5 plants that can boost the value of your home

Not only will your home look more inviting, but also turn a basic backyard into a stunning selling feature.

Looking to enhance your home’s value with a touch of green? Landscaping with the right plants can not only transform your garden into a picturesque sanctuary but can also significantly increase your property’s market value. Whether you are preparing to sell or simply investing in your home’s future, choosing the right plants is key. In this article, we will explore five plants that are renowned for boosting the value of your home and enriching your outdoor living space, making your home more desirable to potential buyers. 

See also: 10 low-maintenance outdoor plants


Tree Ferns

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Source: Pinterest/Crocus


Tree ferns are majestic and can turn any garden into a lush oasis. These plants are particularly appealing because they bring a tropical feel to your yard. They’re perfect for shaded areas where other plants might struggle. By creating a green, serene environment, tree ferns can make your property more attractive to prospective buyers who are looking for a unique and cosy garden space.



Source: Pinterest/Miss Boba Tea


Hydrangeas are beloved for their large, vibrant blooms that can range in colour from blue to pink, depending on the soil’s acidity. These bushes can add a splash of colour to your garden for most of the summer months. Because of their bold and beautiful presence, they are great for curb appeal, making your home stand out in the neighbourhood.


Japanese Maples

Source: Pinterest/mrmaple


Japanese maples are a fantastic choice if you’re looking to add a sophisticated touch to your landscape. These trees are known for their graceful foliage and stunning fall colours. They can be a focal point in a garden, adding a sense of refinement and calm. Their unique appearance can be a significant selling point for your home.



List of 5 plants that can boost the value of your home

Source: Pinterest/Flickr


Lavender is not only beautiful and aromatic but also extremely versatile. It can thrive in many climates and is low maintenance. Lavender’s soothing scent adds a sensory layer to your garden, which can be a charming feature for homebuyers. Plus, it’s great for attracting bees and butterflies and promoting biodiversity.


Boxwood Shrubs

List of 5 plants that can boost the value of your home

Source: Pinterest/The Spruce


Boxwood shrubs are popular for their ability to be shaped into neat hedges and borders. These are perfect for creating a structured look in your garden. They are often used to line walkways or as a border around flower beds, providing a clean and manicured appearance to the landscaping. Their evergreen nature ensures that your yard looks vibrant all year round, enhancing curb appeal in every season.

Plants have always been known for their benefits and aesthetic appeal. By using these plants to decorate your home you can give your home an inviting atmosphere while extracting all the plant benefits. With these plants add value and richness to your home.



How do tree ferns enhance a garden's appeal?

Tree ferns add a lush, tropical feel to gardens, especially in shaded areas where other plants might not thrive. Their presence can transform a simple garden into a serene escape, making the property more attractive to buyers looking for a unique outdoor space.

What makes hydrangeas a good choice for increasing home value?

Hydrangeas provide vibrant, long-lasting blooms throughout the summer, enhancing curb appeal with their bold colours. They are eye-catching and can make a property stand out, appealing to potential buyers.

Why are Japanese maples considered valuable for landscaping?

Japanese maples are valued for their aesthetic appeal, characterised by graceful foliage and striking autumn colours. They serve as a sophisticated focal point in any garden, adding elegance and a peaceful ambiance.

What are the benefits of planting lavender in the garden?

Lavender is low maintenance, drought-resistant and adds a beautiful aroma to the garden. It also attracts pollinators like bees and butterflies, enhancing garden biodiversity and providing a dynamic and environmentally friendly element to the yard.

How do boxwood shrubs contribute to a home's outdoor appeal?

Boxwood shrubs can be shaped into neat hedges and borders, offering a structured, manicured look that is always appealing. They maintain their greenery year-round, ensuring that the home's exterior remains vibrant and inviting in all seasons.

Got any questions or point of view on our article? We would love to hear from you. Write to our Editor-in-Chief Jhumur Ghosh at jhumur.ghosh1@housing.com
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