Washbasin design ideas for modern bathrooms

Selecting the perfect washbasin is no easy job. One can certainly do with some help regarding washbasin designs and functionalities.

Washbasins have a job to do and their functionality is undeniable. But they can do a lot more. Crafted with panache and style, washbasins can transform an average bathroom into a sophisticated space. This makes it imperative for you to choose a washbasin design with care. To help you decide, we present to you an enticing collage of washbasin design ideas. For additional assistance, we list some washbasin facts to choose the best functioning model.


See also: Washbasin Design: How to Choose the Right Wooden Washbasin


Washbasin design #1

Wash basin design ideas for every home
A washbasin is a sink, typically installed in the bathrooms.


Washbasin design #2

Wash basin design ideas for every home
Washbasins come in all shapes and sizes.


Washbasin design #3

Wash basin design ideas for every home
Washbasins are available in various materials.


Washbasin design #4

Wash basin design ideas for every home
Washbasins can have different mountings, from full-pedestal wall-hung basins to half-pedestal wall-hung basins.


Washbasin design #5

Wash basin design ideas for every home
The size of the washbasin must be selected to match the size of the home.


Washbasin design #6

Wash basin design ideas for every home
If choosing a glass washbasin, be prepared to take extra care.


Washbasin design #7

Wash basin design ideas for every home
Wall-mounted washbasins are the most commonly used washbasin types.


Washbasin design #8

Wash basin design ideas for every home
The material of the washbasin determines its appearance, style and functionality.


Washbasin design #9

Wash basin design ideas for every home
While metal and stainless steel basins are common in commercial establishments. They are good for residential settings as well.


Read also: Modern Wash Basin Designs in Hall: Materials for Indian Home


Washbasin design #10

Wash basin design ideas for every home


Washbasin design #11

Wash basin design ideas for every home
The depth of the bowl must be a key criterion when selecting a washbasin design for your home.


Washbasin design #12

Wash basin design ideas for every home
Wall-mounted sinks, vessel sinks, under-mount sinks, drop-in sinks, pedestal sinks and semi-recessed sinks are some of the washbasin types.


Washbasin design #13

Wash basin design ideas for every home
Ceramics is the most popular material used for washbasins.


Washbasin design #14

Wash basin design ideas for every home
Since washbasins are a long-term investment, they should never be an impulse purchase.


Washbasin design #15

Wash basin design ideas for every home
Square and rectangular washbasins are considered the most functional washbasin designs.


Washbasin design #16

Wash basin design ideas for every home
The shape of the washbasin matters. Some shapes, even though quite attractive, may not be so great in functionality.


Washbasin design #17

Wash basin design ideas for every home
Very tiny washbasins have very little functionality too. They are good to serve ornamental purposes.


Washbasin design #18

Wash basin design ideas for every home
Washbasins come in a wide price range. They can start from a few thousand bucks and rise as per quality, design and brand name.


Washbasin design #19

Wash basin design ideas for every home
Washbasins can spread dangerous bacteria. Regular cleaning is a must.


Washbasin design #20

Wash basin design ideas for every home
Vinegar-soaked paper towels are the best way to clean your washbasin.


Washbasin design #21

Wash basin design ideas for every home
The use of harsh chemicals for cleaning the washbasin may compromise its quality and character.


See also: 13 wash basin mirror designs that will never go out of style


Washbasin design #22

Wash basin design ideas for every home
The size of the faucet matters a great deal in determining the functionality of the washbasin design.


Washbasin design #23

Wash basin design ideas for every home
Experiment with washbasin colours and designs.


Washbasin design #24

Wash basin design ideas for every home
The colour and size that may look appealing in a restaurant may not be highly functional in a home. Cute, for washbasins, does not cut it.


Washbasin design #25

Wash basin design ideas for every home
Due to its versatility and character, white is the most common colour used in washbasin manufacturing.


Washbasin design #26

Wash basin design ideas for every home
Washbasins are available in ceramic, porcelain, marble, granite, stone, glass, acrylic, timber and several other materials.


Washbasin design #27

Wash basin design ideas for every home
A washbasin would vary from 16 to 24 inches. The size refers to the horizontal sink width.
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