Stamp duty and property registration charges in Bihar

Here is all you need to know about stamp duty and registration charge on property purchase in Bihar.

Property registration for properties worth more than Rs 100 is mandatory under the Registration Act in India. Stamp duty is a state-imposed tax that is mandatory to be paid at the time of property registration. Since this is a state-determined fee, stamp duty differs from one state to another. In this guide, we discuss the stamp duty and registration fee in Bihar.


What is stamp duty?

Stamp duty is the official fee payable to the state government at the time of document registration in the sub-registrar’s office. States charge a certain percentage of the property value as stamp duty. They use the prevalent circle rate in the area to calculate the property value.


What is registration fee?

Registration fee is a separate charge that buyers have to pay besides the stamp duty. This is the convenience fee paid to the government for paperwork. The registration fee is invariably less than the stamp duty.


Stamp duty on property registry in Bihar 2024

Stamp duty (in percentage) Registration under
5.7% When property is sold from a man to a woman
6.3% When property is sold from a woman to a man
6% In any other case


Registration fee for property registry in Bihar 2024

Registration fee (in percentage) Registration under
1.9% When property is sold from a man to a woman
2.1% When property is sold from a woman to a man
2% In any other case


Can I register property online in Bihar?

Buyers can complete a certain part of the property registration process online by visiting the official website, Buyers have to register on the portal before completing the process. In addition, buyers can visit a bank and use franking to pay stamp duty. Alternatively, they can buy non-judicial stamp of the same worth and pay the duty.


Stamp duty on other documents in Bihar in 2024

Document/Instrument Book No. Description of Document/Instrument Article Stamp Duty IA Article of Table of Fee Registration Fee
Acknowledgement of a debt IV Up to Rs. 100 1(a) Nil E(iii) Rs. 1000
Rs. 101-1000 1(b) Re. 1
Rs. 1001-100000 1(c) Rs. 25
Rs. 100001 or more 1(d) Rs. 100
Administration Bond IV Up to Rs. 1000 2(a) Rs. 100 E(iii) Rs. 1000
In other case (or, more than Rs. 1000) 2(b) Rs. 100 (for 1st Rs. 1000); 3% on excess amount (as on Bond)
Adoption Deed IV Other than Will 3 Rs. 2000 E(iii) Rs. 1000
Affidavit 4 Rs. 100 -N/A- -N/A-
Agreement IV Relating to the sale of a Bill of Exchange 5(a) Rs. 10 for every Rs. 10000 or part thereof E(iii) Rs. 1000
I Relating to the construction of a house/building/multiunit house or building/unit of an apartment/flat/portion of a multi-storeyed building or for development 5(b) Rs. 2 for every Rs. 100 or part thereof

For subsequent agreement, the rate of duty as above in clause (b) subjected to maximum of Rs. 10000

Up to 5 crore Rs. 20000
5-10 crore Rs. 40000
10-25 crore Rs. 60000
Above 25 crore Rs. 100000
Sale of any other immovable property 5(b) Rs. 2 for every Rs. 100 or part thereof E(iii) Rs. 1000
I/IV If not otherwise provided for

●      Agreement deed executed for obtaining loan/financial services up to Rs. 50000 for non-agricultural purpose

5(c) Rs. 1000



Rs. 200

E(iii) Rs. 1000
IV Agreement deed executed by the members of the self-help group Fully exempted Rs. 50
IV Agreement relating to deposit of Title deeds, Pawn, or Pledge or hypothecation, that is, any instrument evidencing an agreement relating to…
IV (1)The deposit of title deeds or instruments, constituting title of any property (other than marketable security)

(2)The hypothecation of movable property, where such deposit, pawn or pledge has been made by way of security for the repayment of money advanced by way of loan of an existing or future debt.

2(a) If such loan or debt is repayable on demand or after a period of 03 (three) months from the date of the instrument evidencing the agreement.












Rs. 30,000; For above Rs. 30,000, Rs. 85 for every additional Rs. 10,000 or part thereof; Rs. 29 as above E(iii) Rs. 1000


7 2 (b) if such loan or debt is repayable within 03 (three) months from state of such instrument IV 6(2b) Half the duty payable under Clause 6(a) E(iii) Rs. 1000
8 Appointment for the purpose of execution of any power IV Whether of trustees 7(a) Rs. 250 E(iii) Rs. 1000
Whether of property movable or immovable, where made by any writing not being a will 7(b) Rs. 500
9 Appraisement or valuation

Otherwise under an order of the court in the course of a suit

IV a) When the amount does not exceed Rs. 1000 8(a) The same duty as Bond (No. 15)
b) In any other case 8(b) Rs. 200

(a)   Appraisement or valuation made for the information of one party only, and not being in any manner obligatory between parties either by agreement or operation of law.

