Vastu tips: Plants that bring negative energy to your home

Dead plants are considered bad in Vastu as they emit negative energy.

According to Vastu Shastra, the ancient Indian science of architecture, certain plants are believed to bring negative energy and disrupt the harmonious equilibrium of energies within a home. To create a harmonious living space, it is important to avoid these plants. In this article, we will explore five plants that are considered negative in Vastu and should be avoided in your home.

See also: 15 best Vastu plants for home


Negative vastu plant #1: Cactus

Source: Pinterest/The Spruce


Cacti are considered negative in Vastu as their sharp thorns are believed to carry negative energies and can bring misfortunes, stress, and anxiety to the family. These plants are often associated with bad luck and are believed to create an environment of anxiety and stress within the home.

However, interestingly, when placed in the right location, such as the terrace or by the window, cacti can actually act as protectors by fighting off negative energy. They have the ability to absorb and neutralise negative vibrations, creating a more balanced and harmonious living space.

Cactus placement tips

When incorporating cacti into your home, it is important to consider their placement to maximise their protective properties:

  • Place cacti near the entrance of your home to act as a shield against negative energy entering the house.
  • Position cacti in the corners of rooms to prevent negative energy from accumulating.
  • Consider placing cacti in areas that are prone to stress or anxiety, such as the home office or bedroom, to promote a sense of calm and tranquillity.

By strategically placing cacti in your home, you can harness their protective qualities and create a space that is shielded from negative energy, promoting a more positive and harmonious atmosphere.

Positive aspects Negative aspects
Act as protectors against negative energy Believed to bring bad luck and anxiety
Help create a harmonious living space Thorns are associated with stress and misfortunes
Absorb and neutralise negative vibrations


Negative vastu plant #2: Bonsai

Source: Pinterest/Thursd


Bonsai plants are not recommended in Vastu as they symbolise slow or stunted growth, which can interfere with the lifecycle of the inhabitants. It is best to avoid placing bonsai plants anywhere in the home and instead, they are more suitable for open spaces like gardens or verandahs.

Bonsai plants, with their miniature and carefully pruned forms, are admired for their aesthetic appeal. However, in Vastu Shastra, these meticulously crafted plants are believed to have a negative impact on the energy of the space they occupy.

The essence of Vastu Shastra is to create a harmonious and balanced environment that supports the well-being and success of the occupants. The slow growth of bonsai plants is thought to impede the flow of positive energy and hinder the development of the individuals living in that space.

This interference can extend to various aspects of life, including career and business growth. As bonsai plants symbolize slow or restricted progress, they may inadvertently influence the pace and opportunities of your professional journey.

While bonsai plants can be captivating additions to gardens or verandahs, it is advisable to refrain from keeping them indoors. By avoiding bonsai plants within the living space, you create an open and conducive environment for personal and professional growth.

Why are open spaces preferable?

Open spaces, such as gardens or verandahs, offer the freedom for plants to grow and thrive naturally. In contrast, the restricted and controlled growth of bonsai plants contradicts the principles of free-flowing energy in Vastu Shastra.

By allowing plants to grow unhindered in open spaces, you encourage the flow of positive energy throughout your surroundings. This open environment fosters the growth and well-being of both individuals and plants, promoting a sense of vitality and abundance.

So, if you have a penchant for bonsai plants, consider placing them in open spaces where they can flourish without constraint. This approach honors the principles of Vastu Shastra while allowing you to enjoy the beauty of bonsai plants in a way that supports your overall well-being.

Pros of placing Bonsai plants in open spaces Cons of placing Bonsai plants indoors
  • Allows the plants to grow naturally
  • Promotes free-flowing energy
  • Creates a vibrant and abundant atmosphere
  • Symbolises slow or restricted growth
  • May interfere with the occupants’ life cycle
  • Can impede career and business growth


Negative vastu plant #3: Cotton plant

Source: Pinterest/France Fleurs


Cotton plants, although snowy white and pretty as a decorative element, are considered unlucky and inauspicious for the home in Vastu. They are believed to bring bad luck and should be avoided as per Vastu guidelines.

