Best indoor plants for small rooms and apartments

We list some indoor plants that are ideal to be placed inside a small apartment, room or your dorm

Who does not like adding a tinge of nature to their home décor? However, for people staying in cities like Mumbai, where apartment sizes are small, placing a plant at an apt place can be a challenge. The only solution is to choose indoor plants that can thrive in limited spaces, with minimal sunshine and care. The thumb rule is to opt for small pots and plants with small branches, so that the place does not look cluttered. If you have a spare wall near the balcony, you can also use the vertical space to plant climbers, as this will leave a lot of ground area while adding lots of greenery in the house. The oxalis plant is also an indoor plant. Learn more here.

Here is a list of indoor plants that are available easily in India, which you can plant in a small studio apartment or your hostel room.


Snake plant

snake plant


These are some of the most tolerant plants available and they can live for days, with very low amounts of water and sunlight. They do not lose their shape or look easily and are great for people who do not know much about gardening, as they can thrive almost anywhere. They also act as a natural air purifier by removing toxins from the atmosphere. Since these are low-maintenance and relatively inexpensive, this is the most preferred plant for people who do not have much time to take care of plants.

See also: A guide to selecting plants that bring money and good luck


Peace lily

Peace lily


This is another low growing plant with dark, glossy, green leaves and pure white, large flowers. Peace lilies do not need direct sunlight and can be placed where there is ample light. This plant is capable of growing in decorative indoor pots, since it is a perennial herb. It does not require a lot of watering and when it does, you can see its leaves drooping. This is another natural air purifier which breaks down the toxic gases in the atmosphere such as benzene, formaldehyde and carbon monoxide.


Money plant

Money plant


Money plants are among the most favourite indoor plants for many home owners, as they are easy to maintain, easy to plant and do not require much water. If you have planted money plants in water, you may have to replenish the water once a week. Money plants are popular climbers and can be placed along the wall, so that they grow easily with the support of the wall. These are also natural air purifiers and clean toxic elements from the air.

Also read our article on how to add greenery to a small space with vertical gardens


Jade plant

Jade plant


Jade is another evergreen plant and has a lifespan of around two years. Since it is also a low-maintenance plant, you do not have to water it often or keep it under direct sunlight. Jade has delicate pink and white flowers, which add to the beauty of the plant. They are highly resilient and easy to grow indoors, as it adapts well to the warm and dry air.

See also: Maintenance aspect and laws governing home plantation


Golden pothos

Golden pothos


This is another leafy green indoor plant that adds liveliness to your interiors. They are ideal for hanging baskets or can be planted as climbers. They can survive in low-light conditions as well but it may result in smaller size of leaves. Pothos are considered very lucky as per Vastu, as it creates a very pleasing environment in the home. They are easy to plant and require low maintenance.


Bamboo plant

Bamboo plant


Bamboo plants are considered very lucky for homes, as per Feng Shui. They are easy to maintain and do not need direct sunlight. They can easily grow in clear water or in soil. If you are planning to plant it in water, you may have to replenish it every two weeks. The lucky bamboo plant is one of the very popular plants found in Indian homes. They are easy to find and are relatively inexpensive.

Also read: Vastu tips for bamboo plants for home



Which indoor plants are good for home?

You should opt for plants which have air purifying properties such as jade, peace lily or money plant.

Which indoor plant is the cheapest?

Money plants are available at the cheapest price. You can also cut a stem and place it in water or soil and it can grow from it.

Which indoor plant will grow?

Provided the plants get proper light and water, all indoor plants grow at normal speed.


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