(b)Appraisement of crops for the purpose of ascertaining the amount to be given to landlord as rent.

10 Apprenticeship Deed 9 Rs. 100 E(iii) Rs. 1000
11 Article of Association of a Company IV a) When the Company has no share capital 10(a) Rs. 1500 E(iii) Rs. 1000
b) Where the company has nominal share capital or increase the share capital 10(b) 0.15% (Min. Rs. 1000 – Max. Rs. 500000) A-1 2%
12 Award I/IV 12(a) Rs. 1 per Rs 1000 or part there of E(iii) Rs. 1000
12(b) Rs. 500
13 Bond I/IV 15 Rs. 3 for every Rs. 100 of the value of the bond A-1 2%
14 Cancellation instrument (Except will & authority to adopt) I/IV (including any instrument by which any instrument previously executed is cancelled) If attested and not otherwise provided for 17 Rs. 1000 E(iii) Rs. 1000
15 Certificate of Sale I Granted to the purchaser of any property sold by public auction, by civil court/collector/Revenue Officer 18 6% as conveyance (No. 23) (On purchase price or value based on MVR, whichever is higher) A(1) 2%
16 Charter party IV That is to say instrument (except an agreement for any hire of a tug-steamer) where by vessel or some specified principal, or part thereof, is let for the specified purpose of the charter, where it includes a penalty clause or not. 20 Rs. 100


17 Composition Deed IV 22 Rs. 250 E(iii) Rs. 1000
18 Co-Partnership Deed in which Employee gets a share of the profit in addition to their wages I/IV 23(A) Same as partnership (No. 46) E(iii) Rs. 1000
19 Conveyance (sales) Exemption-Under Mukhyamantri Bas sthal Kray Yojna, property of value up to Rs 60,000-no stamp and registration fee required I/IV 23 a) In case of transfer from male to female 5.7% A-1  

1.9 %

b) In case of transfer from female to male 6.3% 2.1 %
c) Other cases 6% 2% (29.7.2015)
In case of assignment of debt, Re 1 per Rs 1000 (Max Rs 1 lakh) ½% (Max Rs. 30000)
20 Copy or extract I/IV Certified to be a true copy or extract by or by order of any public officer and not chargeable under the law for the time being in force relating to court fee. 24 Rs. 100 E(iii) Rs 1000
21 Counterpart I Or duplicate of any instrument chargeable with duty and respect of which the proper duty has been paid. 25 Rs. 100 Same fee as chargeable on original document
22 Custom Bond IV up to Rs. 5000 26(a) Rs. 100 E(iii) Rs. 1000
Rs. 5001-10000 26(b) Rs. 200
above Rs. 10000 26(c) Rs. 300
23 Debentures IV by endorsement or by separate instrument of transfer 27(a) as Bond (Article No. 15) A-1 2% on value of debenture
by delivery 27(b) As conveyance (No. 23), i.e., 6%
24 Divorce IV Instrument of, that is, any instrument by which any person effects the dissolution of his marriage. 29 Rs. 250
25 Entry as an advocate, or attorney on the rolls of any High Court IV Under the Indian Bar Councils Act, 1926 or in exercise of powers conferred on such Court by Letters patent or by the Legal Practitioners Act, 1884. 30 Rs. 1000


26 Exchange of Property I a)      agricultural land, when the area of the exchanged property does not vary by more than 25% 31(a) Fully Exempted-Vide Letter No.-521/2010 A(1) Fully Exempted-Vide Letter No.-522/2010
b)      in other cases 31(b) 6% as conveyance (No. 23) on greater value of exchange A(1) 2% on greater value of exchanged property
27 Further charge on mortgage property I Consideration amount will be as further charge amount 32(a+b) A(1) 2% on further charge
28 Gift I Exemptions:-

If executed in favour of Governor of the State, School, College, Cremations or Burial ground, Orphanage, Public Road, Panchayat Bhawan, Public Library, Community Hall, Institution for Women & Children, or physically or mentally handicapped persons and Charitable Dispensaries and hostels.

