Top 10 safest cities in India: NCRB report

The quality of life greatly depends on the safety of one’s environment.

In a diverse and vibrant country like India, safety and security are essential considerations for both residents and visitors. The country boasts several cities that have garnered a reputation for being safe and welcoming. From well-maintained infrastructure to robust law enforcement, these cities prioritise the well-being of their inhabitants. The issue of safety varies according to several factors like crime rates, law enforcement efficiency, and overall socio-economic conditions.


Importance of living in a safe city

Living in a safe city ensures peace, allowing people to walk streets confidently at any time. It significantly affects a person’s lifestyle, promotes well-being, and reduces stress levels. The safety factor influences the choice of city for work and living. India, home to several cities, has numerous safe places to reside. These cities, besides offering a secure environment, also provide better career opportunities and living standards.


List of top 10 safest cities in India

In early December 2023, the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) released a report outlining safety trends in India’s cities. Here’s a list of the safest cities in the country as per this report.

Safest cities in India #1: Kolkata

Kolkata, the capital of West Bengal and a flourishing metropolitan city, has ranked first on NCRB’s list of India’s safest cities for the third time in a row. It registered the lowest number of cognizable offences per lakh population among metropolises. In 2022, Kolkata reported 86.5 cases of cognizable offences per lakh people. This city has also established itself as one of the safest cities in India for women. The government has initiated the Safe City Project for women and children under the Nirbhaya Fund. Due to its safety and vibrant cultural atmosphere, Kolkata is affectionately known as the ‘City of Joy’.

Top 10 safest cities in India

Source: Pinterest (Kulvir Khasa)


Safest cities in India #2: Chennai

Chennai is one of two cities from Tamil Nadu that made it to this list and has ranked as India’s second safest city. In 2022, Chennai reported 173.5 cases of cognizable offences per lakh people. With its well-planned infrastructure, efficient law enforcement, and proactive safety measures, Chennai offers a secure environment for its residents and visitors alike. The city boasts a low crime rate and is known for its effective policing and surveillance systems. Moreover, Chennai prioritises the safety of women and has implemented measures such as dedicated helplines and women’s police stations.

Top 10 safest cities in India

Source: Pinterest (RenTrip)


Safest cities in India #3: Coimbatore

Coimbatore is the second city from Tamil Nadu to be included in this list by NCRB. Reporting 211.2 cases of cognizable offences per lakh people, the city is renowned for its cleanliness, efficiency, and safety standards. Coimbatore’s commitment to safety, coupled with its progressive outlook and community engagement, establishes it as a leading example of a secure and harmonious urban centre in India.

Top 10 safest cities in India

Source: Pinterest (Explore Kovai)


Safest cities in India #4: Surat

Ranking as the safest city in Gujarat and the fourth safest city in India, Surat has reported 215.3 cases of cognizable offences per lakh people. The city’s low crime rate is a reflection of its efficient law enforcement agencies and vigilant community policing initiatives. Surat Police’s proactive approach to crime prevention, coupled with advanced surveillance systems, ensures swift response to emergencies and effective management of public safety.

Top 10 safest cities in India

Source: Pinterest (The Earth Awaits)


Safest cities in India #5: Pune

Pune, the safest city and Maharashtra, has ranked 5th on the NCRB’s list of India’s safest cities with 215.3 cases of cognizable offences reported per lakh people. Pune’s Women Safety Cell works tirelessly to address gender-based violence and create awareness about women’s rights, making it a safe city for women to live and work as well. 

Top 10 safest cities in India

Source: Pinterest (Nomad Epicureans)


Safest cities in India #6: Hyderabad

Hyderabad, known as the ‘City of Pearls’, is regarded as one of the safest cities in India to live and work with 215.3 cases of cognizable offences reported per lakh people. It embodies a mix of old-world charm and modern development, offering amazing opportunities for job seekers and entrepreneurs. The city is recognized for its low crime rate and friendly locals. It’s a cultural hub with a rich history and vibrant lifestyle. Furthermore, Hyderabad boasts a cost of living lower than most major Indian cities, enhancing its appeal as a favourable destination.

Safest cities in India to live and work

Source: Pinterest (Passport to Eden)


Safest cities in India #7: Bangalore

Bangalore, lauded as the Silicon Valley of India, is amongst the safest cities to live and work in the country with 337.3 cases of cognizable offences reported per lakh people. . The city boasts of a cosmopolitan culture, pleasant weather, and a burgeoning technological landscape. Safety, and security are paramount here with the city police patrolling regularly. The city fosters a conducive environment for both professionals and students. Furthermore, Bangalore’s diverse demography and tolerance for various cultures make it welcoming for people from all walks of life. Its rapidly growing economy and vast range of job opportunities make it a preferred choice for many.

