Tips for refurbishing old wooden furniture at home

Before refinishing, remove the old paint and varnish using sand, or chemical paint strippers.

Refinishing an old wooden furniture piece instead of discarding it is an interesting way to design your home interiors. Any wooden furniture, even with a protective finish, will require refinishing as the finish can fade away with time.

See also: What is furniture paint?


Tips for refurbishing old furniture: Materials required

  • Paint and varnish stripper
  • Mineral spirits
  • Oil-based wood stain
  • Staining pads
  • Tack cloth
  • Scraper tool
  • Sandpaper or sanding block
  • Safety gear such as goggles, mask, etc.


Tips for refurbishing old furniture: Procedure

Clean the furniture

Start by cleaning the furniture surface using a tack cloth and, soap and warm water solution. The tack cloth helps loosen debris and does not produce lint. Rinse off the surface and dry the furniture using a microfiber towel.


Choose a finish

Furniture requires finishing to protect it from moisture and damage. You can consider wood finishes, such as oil finishes, lacquer, and polyurethane, depending on the type of furniture. Choose a durable finish, especially for furniture that withstands extreme conditions, such as heat, humidity, etc.


Inspect the furniture

Check if the furniture requires any repairs or supplies. You can use epoxy putty to fill in small and large flaws or go for a wax filler to fix the small-sized holes. To cover the white rings on the surface, apply petroleum jelly and let it stay overnight.


Scrape paint and remove old finish

Remove the old paint and varnish through sanding or applying chemical paint strippers. Chemical stripping products are available in the form of liquid, aerosol spray, or gel. Spread the stripper with the help of a stiff paintbrush. Allow the paint stripper to sit for around 10 minutes. You can use a putty knife or steel wool to remove the varnish.


Tips for refurbishing old wooden furniture


Sand the wooden surface

Strip the remaining finish using a coarse sandpaper, a sanding block, or a power sander. Then, choose a medium-grit sandpaper to remove any remaining patches from the surface. Finally, use fine-grit sandpaper to smoothen rough patches.


Tips for refurbishing old wooden furniture


Seal the wood

Apply sealant and filler to close the pores on the wooden furniture. It helps create a smooth base for applying the wood stain. Wipe away the excess sealant using a clean cloth. Smoothen the surface with the help of fine-grit sandpaper.


Tips for refurbishing old wooden furniture


Stain or paint the surface

Restore the shine of the wood by applying wooden stain using a paintbrush. Allow the surface to dry completely. Check the piece and decide if another layer is necessary.


Tips for refurbishing old wooden furniture


Apply wood finish

Finally, apply a coat of wood finish using a paintbrush. Allow the surface to dry completely. Go for another coat if required. Wipe off any drips using a clean, lint-free cloth.


Tips for refurbishing old wooden furniture



What do you use to refinish furniture?

Some materials you will require for refurnishing furniture include sandpaper, paint stripper, tack cloth, epoxy putty, wood sealant, and wood stain.

Is it good to refinish wooden furniture?

Refinishing wooden furniture helps ensure a longer life for furniture and makes it look aesthetically pleasing.

What furniture should not be refinished?

Avoid refinishing furniture made from particleboard, veneer, etc.

Is it good to paint or stain furniture?

Wood staining is an inexpensive way to upgrade your furniture. Stain is usually thinner than paint and enhance the visual appeal of the furniture. You can apply paint over stained wooden furniture after cleaning and preparing the surface.

How can I make my furniture look new again?

Wooden staining and refinishing help give a new look to the furniture.

Which is cheaper, stain or paint?

Typically, wood stain is more affordable than paint.

How do you make the wood shine naturally?

Some DIY ideas to provide a natural shine to wooden surfaces include a mixture of olive and lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, etc.

Can you use vinegar on wood?

You can use vinegar on sealed wooden furniture. Do not use it on unsealed wood or if the furniture is waxed or oiled.

How many coats of stain paint should you apply?

You can apply two thin coats of solid wood stains to hide wood grain and imperfections.

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