The cotton plant (Gossypium) is a small shrub that belongs to the Malvaceae family. It is known for its soft, fluffy fibres that are used to make textiles and clothes around the world. However, in Vastu Shastra, the cotton plant is regarded as an inauspicious plant that should not be kept in the home.

Symbolism and beliefs

According to Vastu principles, the cotton plant is associated with bad luck and is believed to bring negative energy into the home. The plant’s unlucky status is due to its association with death and mourning rituals, as cotton is often used in funerals and cremations.

Furthermore, the cotton plant is considered inauspicious because it is associated with the end of a plant’s life cycle. In Vastu, plants that symbolise death or the end of growth are believed to disrupt positive energy flow and create an imbalance in the home.

Decorative element vs. vastu

Although cotton plants can be aesthetically pleasing as a decorative element, it is important to prioritise the energy and harmony of the living space according to Vastu guidelines. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid keeping cotton plants indoors to prevent attracting bad luck and negative energy.

Alternative decorative plants

If you are looking for alternative decorative plants that are considered auspicious in Vastu, you can consider options like the Money plant, Jade plant, or Peace Lily. These plants are believed to attract positive energy and create a harmonious environment at home.

Pros Cons
– Snowy white and visually appealing – Associated with bad luck
– Soft and fluffy fibres – Believed to disrupt positive energy flow
– Can be used as a decorative element – Symbolises death and the end of growth


Negative vastu plant #4: Mehendi

Source: Pinterest/Etsy


Mehendi or myrtle plants, commonly used to create beautiful designs on hands during auspicious occasions like weddings, are considered unlucky in Vastu. According to Vastu Shastra, these plants are believed to harbour evil spirits and can bring negative thoughts and energy to the home. It is advised to avoid keeping mehendi plants in your living space to maintain a harmonious and positive environment.

Other plants to avoid

  • Tamarind tree: It is believed that the tamarind tree attracts negative energy. Hence, it is recommended not to plant it near your home as per Vastu guidelines.
Aspect Mehendi Tamarind tree
Beliefs Mehendi plants are considered unlucky and can harbour evil spirits, bringing negative energy. Tamarind trees are believed to attract negative energy according to Vastu principles.
Auspiciousness Unlucky Avoid planting near home


Negative vastu plant #5: Dead plants

Source: Pinterest/Spruce


Dead plants are considered bad in Vastu as they emit negative energy. According to Vastu Shastra, it is important to maintain a positive energy flow in your home by ensuring that indoor plants are always fresh, green, and bear blooming flowers.

When plants die or begin to wither, they can create a stagnant energy that can have detrimental effects on the overall energy of your living space. In order to maintain a harmonious environment, dead or dying plants should be immediately removed from the vicinity.

By removing dead plants and replacing them with fresh, vibrant ones, you can enhance the positive energy in your home. The presence of blooming flowers adds beauty and vitality to your living space, creating a more uplifting and rejuvenating atmosphere.


Toxic and poisonous plants to avoid keeping at home

While some plants can bring negative energy into your home, there are others that pose a more direct threat to your well-being. These toxic and poisonous plants should be avoided, especially if you have children or pets. Here are a few examples of plants to be cautious of:


Lilies are not only beautiful but also toxic to both humans and animals. If ingested, they can cause stomach upset and vomiting. In some cases, they can even be fatal. It’s important to keep lilies out of reach and avoid having them in your home, especially if you have cats.

Sago Palm

The sago palm is an ornamental plant that may look harmless, but its seeds contain a toxic substance called cycasin. Ingesting these seeds can lead to symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, liver failure, and even death. It’s best to avoid keeping sago palms as indoor plants and be cautious if you have them in your garden.

Dumb Cane

The dumb cane, also known as Dieffenbachia, is a popular houseplant due to its lush foliage. However, it contains calcium oxalate crystals that can cause intense mouth and throat irritation if chewed or ingested. Keep this plant out of the reach of children and pets to prevent any accidental ingestion.