Safest cities in India to live and work

Source: Pinterest (Mom Junction)


Safest cities in India #8: Ahmedabad

After Surat, Ahmedabad is the safest city in Gujarat, ranking 8th on NCRB’s list with  360.1 cases of cognizable offences reported per lakh people. The city’s commitment to safety is reflected in its well-structured urban planning, efficient law enforcement agencies, and proactive community involvement. Ahmedabad offers a remarkable living and working environment, characterised by its blend of modern amenities and cultural heritage. Moreover, the city’s cosmopolitan atmosphere and inclusive ethos foster a sense of belonging and community among its diverse population. 

Top 10 safest cities in India

Source: Pinterest (The Guardian)


Safest cities in India #9: Mumbai

Mumbai, the bustling metropolis on the western coast of India, is renowned for its energy, diversity, and unparalleled opportunities. As the financial, commercial, and entertainment capital of the country, Mumbai offers a vibrant living and working environment that attracts millions of people from across the globe. As a cherry on top, it has also made its place among the top 10 safest cities in India with 376.3 cases of cognizable offences reported per lakh people. 

Top 10 safest cities in India

Source: Pinterest (Culture Trip)


Safest cities in India #10: Kozhikode

Kozhikode, the only city in Kerala to make it to this list, Kozhikode has emerged as one of the safest cities in the country to live and work with  397.5 cases of cognizable offences reported per lakh people. Kozhikode’s tranquil coastal setting, coupled with its rich cultural heritage and economic vitality, makes it a charming destination for those seeking a peaceful and fulfilling lifestyle amidst nature’s embrace.

Top 10 safest cities in India

Source: Pinterest (Wikivoyage)


Factors that make these cities safe

The following factors are primarily responsible for enhancing the safety of these Indian cities.

Efficient policing

Efficient policing plays a vital role in shaping India’s safest cities. This results in secure environments for both living and working here. The effectiveness of law enforcement agencies significantly influences the safety levels in these cities. The cities with efficient policing are considered as the safest places in India.

Strong community engagement

Strong community engagement is key to fostering safe cities. Active participation from residents in community activities enhances mutual trust. Secondly, it contributes to crime prevention strategy by promoting open communication and shared responsibility among members. Thirdly, such engagement leads to more inclusive decision-making, ensuring security concerns that are addressed correctly.

Low crime rates

Experience the serenity and safety of the top cities in India known for their low crime rates. These cities offer secure, peaceful living and working environment. These cities have managed to maintain law and order efficiently. Excellent policing, aware citizens and stringent laws have contributed to low crime rates.

Contact with nature

Living in India offers numerous opportunities to enjoy the serenity of nature. The safest cities provide an ideal balance of natural beauty and urban comforts. Cities like Chandigarh and Thiruvananthapuram are known for their clean surroundings and lush green landscapes, making daily contact with nature an easy feat.


How does a city’s safety affect the real estate landscape?

A city’s safety plays a pivotal role in shaping its real estate landscape, exerting a profound influence on property values, demand and overall investment attractiveness. Safety is a prime consideration for individuals and families looking to buy or rent homes, influencing their decisions and preferences. Cities with a reputation for safety tend to experience increased demand for residential properties, leading to higher property values and sustained growth in the real estate market.

The perception of safety extends beyond residential areas to impact the commercial real estate sector as well. Businesses prefer locations with low crime rates, contributing to the development of secure commercial hubs. Additionally, a safe city fosters a positive community environment, further enhancing its appeal to potential residents and investors.

Real estate developers often leverage the safety factor as a key selling point, emphasizing the peace of mind that comes with living or working in a secure urban environment. In essence, a city’s safety profile significantly shapes its real estate dynamics, creating a ripple effect on property values, market trends and the overall urban development landscape.


