Orchid Tree: Growing and Care Tips for Healthy Blossoms

Bauhinia variegata or orchid trees are known for their beautiful flowers, which come in different colours, depending on the species of the tree.

Known for its beautiful flowers, the Bauhinia variegata (orchid tree) is a tiny, partially evergreen shrub or tree with a dense canopy of leaves, which are a lighter shade of green. The orchid tree blooms fully in late winter and early spring. The colour of the showy flowers varies from pink, purple, red, orange, to even yellow, depending on their species. It grows to 40 feet tall and around 6-10 metres wide. This tree is native to India and China. The tree has multiple species and has a- long lifespan.

See also: Zephyranthes Carinata: Learn how to grow and care for the silver flower orchid


Orchid tree: Key facts

Botanical name Bauhinia variegata
Common name Orchid tree
Family Fabaceae (Legume)
Native area Native to China and Southeast Asia
Plant type Flower Tree
Mature size 20-40 feet
Sun exposure Full sun to partial shade
Soil type Slightly acid, basic, and neutral soils
Bloom time Early spring and late winter
Flower size 8-12 cm
Flower colour Pink, purple, yellow, red, orange, white
Toxic Non-toxic to humans and animals


Orchid tree: Physical description

The orchid tree (Bauhinia variegata) is native to China and parts of Southeast Asia to the Indian subcontinent. They are also grown in Hawaii and Texas-the places that provide enough warmth for their growth. This tree is famous for its beautiful-looking flowers that bloom in various colours, such as pink, red, purple, white, and yellow, depending on its growing conditions and species. The flowers (around 7 cm) grow in small clusters near the tree’s stem and contain five petals that look like claws.

Its leaves and wood also have multiple uses, making it a beneficial tree to grow. The tree can reach up to 40 feet from the ground and has a width of 6-10 m. The leaves are light green and are 15-20 cm in length, with deep splits at their base and apex, which resembles a butterfly’s wings and provides good foliage for the tree’s structure. Partially evergreen, the tree blooms beautifully in late winter and early spring/summer. The foliage tends to drop in the fall, or they may also preserve themselves during the harsh winters. Chinese use the orchid flowers in medicines; the flowers can help relieve stress and improve eyesight and skin quality.


Orchid tree: How to grow and care for it?

Source: Pinterest


Orchid tree: Types

You can differentiate between orchid trees by the colour of the flowers. Some are pink; others are purple or red, white or yellow. Here are the major types of orchid trees.

Yellow bauhinia

  • Bright yellow flowers
  • Native to African states, Sri Lanka and India
  • Can grow as high as 13 feet

Red orchid bush

  • Grows bright strawberry-like flowers
  • Famous in South Africa
  • Can grow up to 15 feet tall

White orchid

  • Found in Brazil
  • Flowers are snowy white

Purple orchid

  • Grown in Myanmar and Hawaii
  • Also called ‘camel’s foot’ due to its shape
  • Flowers are bright purple
  • Can grow up to 35 feet tall

Hong Kong orchid

  • The flower is the national symbol of Hong Kong and represents peace
  • Has an incredible aroma
  • Flowers are pink in colour


Orchid tree: How to grow it?

If you wish to grow a beautiful orchid tree, you can either propagate them by cutting and grafting or grow them via seeds.

Growing orchid trees from seeds

  • Collect mature seeds from the tree’s pods.
  • Scar the seed’s hard outer coat with a knife or sandpaper to allow water penetration.
  • Let the seeds soak in warm water for 24 hours.
  • Place the soaked seeds in a pot with well-mixed soil filled up to three-fourths of the edge.
  • Plant the seeds one inch deep.
  • Keep the pots in a shady, warm place.
  • The soil must be kept moist but not waterlogged.
  • The seeds cannot handle frost, so bring them inside during winter.
  • In 3-4 weeks, the seeds will sprout.
  • Shift the seedlings into the garden after the weather gets warm.