33 a) In case of transfer from male to female 5.7% A(1) 1.9 %
b) In case of transfer from female to male 6.3% 2.1 %
c) Other cases 6% 2% (29.7.15)
29 Indemnity Bond I/IV 34 3% as security Bond (No. 57); subject to max. of Rs. 1000. E(iii) Rs. 1000
30 I a) whereby rent is fixed and no premium is paid or delivered
i) Less than 1 year (consideration amount – 2% based on MVR) 35(a)(i) 6% as on conveyance (No. 23) on consideration amount A(3)(a)(i) 2% under article A(1) on consideration amount based on MVR or chargeable amount, which may include consideration as per MVR + other sums









That means 2% under article A(1) of the value on which stamp duty is to be charged

ii) 1-10 years (consideration amount – 5% based on MVR) 35(a)(ii) A(3)(a)(ii)
iii) 10-30 year (consideration amount – 15% based on MVR) 35(a)(iii) A(3)(a)(iii)
iv) 30 year and more (consideration amount – 50% based on MVR) 35(a)(iv) A(3)(a)(iv)
b) Where the lease is granted for a fine/premium/money advance and no rent is reserved (It will be applicable on sairat settlement also) 35(b) 6% as on conveyance (No. 23) on total fine/premium/money advanced A(3)(b)
c) When the lease is granted for a fine/premium/money advance and rent is reserved 35(c) 6% as on conveyance (No. 23) on total (fine/premium/money advanced + rent reserved) A(3)(c)
d) Lessee under takes to effect improvement in the leased property and agreed to make return after development of that property 35(d) as chargeable cl. above a, b, c + 6% as on conveyance (No. 23) on transfer of property A(3)(d)
e) Toll agreements of any descriptions 35(e) 6% as on conveyance (No. 23) on total consideration amount A(1)


Exemption: For registration of deeds of settlement/agreement of Jalkar defined under the Bihar Fish Jalkar Management Act, 2006 & Bihar Jalkar Management (Amendment) Act 2007. Stamp duty: 100%; Registration fees: 100%
31 Letting on Rent I Letting of any structure house/building/flat 35-A 0.5% on total amount to be paid as rent
32 Letter of License IV Any agreement between a debtor and his creditors, that the latter shall, for a specified time, suspend their claims and allow the debtor to carry on business at his own discretion. 38 Rs. 300
33 Memorandum of Association IV a) if accompanied by The Indian Companies Act, 1913 39(a) Rs. 500 E(iii) Rs. 1000
b) if not accompanied as above 39(b) Rs. 1000
34 Mortgage Deed; except Deposit of title deeds, pawn, pledge(56) such deed. Consideration Amount is the amount secured by such deed. I a) when possession of the property or any part of the property comprised in such deed is given by the mortgagor or agree to be given 40(a) 2% A(1) 2%
b) when possession is not given or agreed to be given as aforesaid.


a) in favour of public financial institutions/banks for industrial, retail housing or commercial loans – Stamp duty (max.): Rs. 20000; Registration Fee (max.): Rs. 5000

b) for development of agricultural purpose/KCC loan up to Rs. 5 lakhStamp duty: 100%; Registration fee (max.): Rs. 50

c) Mortgage for education loan and health treatment loan

40(b) 1%









0.5% of the loan amount

A(1) 2%









0.5% of the loan amount

c) When a collateral or auxiliary or additional or substituted security, or by way of further assurance for the abovementioned purpose where the principal or primary security is duly stamped 0.16% of the amount secured by such deed


35 Mortgage of a Crop IV Securing the repayment of loan where the crop is or is not in the existence.
a) where the loan is repayable, not more than 3 months from the date of instrument 41(a) Re. 1 for every Rs. 200 or part thereof, based on the loan amount A(1) 2%
b) where the loan is repayable after more than 3 months from the date of instrument 41(b) Re. 1 for every Rs. 100 or part thereof, based on the loan amount
36 Notarial Act IV Any instrument, endorsement, note attestation, certificate or entry not being a protest (No. 50), made or signed by a Notary Public in the execution of the duties of his office, or by any other person lawfully acting as a Notary Public 42 Rs. 10
37 Note or Memorandum IV Sent by a broker or agent to his principal intimating the purchase or sale on account of such principal 43
Of any goods exceeding value Rs. 20 43(a) Rs. 15
Of any stock of marketable security exceeding Rs. 20 in value 43(b) Rs. 15 per 1000 or part thereof, subject to a maximum of Rs. 200
38 Note of protest by the Master of Ship IV 44 Rs. 15
39 Partition Deed

