Vastu yantra for home: Benefits and correct placement at home

We look at what a Vastu dosh nivaran yantra is and where put it in your home, to obtain the best effects.

Negativity is kept out of the house by using a Vastu yantra. A Vastu yantra, it is believed, spreads a protective shield encompassing the home, keeps negative energies away, brings positivity into the home and helps maintain family harmony.

The Vastu yantra may be kept in homes, workplaces, factories, or any other location that you like. This article will walk you through the specifics of the Vastu dosh nivaran yantra and where you may put it in your home to obtain the best effects.

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What is Vastu yantra?

The Vastu yantra is a useful tool for all those families who have built their homes on disputed land and are trying to establish a sense of harmony in their lives. Vastu dosh, ideally should be addressed during the planning stages of a home. However, not everyone may be able to build their houses conforming to all Vastu principles. It is hard to make a home, according to Vastu, especially for individuals who live in flats and apartments. To correct the Vastu dosh created during the construction of the property, you must rely on Vastu remedies.

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If you reside in a house with Vastu dosh, it may hinder the residents’ peaceful existence. In such instances, the Vastu dosh nivaran yantra comes to the rescue. It brings the three-dimensional geometrical energy field into perfect equilibrium and eliminates all bad characteristics from the dwelling. It claims to provide riches, peace, happiness and harmony to the household and maintain the inmates’ health.


Vastu yantra: All you need to know about its placement and how to use it

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The Vastu yantra is constructed out of ashtadhatu and has a square look. The ashtadhatu is very important in Hindu astrology. It comprises the five important metals found in nature: gold, silver, copper, brass, and iron. The inclusion of all of these metals in the Vastu yantra aids in the neutralising of all-powerful forces, resulting in tranquility in the house.

See also: What is Vastu Chakra and how does it influence energy flow at home?


Vastu yantra: Where should it be placed?

The best place to store your Vastu yantra for your home is underground. You should excavate your home’s soil and bring it inside before starting the construction. If you live in a flat or apartment, follow these steps to preserve the Vastu dosh nivaran yantra in good working order:

Northeast: According to popular belief, the Vastu dosh nivaran yantra should be kept in the northeast, as this is the ideal place for worship. After rising, the sun casts its first beam of light in a northeast direction. It is stated that the Vastu yantra functions more successfully when morning sunlight shines on it via the window.

Also read all about Northeast facing house Vastu plan

Southeast: Place the yantra on your home’s southeast wall. Install a wall-mounted lamp beside or above the yantra, to provide light throughout the day and night. The southeast is thought to be a haven for women. The presence of the yantra in that area of your home will assure the well-being and safety of your female family members.

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Door: A Vastu yantra can be hung on the door, as well. Adding a Vastu dosh nivaran yantra to the door, just as a ‘swastika’ or ‘om’ symbol, will also be effective. The Vastu yantra can be used as a decorative item and a functional one.

Also read: Vastu tips for positive energy in home


Vastu dosh nivaran yantra: Where to avoid placing it?

While the Vastu yantra can generally be kept anyplace, it should not be near a mirror or glass. Mirrors can have both, positive and negative consequences. If you place the yantra in front of a mirror, the mirror will reflect all of the energy that the yantra is attempting to spread throughout the house. If the energy is not returned to where it came from, it will be useless.

See also: All about Vastu for home entrance

As the Vastu yantra is kept primarily underground, people often believe that burying it within a pot is the best way to keep it. However, that is not the correct location. There is a distinction between burying a tool in the ground and burying it inside the pot. As burying it in the ground may not always be possible, alternatively, it can also be set on a table in the corner of your drawing room.

See also: All about Vastu purusha mandala architecture

Different people have different opinions on where the yantra should be kept. However, we urge that you take the guidance of an astrologer on the subject.

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Vastu Yantra: Benefits

Vastu Yantra holds immense significance in promoting harmony and positive energies within a home. When installed correctly, the Vastu Yantra can bestow several benefits to the inhabitants of the house. Here are some of the key advantages of incorporating the Vastu Yantra in your home:


  • Energy Alignment: The Vastu Yantra acts as an energy harmonizer, helping to align the various energy fields within the home. It aids in creating a balanced and harmonious atmosphere, fostering positive vibrations and reducing negative influences.


  • Stress Reduction: By promoting a harmonious environment, the Vastu Yantra can contribute to reducing stress and tension within the household. It creates a soothing ambiance that aids relaxation and mental well-being.


  • Enhanced Prosperity: The Vastu Yantra is believed to attract wealth and prosperity into the home. It encourages the flow of positive energies associated with abundance and financial well-being.


  • Improved Relationships: The Vastu Yantra can help enhance the quality of relationships within the family. By creating a positive and balanced environment, it fosters better communication and understanding between family members.


  • Health and Well-being: Vastu Yantra is associated with promoting good health and well-being. It helps to maintain a positive and healthy aura within the home, contributing to the physical and mental wellness of its occupants.


  • Protection from Negativity: The Vastu Yantra acts as a protective shield against negative energies and malevolent forces. It helps to ward off evil influences and create a secure environment for the household.


  • Career and Success: Installing the Vastu Yantra can positively impact professional pursuits and career growth. It is believed to attract opportunities for success and advancement in one’s profession.


  • Spiritual Connection: The Vastu Yantra carries spiritual significance, promoting a deeper spiritual connection within the home. It encourages spiritual growth and mindfulness among the occupants.


  • Positive Aura: With its sacred geometry and symbolism, the Vastu Yantra radiates positive energy, uplifting the overall aura of the home and its surroundings.


  • Auspiciousness: The presence of the Vastu Yantra infuses the home with auspiciousness and positive energies, making it an ideal space for prosperity, happiness, and overall well-being.



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