English Ivy

English ivy is a climbing vine commonly used for its aesthetic appeal. However, its leaves contain toxins that can cause dermatitis or skin irritation upon contact. It’s important to handle English ivy with care and avoid keeping it indoors, especially if you have sensitive skin.

By being aware of these toxic plants and avoiding their presence in your home, you can ensure the safety of your loved ones and create a healthier living environment.

Plant Toxicity Symptoms
Lilies Highly toxic Stomach upset, vomiting, potential fatality
Sago Palm Highly toxic Vomiting, diarrhoea, liver failure, potential fatality
Dumb Cane Moderately toxic Mouth and throat irritation
English Ivy Moderately toxic Dermatitis, skin irritation


Other considerations and inauspicious trees to avoid

Apart from the specific negative Vastu plants, there are other considerations to keep in mind. It is advisable to maintain a clutter-free environment by removing unnecessary plants and keeping the space clean and organised. This promotes positive energy flow and creates a harmonious living space.

Additionally, plants belonging to the nightshade family, such as tomatoes, potatoes, and brinjal, are believed to have negative energy and should be avoided in Vastu. These plants are often associated with toxicity and can disrupt the balance of energies within a home.

Furthermore, certain trees are considered inauspicious in Vastu and should be avoided near the property. The tamarind tree, date palm tree, bamboo tree, and babul tree are believed to attract negative energy or cause conflicts among family members.



Are there specific plants that bring negative energy to the home according to Vastu?

Yes, according to Vastu Shastra, certain plants are believed to bring negative energy and disrupt the equilibrium of energies within a home.

Which plants should be avoided to create a harmonious living space according to Vastu?

There are five plants that are considered negative in Vastu and should be avoided in your home. These include cacti, bonsai plants, cotton plants, mehendi or myrtle plants, and dead plants.

Why are cacti considered negative in Vastu?

Cacti are considered negative in Vastu as their sharp thorns are believed to carry negative energies and can bring misfortunes, stress, and anxiety to the family. However, when placed in the right location, such as the terrace or by the window, cacti can actually act as protectors by fighting off negative energy.

Why are bonsai plants not recommended in Vastu?

Bonsai plants are not recommended in Vastu as they symbolise slow or stunted growth, which can interfere with the lifecycle of the inhabitants. It is best to avoid placing bonsai plants anywhere in the home, and instead, they are more suitable for open spaces like gardens or verandahs.

Why should cotton plants be avoided in Vastu?

Cotton plants, although snowy white and pretty as a decorative element, are considered unlucky and inauspicious for the home in Vastu. They are believed to bring bad luck and should be avoided as per Vastu guidelines.

Why are mehendi or myrtle plants considered unlucky in Vastu?

Mehendi or myrtle plants, which are commonly applied on hands during auspicious occasions like weddings, are considered unlucky in Vastu. It is believed that these plants harbour evil spirits and can bring negative thoughts and energy to the home.

Why should dead plants be removed from the home according to Vastu?

Dead plants are considered bad in Vastu as they emit negative energy. It is important to ensure that indoor plants are always fresh, green, and bear blooming flowers to maintain positive energy flow according to Vastu Shastra. Dead or dying plants should be immediately removed from the vicinity.

Are there any toxic and poisonous plants that should be avoided at home?

Yes, there are some plants that not only have negative energy but are also toxic and poisonous to humans and animals. Lilies, English ivy, sago palm, and dumb cane are a few examples of plants that can cause stomach upset, skin irritation, or even be fatal if ingested in large quantities. It is important to be aware of these toxic plants and avoid keeping them at home.

Are there any other considerations and inauspicious trees to avoid according to Vastu?

Apart from the specific negative Vastu plants, it is advisable to avoid consuming any part of a plant if unsure of its toxicity and keep it away from pets and children. Plants belonging to the nightshade family should also be avoided. Additionally, inauspicious trees like the tamarind tree, date palm tree, bamboo tree, and babul tree, should be avoided near the property as they are believed to attract negative energy or cause fights among family members.

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