Exemption:- For partition of inherited family property – Stamp: Rs. 50, Registration fee: Rs. 50

I Provided that:

a) When an instrument of partition containing an agreement to divide property in severalty is executed and a partition is effected in pursuance of such agreement the duty chargeable upon the instrument effecting such a partition shall be reduced by the amount of duty paid in respect of the first instrument, but shall not be less than Rs. 2.10

45 as Bond (Article No. 15) A(6) 2% as on A(1), excluding largest shareholder, as provided in A(6)
b) Where land is held on Revenue Settlement for a period not exceeding 30 years and paying the full assessment amount for the purpose of duty shall be calculated at not more than 5 times the annual revenue
c) Where a final order for effecting a partition passed by any Revenue authority or any Civil Court, or an award by an arbitrator directing a partition is stamped with the stamp required for an instrument of partition and an instrument of partition in pursuance of such order or award is subsequently executed, the duty on such instrument shall not exceed Rs. 2.10


40 Partnership Deed 46(A) I/IV a) if the capital of the partnership is disclosed in an instrument 46(A)(a) 2.5% of the capital of partnership deed, subjected to-Min. Rs. 1000 to Max. Rs. 10000 DD Rs. 1000
b) in other cases (capital of partnership is not disclosed) 46(A)(b) Rs. 10000
41 Reconstitution of partnership 46(B) I a) When immovable property contributed as share by a partner or partner remains with the firm at the time of outgoing in whatever manner by such partner or partners on reconstitutions of such partnership firm. 46(B)(a) 6% same as conveyance (No. 23) on the value of immovable property (based on MVR) remaining with the firm A(1) 2%
IV b) In other cases 46(B)(b) Rs. 5000 DD Rs. 1000
42 Dissolution of partnership 46(C) I a) Where the immovable property which belonged to one partner or partners when the partnership is commenced is distributed or allotted or given to other partner or partners. 46(C)(a) 6% same as conveyance (No. 23) on property distributed/allotted or given to the partner(s) (+) Rs. 5000 as on 46(C)(b) A(1) 2%
IV b) in any other case 46(C)(b) Rs. 5000 DD Rs. 1000
43 Power of attorney Family means-Father, Mother, Wife or Husband, son, Daughter, Brother/Sister (Children of executants parents), Daughter-in-law, Grandson, Granddaughter (Children of executants son/daughter) IV a) when given to other than family member for sale/transfer of immovable property situated in the state of Bihar 48(a) 6% same as conveyance (No. 23) on property value based on MVR, subjected to authorization E(ii) Rs. 10000
b) when given to family member for sale or transfer of immovable property, or

i) when required in suits or proceedings in a court, or

ii) given for the purpose other than authorizing to sale/transfer or convey of immovable property situated in the state of Bihar

iii) for authentication of Power of Attorney

48(b) Rs. 1000 E(iii) *for authentication of special power-H(1)(a)

*for general-(1)(b)

*for vocation of authenticated power-H(2)

Rs. 1000

Rs. 100

Rs. 250

Rs. 100

44 Protest of Bill or Note IV That is to say by declaration in writing made by a Notary Public, or others person lawfully acting as such, attesting the dishonour of a Bill of Exchange or promissory note. 50 Rs. 50
45 Protest by the Master of a Ship IV That is to say, any declaration the particulars of her voyage drawn up by him with a view to the adjustment of losses or the calculation of averages, and every declaration in writing made by him against the charterer of the consignees for not loading or unloading the ship, when such declaration is attested or certified by a Notary Public or others person lawfully acting as such. 51 Rs. 50


