Jackfruit tree: How to grow and care for it?

Jackfruit is a fruit which is used to make curries and stews

Jackfruit tree’s scientific name is Artocarpus Heterophyllus. It is a fruit grown in Southeast Asia and the Indian Subcontinent. Although it is sometimes called a vegetable, it does not belong to the vegetables category at all. 

The jackfruit grows in clusters with several large, green to brownish-black seeds inside each cluster. The leaves are large and can be used as greens in salads and stir-fries. The fruit itself can be eaten plain or cooked in curries or stews.

The jackfruit can be eaten fresh or cooked. The jackfruit is enormous, it can weigh up to 35 Kg. Jackfruits have a bright yellow interior when ripe, and most of them consist of large pods. The seeds of jackfruit can be removed once the pods are separated from the rind and core, leaving only the sweet, yellow flesh. Although the seeds are edible too.


See also: Mango: What makes India’s national fruit so special?


Jackfruit: Know how to grow and care for this fruit 1

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What is a jackfruit tree?

A tropical jackfruit tree is a large evergreen treat that produces edible fruit known as jackfruit. This tree grows at a fast rate and new trees begin producing fruit in just a few years. It has a fairly straight trunk that features reddish-brown bark. The trunk bears large branches with green glossy leaves that are nearly 8 inches in length. Jackfruit trees produce vibrant green flowers during the fall. Its fruits are kidney bean shaped and yellow-green in colour. The inside of the fruits feature yellow flesh with a mildly sweet taste.


Jackfruit: Quick facts

Plant name Jackfruit
Botanical name Artocarpus Heterophyllus
Genus Artocarpus
Kingdom Plantae
Clade Tracheophytes
Order Rosales
Species A. Heterophyllus
Family Moraceae
Life cycle Perennial
Cultivation South Asia, South East Asia
Benefits Edible and medicinal uses


What does jackfruit taste like?

Like bananas, mangoes, and pineapples, jackfruit is dense and fibrous. It has a distinctive taste, however. A jackfruit is sometimes described as sweet, while others say it tastes like pulled pork.


Jackfruit tree: Physical description

Jackfruit: Know how to grow and care for this fruit 2

Source: Pinterest


The jackfruit is an Indian and Southeast Asian fruit. It’s a large tree that can grow up to 40 feet tall, with a trunk diameter of 4 inches. Jackfruit belongs to the Moraceae plant family. It is green or yellow and has spiky outer skin.

In addition to its unusually large size, jackfruit is the largest tree fruit in the world and can weigh up to 35 kilograms. The Jackfruit tastes like apple, pineapple, mango, and banana blended.


Jackfruit tree: Varieties

There are many different varieties of jackfruit available. These include: 

  • ‘Black Gold’, which produces a high yield of medium-size fruits.
  • ‘Dang Rasimi’, which produces a very high yield of medium- to large-size fruits.
  • ‘Gold Nugget’, which produces a high yield of small-size fruits.
  • ‘Lemon Gold’, which produces an average yield of small- to medium-size fruits.
  • ‘Kun Wi Chan’, which produces a high yield of large-size fruits.


Jackfruit tree: How to propagate?

First, you need to determine whether your jackfruit plant is male or female. The pollen from male flowers needs to be rubbed on the female flower if there are male flowers on the stalk. Pollen from male flowers will fertilise the female flower, which will produce seeds.

Start with a healthy plant. Jackfruits can be propagated from seeds. Seeds are great for beginners because they are easier to grow and tend to produce tall, mature plants than cuttings. Seeds are also less expensive than cuttings and can be stored for many years before they need to be planted again.

Plant your seedlings in a container with good drainage. The soil will not only prevent the roots from drying out but also ensure that your plants won’t rot from diseases or bugs infesting their roots.

Water regularly until the seedlings reach 3-5 inches in height. Once this happens, reduce the amount of water by half each week until it reaches about one inch per week. You should never allow the soil to dry out completely between irrigations. You may also apply fertiliser every few weeks during this period if need be. 


Jackfruit tree: Care tips

  • Do not plant in direct sunlight or in an area where it will be exposed to the cold.
  • Handle the fruits with care so that they do not get bruised. If you need to move them, use a paper bag to protect them from dirt and dust.
  • Water the soil until it is completely wet, but do not allow it to become soggy or damp because this can lead to root rot.
  • Use a sharp knife to cut off any leaves that are brown or dead,  this means they are diseased. Also, prune any branches which grow too close together, so they do not touch each other while growing.
  • Watch out for insects that could harm the plant, such as aphids.


Jackfruit tree: Uses

  • Jackfruit is used in a variety of ways across the globe. In India, it is used to make curries, pickles and desserts like halwa and payasam.
  • In Thailand, jackfruit is used to make curry paste or soup base. 
  • In Sri Lanka, people use jackfruit to make noodles called pulusu. 
  • In Indonesia and Malaysia, people eat jackfruit raw as an accompaniment for meat dishes like satay (barbecued skewers of meat).
  • Aside from this, jackfruit contains some protein, which may help lower blood sugar levels after eating.
  • Studies have found that jackfruit leaf extract can reduce fasting blood glucose levels and maintain long-term control of blood sugar levels. Jackfruit, especially the seeds, also contain soluble and insoluble fibres.
  • Prebiotics are also found in jackfruit seeds, which can support the growth of helpful bacteria in the digestive system.


Jackfruit tree: Toxicity

Jackfruit is safe for consumption, as it has never been reported to cause serious side effects. With the exception of individuals who are allergic to it, eating jackfruit does not pose any major health risks.



What are the health benefits of eating jackfruit?

In addition to vitamin C and dietary fibre, jackfruit has many other nutrients as well. This tropical fruit contains potassium, which may help lower blood pressure, which can reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and bone loss.

Is jackfruit not suitable for everyone?

Jackfruit can cause allergic reactions in some people, especially those allergic to birch pollen.

How does jackfruit taste?

Like bananas, mangoes, and pineapples, jackfruit is dense and fibrous. It has a distinctive taste, however. A jackfruit is sometimes described as sweet, while others say it tastes like pulled pork.


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