Murraya Paniculata: Compact, fragrant shrub for small gardens

In this article, we tell you all about Murraya paniculata, including how to take care of it at home

Is Murraya paniculata an indoor or outdoor plant?

Orange jasmine, China Box, Mock Orange and Orange Jessamine are the common names of Murraya paniculata. Although Murraya paniculata are small shrubs or trees and are grown outdoors, they can also grow in indoor pots. Commonly found in South-East Asia and Australia, Murraya paniculata is called Kamini in India and can grow up to 7 metres.

See also: Why is cape jasmine a flower of choice across Indian homes?


All about Murraya Paniculata and how to take care of them


The Murraya paniculata plant has red berries and white flowers with a nice, soft smell.


All about Murraya Paniculata and how to take care of them


What are the benefits of a Murraya paniculata plant?

Murraya paniculata  is an easy-to-maintain plant is very useful. Its leaves, flowers, roots and root barks are widely used for various purposes.

  • Murraya paniculata flowers are used as a tea agent for green teas.
  • Murraya paniculata leaves are used as a spice to flavour curries.
  • Murraya paniculata is used as an important ingredient in medicines to cure diarrhoea, swellings and snake bite.
  • Murraya paniculata flowers are used for making perfumes and the wood is used for cosmetics.

Read also: Jasminum grandiflorum: Bring the Spanish jasmine to your home


How to grow Murraya Paniculata

  • Murraya paniculata can be planted either by seeds or by propagation. The second method is easier and faster.
  • Take a cutting of the Murraya paniculata, remove the leaves from the base and plant it in a warm environment with little sand or peat compost. Once the roots appear, plant the Murraya paniculata in a pot.
  • For planting Murraya paniculata, take a pot and make a small hole at the bottom for the water to drain.
  • Place the Murraya paniculata in the pot, keeping sufficient distance between the roots and the pot base.
  • Fill the Murraya Paniculata pot with mudand manure and water it. Place it where it can get abundant sunlight.
  • Prune the Murraya paniculata once in a while. The bonsai version of the Murraya paniculata is sought after and makes for a great ornamental plant.


All about Murraya Paniculata and how to take care of them


  • Re-pot the Murraya paniculata, once the plant outgrows its old container. While repotting take care of the roots of the Murraya paniculate, which are very delicate.

How to care Murraya Paniculata

Taking care of Murraya paniculata includes regular sunlight, watering, giving plant food, keeping it in proper temperature conditions, pruning it. Basically, giving it an excellent growth environment. Mentioned are some tips.

Time frame of watering a Murraya paniculata plant

Murraya paniculata have to be watered only enough to keep the soil moist. Avoid water logging or else the root will start to rot. Once in two weeks is a good routine to water the Murraya paniculata plant. However, there is a difference in watering frequency for Murraya paniculata plants in pots and on the ground. Murraya paniculata plants in pots have to be watered more frequently; maybe once a week. Before watering, let the plant dry a little.

Also read about the Arabian Jasmine, its significance, uses, care and maintenance tips

How to maintain Murraya Paniculata

Lay mulch in the Murraya Paniculata plant every spring. During dry season, ensure that you water Murraya as they will otherwise shed their leaves. Also, Murayya Paniculata is a sun-friendly plant and prefers being in the sun always or sometimes is ok with part shade.




How to ensure that the Murraya paniculata plant grows faster?

Murraya paniculata plants grow faster if they are watered properly and given proper fertilisers.

Do Murraya paniculata plants need a lot of sunlight?

Murraya paniculata loves warm climates and grows well when exposed to good amounts of sunlight.


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