46 Re-conveyance of Mortgage Property I 54 1% [same as mortgage No. 40(b)] max. Rs. 1000 E(iii) Rs. 1000
47 Release I A) whereby a Co-owner/Co-shares/Co-parcener renounces his interest share, part or claim in favour of another Co-owner/Co-shares/Co-parcener
a) if the Release Deed of ancestral property or part thereof is executed by or in favour of Brother or Sister (Children of renouncer’s parents) or son or daughter of predeceased son or father or mother, or spouse of the renouncer or the legal heirs of the above relatives. 55(A)(a) 3% same duty as a Bond (No. 15) for the amount equal to the share/interest based on MVR E(iii) Rs. 1000
b) In other cases 55(A)(b) 6% same as conveyance
B) Release of BENAMI Right 55(B) 6% as on conveyance (No. 23)
C) Release of right of redemption of a mortgage with possession or the right to obtain re-conveyance of the property already conveyed 55(C) 6% as on conveyance (No. 23) on the amount such consideration as set forth in release
48 Respondentia Bond IV That is to say, any instrument securing a loan on the cargo laden or to be laden on board a ship and making repayment contingent on the arrival of the cargo at the port of destination. 56 The same duty as Bond (No. 15) for the amount of the loan secured.
49 Security Bond I/IV Mortgage deed, executed by way of security for the due execution of an office, or to account for money or other property received by virtue thereof or executed by a surely to secured the due performance of a contract. 57 3% as Bond (No. 15) max.-Rs. 1000 E(iii) Rs. 1000
50 Settlement I Instrument of Settlement in favour of:

a) Member or members of a family. Family means – Father, Mother, husband, Wife, Brother, Sister, Son, Daughter and includes Grandfather, Grandmother, Grandchild, Adoptive Father or Mother, Adopted Son or Daughter.

58(A)(a) 3% same as Bond (No. 15) A(1) 2%
b) in other cases. 58(A)(b) 6%
51 Revocation of Settlement I 58(B) 3% same as Bond (No. 15) max.-Rs. 1000 E(iii) if original settlement registered Rs. 1000
A(1) if original settlement not registered 2%
52 Share Warrants IV To bearer issued under the Indian Companies Act, 1913 (VII of 1913) 59 One and a half time the duty payable on the Conveyance (No. 23) for a consideration or a market value equal to the nominal amount of the shares specified in the warrant
Exemptions: Share warrant when issued by a Company in pursuance of the Indian Companies Act, 1913


(VII of 1913) Section, 43 to have effect only upon payment as composition for that duty, to the Collector of stamp Revenue of:

(a) One and a half percent of the whole subscribed capital of the company, or

(b) If any company which has paid the said duty or composition in full, subsequently issues, in addition to its subscribed capital, one and a half percent of the additional capital
53 Surrender of Lease. Exemption: When such a lease is exempted from duty. I a) when the duty with which the lease is chargeable does not exceeds Rs. 1000 61(a) The duty with which such lease is chargeable. E(iii) Rs. 1000
b) In other cases 61(b) Rs. 1000
54 Transfer IV Whether with or without consideration
(a) Of shares in an incorporated company or other body corporate. 62(a) One half of the duty payable on a conveyance (No. 23) for a consideration or market value equal to the value of the share
(b) Of debentures, being marketable securities, whether the debenture is liable to duty or not except debenture provided for by Section 8. 62(b) One half of the duty payable on a conveyance (No. 23) for a consideration or market value equal to the face amount of the debenture.
(c) Of any interest secured by a bond, mortgage-deed or policy of insurance. 62(c) As in Bond (No. 15), subject to a maximum limit of Rs. 1000
(d) Of any property under the Administrator General’s Act, 1913 (III of 1913) Section 31. 62(d) Rs. 1000
(e) Of any trust property without consideration from one trustee to another trustee or from a trustee to a beneficiary.

Exemptions: Transfers by endorsement:

(a) Of a bill of exchange, cheque or promissory note.

(b) Of a bill of lading, delivery order, warrant for goods or other mercantile document of title goods.

(c) Of a policy of insurance

(d) Of securities of the Central Government, (See also Section 8)

62(e) Same as Conveyance (No. 23) for market value of the property
55 Transfer of Lease I By way of assignment, and not by way of under Lease 63 6% same as Conveyance (No. 23) A(1); sub-lease/under lease 2%


