonsai: Keeping bonsai or artificially dwarfed plants inside the house is considered inauspicious according to Vastu Shastra. It is believed to hinder family growth and may even lead to health problems for family members. It is recommended to place bonsai in open spaces like a verandah.


Indoor plants Vastu: Dos and don’ts

  • Always select healthy plants with vibrant foliage to bring good energy to your spaces.


Indoor plants and their effect on Vastu


  • Thorny plants, such as cactus, should not be kept at home. They attract negative energy, bad luck and impact family bonding.
  • Remove dry, wilted or dead flowers and leaves regularly.


Indoor plants and their effect on Vastu


  • Avoid using chipped or cracked pots.


Indoor plants and their effect on Vastu


  • Bonsai plants are believed to have stunted energy and lead to stagnation of wealth when placed indoors.


Indoor plants and their effect on Vastu


  • Keep the leaves dust-free. Clean plants with a wet sponge regularly. If you have big plants wash the leaves.
  • While the best energy is obtained from potted plants, fresh-cut flowers in a vase can also clear the vibes of the rooms that have energy deficits.


Indoor plants and their effect on Vastu

 see also about: Parsley Leaves

  • Do not grow banyan or peepal indoors. According to Vastu, avoid growing big plants in the northeast of the house.


Indoor plants and their effect on Vastu


Where to place Vastu plants for home?

When incorporating Vastu plants into your home, it’s essential to follow specific guidelines for their placement:

  • Avoid planting trees in the Northeast corner of your house.


  • Be cautious when selecting plants that release sap, as they may not be suitable for Vastu purposes.


  • Avoid planting large trees like banyan or peepal close to your home, as their deep roots can potentially damage the foundation.


  • Ensure that the growth of large trees does not obstruct the morning sunlight.


  • If you intend to plant coconut trees, do so in the South-west direction of your house. Ensure that their shadows do not fall on your home.


  • Avoid placing thorny plants inside your house, except for the rose plant, which is an exception to this rule.


  • If you wish to plant a banana tree, it is advisable to do so in the Northeast zone of your house. This is believed to promote good health and positive energy within your home.


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Incorporating Vastu plants into your home can significantly enhance its ambiance and promote positive energy flow. These plants not only serve as natural air purifiers but also symbolise various virtues and attributes that align with Vastu principles. From attracting wealth and prosperity to fostering love, harmony and well-being, Vastu plants play a crucial role in creating a harmonious living environment. By carefully selecting and placing Vastu plants according to the guidelines provided, you can harness their beneficial energies to improve various aspects of your life.

Whether it’s the auspicious Tulsi plant bringing harmony and spirituality or the tranquil Peace Lily promoting love and healing, each plant carries its own unique significance. Furthermore, adhering to dos and don’ts outlined for indoor plants in Vastu ensures that your home remains filled with positive vibrations while avoiding any negative influences. Remember, the right selection and placement of Vastu plants can truly transform your home into a sanctuary of positivity and abundance, inviting blessings and good fortune into your life.



Which plants can be kept in the bedroom as per Vastu?

Keep only a few plants in the bedroom. A lavender plant in the bedroom improves marital happiness and its fragrance can relax and soothe the senses. Bamboo, money plant and snake plant can be kept in the bedroom. Keep money plant on the left or right side of the bed but away from the footrest or headrest.

Which plants are best for the kitchen as per Vastu?

As per Vastu, you can grow tulsi, thyme, parsley, rosemary, ajwain, mint, coriander or any other herb in the kitchen.

Which plants can be kept in the bathroom as per Vastu?

Greenery in the bathroom can absorb negative energy. Money plant is ideal for a bathroom as it can withstand the warm and humid conditions of the bathroom. One can also keep snake plants, ZZ plants, aloe vera and spider plants in the bathroom. Pick plants that thrive in high humidity and can tolerate moist air. If the bathroom does not have a window for sunlight, keep plants out of the bathroom for a couple of days and expose them to sunlight a few times a week.

Which are the best Vastu plants for home entrance?

Jasmine, Basil, Morning Glory, Citrus Tree and Money Plant are considered auspicious for the entrance.

Which Vastu plants for home are the best for living room?

ZZ Plant, Anthurium, Peace Lily, Pothos and Snake Plant are recommended for living rooms.

Which plants should be avoided in homes as per Vastu principles?

Cotton Plants, Bonsai, Tamarind, dead plants and Weeping Figs are believed to bring negative energy.

Which Vastu plants for home are suitable for balconies?

Money Plant, Tulsi Plant, Dracaena, Mint, Jade, Aloe Vera and Peace Lily are considered fortunate for balconies.

Are there Vastu plants for home with medicinal properties?

Yes, plants like Aloe Vera, Tulsi, Gota Kalu, Basil, Calendula, Thyme, Lavender, Rosemary, Fenugreek, Peppermint, Sage Plant, Lemon Balm, Lemon Grass, Globe Artichoke, Ashwagandha, Tea Tree and Khus have medicinal value.

Which Vastu plants for home are associated with attracting wealth?

Shami plants and Money plants are believed to attract prosperity and wealth to the home.

What indoor plants absorb negative energy according to Vastu?

Snake plants, lucky bamboo, money plants and jasmine plants are known for their ability to absorb negative energy in the house.

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