MCD passes proposal on properties ‘booked for action’

If additional floors have been constructed at a property whose building plan has previously been cleared, owners of such properties will be able to get them regularised.

March 4, 2024: The Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) House has given clearance for the proposal on booked properties on February 26, 2024, according to media reports. With this, citizens of Delhi will be able to get their properties that have been booked for action ‘regularised’ by getting building sanction plans approved and ‘illegal constructions removed’.

As cited in media reports, Delhi Mayor Shelly Oberoi said during a press conference that the move will benefit lakhs of people and corruption in installing electricity metres at such properties will be stopped.


What is property booked for action?

An official letter, as per reports, stated that booking refers to a property getting ‘booked for action’ and if an alteration or addition to an existing building is found violative of the approved building plan, the illegal part is marked for demolition.


Process for getting properties regularised

According to a statement issued by the mayor’s office, people will be able to get their booked property regularised by getting the building sanction plan passed and illegal constructions removed. The officers will have to do this work of the people with transparency and within the stipulated time limit.

If additional floors have been constructed at a property whose building plan has previously been cleared, owners of such properties will be able to get them regularised. This could be done either by removing illegal construction or by getting the building plan approved again to keep it in compliance with the building plan in the area. The mayor said that such regularisations will require sanction from the authorities.  

The assessing officer and the Building department will be accountable to each other and will have to reply to each other within 15 days, as per media reports.

Further, the zonal deputy commissioner and the superintendent engineer will ensure that if there is any change in any building, the same will have to be informed to the Electricity department and the Delhi Jal Board,” under Section 491 of the Delhi Municipal Corporation Act, the statement said.


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