56 Trust IV a) Declaration of Trust 64(a) Rs. 5000 A(1) 2%
a) Revocation of Trust 64(b) Rs. 1000 E if Declaration of trust Registered Rs. 1000
A(1) if Declaration of Trust was not Registered 2%
57 Warrants for goods IV That is to say any instrument evidencing the title of any person therein named, or his assigns, or the holder thereof to the property in any goods lying in or upon any dock, warehouse or wharf, such instrument being signed or certified by or on behalf of the person in whose custody such goods may be. 65 Rs. 15
58 Fee for registration acknowledging the receipt or payment of any sum of money *** N/A B Amount received on the ad valorem scale filed under article A, .i.e., 2% of payment amount
59 Fee for registration III Registration or cancellation of a Will or authority to adopt *** N/A C(i) Rs. 2000
60 Searching/Inspection For 1st year for every name *** N/A F(i) Rs. 40
for subsequent year per year *** N/A F(ii) Rs. 20
for inspection of copy of each document in Register Book No. 1,3 & 4 or for inspection of any other book or register or of a document or paper in a file relating to 1(one ) year *** N/A F(iii) Rs. 30
for inspection of a document or paper, provided that, no fee for the searching of INDEXES of any one office in respect of any one name shall exceed Rs. 500 *** N/A F(iv) Rs. 40
61 For making or granting copies of reasons, entries or document before on or often registration *** N/A G Rs. 3 for every 100 words
62 Fee chargeable for authenticating or attesting the execution of special power of attorney *** N/A H1(a) Rs. 100
63 For general power of attorney *** N/A H1(b) Rs. 250
64 Fee for vocation of authenticated power of attorney whether general or special *** N/A H2 Rs. 100
65 Registry by DSR of sub-registrar’s jurisdiction Under provision of sec-30 *** N/A I Rs. 5000
66 Attendance of an officer at private residence for acceptance for registration of any document Under provision of sec-31 *** N/A J(1) Rs. 5000
67 Exemption from Personal Appearance For ‘PARDANASHI’ lady *** N/A K(1)(a) Rs. 200
On account of bodily infirmity or person confined in jail *** N/A K(1)(b) Rs. 400


Any other person exempted by law *** N/A K(1)(c) Rs. 1000
68 Fines imposed under section 25 & section 34 of registration Act *** N/A L When the delay does not exceed 7 days Fine equal to the amount of the registration fee
Delay does not exceed one month Equal to 3 times
delay of more than one month but less than 4 months Equal to 9 items of the amount of registration fee
69 For sending memorandum to other office (to be charged with I fee) *** N/A M(b) Rs. 25
70 Return of registered document After more than 1 (one) month from date of registration *** N/A O Rs. 100 per month (max. Rs. 1000)
71 Return of refused document After more than 1 (one) month from date of refusal *** N/A P Rs. 100 per month (max. Rs. 1000)


* Scanning Fee 1-10 Pages Rs. 250 Total no. of page document endorsement page + photo page
11-20 Pages Rs. 500
Above 20 Pages Rs. 1000


Fees under Special Marriage act, 1954 

50 Notice/Application Notice of intended marriage or application for registration of marriage Under Rule 10(i) Rs. 100
51 Objection Fee For recording an objection Rule 10-(ii) Rs. 100
52 Enquiry Fee For every enquiry into an objection Rule 10-(iii) Rs. 200
53 Notice/Summons For every notice/summons to a witness for appearance Rule 10-(iv) Rs. 50
54 Solemnization/Registration Fee For solemnizing or registering a marriage after 30 days Rule 10-(v) Rs. 200
55 Certified copy Marriage notice book (except an objection)/each entry Rule 10-(vi)-a Rs. 100
Marriage certificate book/each Rule 10-(vi)-b
56 Certified copy Any entry of Marriage Notice Book other than a notice of any other proceeding (not already provided) Rule 10-(vii) Rs. 100
57 Registration of marriage Registration of marriage celebrated in other terms under Sec-15 Rule 10-(viii) Rs. 200
58 Solemnization at private place Solemnizing a marriage at private place Rule 10-(ix)-a Rs. 600
For Marriage officer (in above case) Rule 10-(ix)-b Rs. 25
59 Searching Fee For current year entry Rule 10-(x)-a Rs. 50
For previous year entry Rule 10-(x)-b Rs. 100



What is circle rate?

Circle rate is the government-fixed value below which a property cannot be registered. Authorities keep revising these periodically to keep the charge in line with market rates.

Can I pay stamp duty online in Bihar?

Yes, buyers can pay stamp duty online in Bihar by visiting and registering on the official website,

What is the land registration charge in Bihar?

Buyers pay 2% of the plot cost as the registration charge.

What is the stamp duty in Bihar?

Buyers have to pay stamp duty between 5.7-6.3%, depending on the buyer’s and seller’s gender. Stamp duty is lower if the buyer is a woman and the seller is a man.

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