How to grow and care for Pseuderanthemum?

Pseuderanthemums is a flowering plant characterized by bright colours and beautiful patterns on their leaves.

Looking for a flowering plant that would give more colour to your garden or balcony area? Think no further than Pseuderanthemum, a plant that would prove to be a great addition to any garden or balcony.


What is Pseuderanthemum?

Pseuderanthemum is a flowering plant that belongs to the family Acanthaceae. It is native to South America, though it is also found in Central America and Mexico. Pseuderanthemum can grow up to two metres in height, with three or four leaves about 50 cm long. The flowers are white with five petals.

Pseuderanthemums have bright colours and beautiful patterns on their leaves. They will bloom during the fall months and can last for up to three weeks before dying back. As they are easy to grow, it is possible to keep them alive year-round if you keep them in a sunny window.

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Pseuderanthemum: Quick facts


Botanical Name Pseuderanthemum 
Common Name Mother-In-Law’s Tongue, Devil’s Tongue, Jinn’s Tongue, Bow String Hemp
Genus  Pseuderanthemum
Species P. Carruthersii
Family  Acanthaceae
Life Cycle Perennial 
Mature size 1-2 metre height
Cultivation  Central America and Mexico
Benefits Medical use


Pseuderanthemum features


  • The genus includes around 60 species, with a cosmopolitan distribution across tropical regions. It is characterised by long, narrow leaves and white flowers that do not open fully. The flowers are generally arranged in dense clusters at the tip of the branches.
  • Pseuderanthemum is a popular garden plant, especially in its native Japan. It can be grown outdoors or kept indoors over winter.
  • The plant is an excellent source of vitamins A and C, as well as iron and calcium.

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Physical description of Pseuderanthemum

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  • It is a perennial herb, which grows from one to two metres tall. The leaves are rounded, dark green, and have a heart-shaped shape.
  • The Pseuderanthemum atropurpureum grows on tall spikes with purple leaves and flower spikes with patterned pink and white flowers.
  • The Pseuderanthemum reticulatum has green leaves and tall spikes that produce white and purple flowers.
  • Green leaves and violet flowers are found throughout the plant of Pseuderanthemum laxiflorum.


What are the benefits of Pseuderanthemum?


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Pseuderanthemum is used for medicinal purposes by many indigenous groups in South America. It has been shown to have antimicrobial properties and is sometimes used as an antibacterial agent in traditional medicine. 

Pseuderanthemum can be used to treat some conditions, including acne, bronchitis, burns, colic pain, diarrhoea, dysentery and fever, among others. 

It can also be used to relieve pain associated with sore muscles and joints.


How to grow the Pseuderanthemum plant?

The Pseuderanthemum plant is a beautiful, exotic flower that blooms in the summer. It grows best in full sun and warm climates, but it can tolerate light shade. Pseuderanthemum is a great plant to have in your garden. It is easy to grow, looks great, and is hardy and pest-resistant.

Pseuderanthemum plants can grow to be up to 20 feet tall and 15 feet wide when they are well-grown. They are slow-growing but sturdy, so you do not need to worry about them getting knocked over by wind or heavy rain.

Keep your Pseuderanthemum plants in full sunlight as much as possible throughout the day. In addition to bright light, they also need lots of water, especially if you live in a hot climate where your summers are generally hot and dry.

If you get any brown or yellow spots on your Pseuderanthemum leaves, this is probably due to infestation by spider mites or mealy bugs. To treat these pests: remove any leaves that have been infected; wash off any dirt from the affected area with warm water. Then apply an insecticidal soap spray directly on the pest; then rinse with warm water.

If you want to grow it indoors, keep its pot in a bright location near an east-facing window. If you are growing it outdoors, keep your Pseuderanthemum in full sun or partial shade. As long as it gets six hours of sunlight per day.


How to take care of Pseuderanthemum plant?

Pseuderanthemum is easy to grow, but it does require some care. Here are some guidelines for keeping your Pseuderanthemum happy and healthy:

  • Water regularly but not too much. This plant loves to be watered every day, especially during hot weather.
  • Do not allow your Pseuderanthemum to dry out completely. Mulch around the base of the plant with soil mixed with pebbles or gravel. So that moisture can collect there instead of evaporating into the air where it can become stale and toxic to your plant’s roots over time.



What is the most effective way to care for a Pseuderanthemum?

Neither full sun nor partial shade is uncomfortable for this plant. Even though it can adapt to many soil types, it prefers moist, well-drained soil with plenty of mulch or compost.

What is the maximum size of the Pseuderanthemum?

This creeping perennial can grow to a height of 2 metres.

How many species of Pseuderanthemum are there?

The tropical evergreen perennials are variegated and colourful, with approximately 60 species.


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