Challenges in ensuring safety in Indian cities

Despite efforts to enhance safety, Indian cities face several challenges in ensuring the security and well-being of their residents. Some of the key challenges include:

  • Urbanisation pressure: Rapid urbanisation has led to overcrowding, inadequate infrastructure, and strained resources in many Indian cities. This can contribute to increased crime rates and challenges in maintaining public safety.
  • Traffic congestion and road safety: Traffic congestion is a common issue in Indian cities, leading to road accidents and pedestrian safety concerns. Poorly designed road infrastructure and lack of enforcement of traffic rules exacerbate these challenges.
  • Crime and law enforcement: Indian cities grapple with various forms of crime, including theft, vandalism, and violent offences. Inadequate police presence, outdated policing methods and corruption can hinder effective law enforcement and crime prevention efforts.
  • Gender safety: Women’s safety remains a significant concern in Indian cities, with incidents of harassment, assault and gender-based violence occurring frequently. Social attitudes, cultural norms and inadequate support systems contribute to this issue.
  • Infrastructure vulnerabilities: Infrastructure vulnerabilities, such as poorly maintained buildings, inadequate drainage systems and weak emergency response mechanisms, pose risks to public safety during natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, and fires.
  • Cybersecurity threats: With the increasing digitisation and reliance on technology, Indian cities are susceptible to cyber threats, including hacking, data breaches and online fraud. Weak cybersecurity measures and lack of awareness exacerbate these risks.

Addressing these challenges requires comprehensive strategies involving government interventions, community engagement and collaboration between various stakeholders.


Safest cities in India: Future outlook

The future of city safety will be shaped by a combination of factors, including:

Urban planning and infra development

Future advancements in city safety will heavily rely on urban planning and infrastructure development. Cities need to adopt innovative urban planning strategies that prioritise safety, such as designing well-lit streets, pedestrian-friendly pathways and efficient public transportation systems. Additionally, incorporating green spaces and recreational areas into urban landscapes can contribute to a safer and healthier environment. Infrastructure development should also focus on creating resilient structures that can withstand natural disasters and emergencies, ensuring the safety of residents during unforeseen events.

Technological advancements in public safety

The future of city safety will be shaped by rapid technological advancements. Emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, Internet of Things (IoT) and data analytics have the potential to revolutionise public safety measures. Smart city initiatives can leverage these technologies to enhance surveillance systems, improve emergency response times and facilitate predictive policing. Furthermore, the integration of smart sensors and communication networks can enable real-time monitoring of urban environments, allowing authorities to detect and address safety concerns proactively.

Social and cultural changes

Social and cultural changes will play a crucial role in shaping the future landscape of city safety. Building safer communities requires fostering trust, inclusivity and social cohesion among residents. Initiatives that promote community engagement, neighbourhood watch programmes and cultural events can strengthen social bonds and create a sense of collective responsibility for safety. Moreover, addressing underlying social issues such as poverty, inequality and discrimination is essential for creating safer and more equitable cities. POV

In a country as diverse and vibrant as India, the safety and security of its cities are fundamental to the well-being of residents and visitors alike. The top 10 safest cities highlighted in the NCRB report exemplify the nation’s commitment to creating secure and welcoming urban environments. From Kolkata’s cultural charm to Hyderabad’s technological advancements, each city offers a unique blend of safety measures and community engagement initiatives.

As urban centres continue to grow and evolve, it is essential to address the challenges that accompany rapid urbanisation, such as overcrowding and traffic congestion. Moreover, investing in infrastructure development and leveraging technological advancements will be crucial in shaping the future landscape of city safety. Through collaborative efforts between government agencies, law enforcement, and community organisations, Indian cities can overcome existing challenges and strive towards a safer and more prosperous future for all. As residents and investors seek out cities that offer not only safety but also opportunities for growth and development, the importance of prioritising safety in urban planning and governance cannot be overstated. 



What is considered as the safest city in India?

Based on crime rates and safety statistics, Hyderabad is often considered the safest city in India. However, safety can be subjective and depends on various factors.

Which city in India has the lowest crime rate?

According to the National Crime Records Bureau, Kollam in Kerala has the lowest crime rate among all cities in India.

Which are the safest cities in India for women to live and work?

There are many cities in India where women live and work safely. Cities like Bangalore, Chennai, Pune, and Kolkata are known for their safety and women-friendly environment.

How is law enforcement in the safest cities in India?

Most of the safest cities in India have a good police presence and efficient law enforcement systems. The local authorities ensure that law and order is maintained in these cities.

What makes a city safe to live and work?

The cities that are considered safe usually have lower crime rates, efficient law enforcement, good infrastructure, and peaceful environment. These factors make them ideal for living and working.

Are there any specific safety measures implemented in the top cities listed?

Yes, the safest cities often implement various safety measures, including efficient policing, community engagement programs and stringent laws. These measures contribute to creating secure environments for residents and workers.

Do these cities prioritise environmental factors for safety, such as green spaces and clean surroundings?

Yes, several of the safest cities, like Chandigarh and Thiruvananthapuram, prioritise environmental factors by maintaining lush green landscapes and clean surroundings. This focus on nature contributes to a balanced and serene living experience.

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