Turnera Ulmifolia: How to grow and care for it?

Turnera Ulmifolia is an easy-to-grow garden plant with bright flowers and lush leaves.

A perennial sub-shrub or herb with tiny, yellow-orange flowers and dark-toothed leaves, yellow alder, scientifically known as Turnera ulmifolia, is dense and compact. This plant is great as a summer filler because it is simple to grow and has bright yellow flowers with a strong contrast of green. 

The wild plant is collected and utilised locally as a tea and medication. It is occasionally grown for its therapeutic benefits. In the tropics, where it is often planted as an ornamental, the plant frequently eludes domestication. This species has frequently been imported for usage as a decorative and therapeutic herb.

Turnera ulmifolia: Facts, growth, maintenance, and uses of yellow alder 1

Source: Pinterest

See also: Jade plants benefits and how to take care of them


Turnera Ulmifolia: Common names

Turnera Ulmifolia is most commonly referred to as Yellow Alder. Additionally, other common names of these plants include Yellow buttercups and sage rose. 


Turnera Ulmifolia: Key facts

Common name Yellow alder, Yellow buttercups, Sage rose
Plant family Passifloraceae
Flowering time July- September
Sun Full sunlight
Uses  Foundation; border; mass planting; ground cover; attracts butterflies
Origin Caribbean


Turnera Ulmifolia: How to grow?

  • Break up the existing soil to get the garden ready. 
  • Add organic material like manure, peat moss, or garden compost when the soil is loose and simple to work. 
  • Organic ingredients enhance drainage. Add nutrients, and promote earthworms and other soil-healthy organisms.
  • Provide a trellis, fence, wall, or other structure that allows the plant to grow freely and spread since vining annuals need vertical space to grow.


Turnera Ulmifolia: Care tips

  • Fertiliser Requirements

For the best display, fertilise frequently.

  • Watering

Water thoroughly, but let the soil air out a little bit in between applications.

  • Soil

Most productive in rich, well-drained soil.

Turnera ulmifolia: Facts, growth, maintenance, and uses of yellow alder 2

Source: Pinterest


Turnera Ulmifolia: Pests and disease

Turnera Ulmifolia is susceptible to certain pests and diseases. One of these is whiteflies, which often affects the foliage of Turnera Ulmifolia. Severe infestation, if left untreated, can injure these plants. Turnera Ulmifolia is also prone to scales and aphids, however, these infestations are usually not very serious. 


Turnera Ulmifolia: Uses

  • T. Ulmifolia is grown as an ornamental for its showy yellow flowers, which bloom all year. 
  • This plant is also used as ground cover and border plants. 
  • In traditional medicine in South America and the West Indies, a tea made from the leaves of this species is used to treat gastrointestinal problems (constipation, diarrhoea), colds and flu, vascular diseases (heart palpitations), menstrual cramps, and dermatological issues.



How to water Turnera Ulmifolia?

Water thoroughly, but let the soil air out a little bit in between applications.

Is Turnera Ulmifolia a herb?

Yes. It’s a tiny herb or subshrub with a broad geographic range. This species has frequently been imported for usage as a decorative and therapeutic herb.


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