Growing orchid trees using cuttings

  • Summers are the best time to collect tree cuttings for propagation.
  • Cut a branch at least 6 inches from a hard tree of the current year.
  • The cutting is called semi-hardwood/semi-ripe.
  • Place the cutting in a plastic bag until you are ready to plant it.
  • Once planting season arrives in early spring, pour filtered sand into a big pot.
  • Water the pot until extra water gets out of the draining hole below.
  • Remove all the excess leaves from the cutting apart from the top two.
  • Poke a hole in the sand big enough to plant the cuttings.
  • Use a rooting hormone mix to dip the cutting’s end and insert it in the hole.
  • Make sure a minimum of two leaf nodes get buried under the sand.
  • Fill the remaining space with extra sand mix and pat the surface evenly.
  • Place the pot on a plastic sheet and then place it on a heating mat (70 degrees) to amplify the process.
  • Keep the top of the pot open to allow air circulation.
  • Keep spraying the soil with water once it starts drying out.
  • Once new growth is observed, remove the pot from the heating mat and plastic.
  • Place the pot directly under the sun and plant the new small plant on the ground once winter passes.


Orchid tree: How to prune it?

Pruning any plant or tree is a widespread practice by farmers/gardeners that allows new produce to generate. The timing of pruning is crucial. For an orchid tree, the time after late summer is the best for the process, as the flowers have already fully bloomed. Remove the rotten or unhealthy flowers from the barks to allow new ones to sprout. You can remove dead branches and leaves any time of the year. To give an excellent shape to your tree, prune them carefully. Cut excessive shoots but let the main stem or shoots remain.


How to harvest orchid flowers?

Start by using a good-quality water pick and fill it with a flower-preserving solution found in the market. Use one water pick for every individual flower you wish to harvest. Plant the picks next to the plant. In another bowl, add one part bleach and nine parts water. Mix the solution with a spoon and dip a sharp-edged knife’s blade in the solution for ten seconds. Let the excess liquid fall down, then let the edge air dry.

Dropping the blade in a bleach solution sterilises it and prevents bacteria from attaching to the stems. Now select the flower that sprouted at least four days ago. Cut through the flower’s stem, just above the point where it joins the giant branch. Insert the cut end of the flower in the water pick’s cap through the centre immediately. Let the stem be dipped far into the water pick’s solution. Then, place those collected flowers in a fridge. Keep checking on the flowers every three hours to ensure that the water pick doesn’t get empty of its solution. Store the flowers in that cold fridge until required.


Orchid tree: How to grow and care for it?

Source: Pinterest


Orchid tree: Yield

Each orchid plant only produces around ten stalks full of flowers. If you plant 50,000 trees per acre, they will yield 50,000 stalks of flowers per year- an average of 1400 stalks per day. Since the flowers have a low shelf life, the orchids need to be sold quickly to earn profits. Orchids also require more investment as their growing methods differ from the other plants. Investment needed for an orchid farm can go up to 6 million.

see also: Silver tree or Leucadendron argenteum: How to grow and care for it?

How to care for Orchid trees?

  • It grows best in warm places as the tree cannot stand frosting.
  • It grows best in full sunlight. Keep inside during harsh winters.
  • It requires moist and wee-drained soil.
  • It needs pruning throughout the year, and flowers must be pruned after the blooming season.
  • They are usually pest-free but keep an eye out for aphids.
  • Use local landscape fertiliser rich in nitrogen.


Orchid tree: Benefits

  • Orchid trees have anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, anti-microbial, anticancer, antidiabetic, antioxidant, and nootropic properties.
  • The bark of the tree is astringent, along with being tonic and alternative.
  • The bark can cure diarrhoea, skin irritation, ulcers, and scrofula.
  • The tree’s bark is also used in the dyeing business as it provides various shades of brown.
  • The flower buds of the orchid tree are used in many Indian dishes.
  • In India, the roots are widely used for dyspepsia and as an antidote to cure snake bites.

see also: Parijat Tree: Benefits And How To Take Care Of Them

Orchid tree: Toxicity

An orchid tree is non-toxic. The various parts of trees are not at all harmful to humans or animals. The flowers and leaves are edible and used in many healthy dishes in India.

see also: Types of palm trees


How are orchids beneficial to humans?

Growing an orchid tree around your home or workplace helps improve the air quality in that area. The flowers symbolise faith, peace, and humility. They are also believed to bring good luck.

How often should one water the orchid tree?

Water the tree once a week during cold weather. When it gets warm, water them twice a day.

What is the lifespan of an orchid tree?

A healthy orchid tree can live up to 20 years, depending on various factors such as the environment, maintenance, and type.

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