Why to choose wallpapers over paints?

Wallpapers are a way to make fancy walls.

In the ever-evolving world of interior design, wallpapers have emerged as a powerful tool to infuse personality, texture and depth into any space. Once considered outdated or limiting, modern wallpaper designs have undergone a remarkable transformation, offering a vast array of patterns, colours and materials that can breathe new life into every room in your home. From bold and daring to subtle and understated, wallpapers have the ability to create focal points, define zones and set the mood for your living spaces. Whether you’re seeking to make a bold statement or simply add a touch of warmth and character, the right wallpaper can be the catalyst for a stunning interior makeover.


See also: How to clean wallpapers?


Why wallpapers?

Wallpapers offer a myriad of benefits that make them an attractive choice for interior design enthusiasts and homeowners alike:


With an endless array of designs, colours and textures, wallpapers can seamlessly adapt to any style, from classic to contemporary, allowing you to create a truly personalised space that reflects your unique aesthetic.

Visual impact 

A well-chosen wallpaper can instantly transform a room, adding depth, interest and a striking visual statement that immediately draws the eye.


Modern wallpapers are designed to withstand everyday wear and tear, making them a practical and long-lasting solution for high-traffic areas or homes with children and pets.

Cost effective 

Compared to other wall treatments, such as intricate mouldings or custom murals, wallpapers offer a more cost-effective way to achieve a high-end, designer look.

Wallpaper choices

With the vast selection of wallpapers available, it’s essential to understand the different types and their suitability for various rooms in your home:

Vinyl wallpapers

Ideal for high-moisture areas like bathrooms and kitchens, vinyl wallpapers are moisture-resistant, easy to clean and durable.

Grasscloth and natural fibre wallpapers

These eco-friendly options lend warmth and texture, making them perfect for living rooms, bedrooms and dining areas.

Foiled and metallic wallpapers

With their shimmering finishes, these wallpapers add a touch of glamour and sophistication, suitable for accent walls or formal spaces.

Textured wallpapers

Embossed or raised designs create depth and visual interest, ideal for defining focal points or adding dimension to a room.

Removable wallpapers

Perfect for renters or those seeking a temporary solution, removable wallpapers can be easily installed and removed without damaging walls.


15 wallpaper ideas to revitalise every room

Bold botanicals

Embrace nature’s beauty with wallpapers featuring lush foliage, vibrant florals, or tropical patterns, creating a serene and rejuvenating atmosphere in your living room or bedroom.

Geometric wonders

Bring an air of sophistication and modernity to your home with geometric wallpapers featuring clean lines, abstract shapes and bold colour combinations, perfect for creating a focal point in your entryway or office.

Vintage charm

Transport yourself to another era with wallpapers that feature vintage patterns, floral designs, or delicate damasks, adding warmth and character to your dining room or guest bedroom.

Metallic accents

Elevate your space with metallic wallpapers that incorporate hints of gold, silver, or copper, creating a luxurious and glamorous ambiance in your powder room or home bar area.

Textured neutrals

For a subtle yet impactful look, consider textured wallpapers in neutral tones like beige, grey, or taupe, lending depth and visual interest to your living room or bedroom walls.

Whimsical patterns

Inject a touch of playfulness into your child’s room or nursery with whimsical wallpapers featuring vibrant colours, quirky characters, or imaginative scenes that spark creativity and wonder.

Monochromatic minimalism

Embrace the simplicity and elegance of a monochromatic palette with wallpapers featuring varying shades of a single hue, creating a calming and cohesive atmosphere in your bedroom or home office.

Brick or stone illusion

Transform your space with wallpapers that mimic the texture and warmth of exposed brick or natural stone, adding depth and character to your living room or kitchen without the hassle of actual masonry work.

Chalkboard wall

Unleash your creativity with chalkboard wallpapers, perfect for playrooms, home offices, or even kitchen backsplashes, allowing you to scribble, doodle, or display inspirational quotes and artwork.

Wood panelling

Embrace the warmth and natural beauty of wood without the maintenance by installing wood-patterned wallpapers, creating a cosy and inviting atmosphere in your den or home library.

World traveller

Transport yourself to exotic destinations with wallpapers featuring maps, globes, or scenic landscapes, adding a touch of wanderlust to your entryway or home office.

Art deco glamour

Channel the sophistication of the roaring twenties with Art Deco-inspired wallpapers featuring bold geometric patterns, metallic accents and rich colours, perfect for creating a stylish and glamorous powder room or bar area.

Moroccan motifs

Embrace the vibrant patterns and intricate details of Moroccan design with wallpapers featuring intricate tile patterns, arabesques, or paisley designs, adding a touch of global flair to your living room or entryway.

Starry nights

Bring the magic of the cosmos into your home with wallpapers featuring celestial motifs like stars, moons and planets, creating a dreamy and whimsical atmosphere in your child’s bedroom or home theatre.

Ombre elegance

In the ever-evolving realm of interior design, wallpapers have emerged as a powerful tool to transform any space into a personalised oasis of style and comfort. With a myriad of designs, textures and materials to choose from, the possibilities for revitalising every room in your home are truly endless. Whether you seek to make a bold statement or create a serene sanctuary, the right wallpaper can breathe new life into your living spaces, reflecting your unique personality and inspiring a sense of pride and joy in your surroundings. Embrace the art of wallpaper design and embark on a journey of self-expression, where every wall becomes a canvas for your creative vision.



What are the steps for selecting the appropriate wallpaper for a room?

Consider the room's purpose, lighting conditions and existing colour scheme. Think about the mood you want to create and choose a wallpaper that complements the overall design aesthetic.

Can wallpapers be used in bathrooms and kitchens?

Yes, there are moisture-resistant and washable wallpapers specifically designed for use in high-humidity areas like bathrooms and kitchens, making them practical and easy to maintain.

What is the amount of wallpaper required for a room?

To determine the amount of wallpaper needed, measure the room's dimensions and add an extra 10-15% to account for pattern matching and waste.

Is it difficult to install wallpaper?

While traditional wallpaper installation can be challenging, modern peel-and-stick or paste-the-wall options have made the process much more user-friendly, even for DIY enthusiasts.

How long do wallpapers typically last?

The lifespan of wallpapers can vary depending on the quality, type and environmental conditions. With proper installation and maintenance, high-quality wallpapers can last for several years, sometimes even a decade or more.

Can wallpapers be removed or repositioned?

Yes, many modern wallpapers are designed to be removable or repositionable, allowing for easy updates or changes without damaging the walls.

Are wallpapers eco-friendly?

There are eco-friendly wallpaper options available, such as those made from natural fibres like grasscloth or bamboo, as well as low-VOC (volatile organic compound) options that minimise harmful emissions.

How do I clean and maintain wallpapers?

The cleaning and maintenance requirements vary depending on the wallpaper type. Some can be gently wiped with a damp cloth, while others may require specialised cleaners or techniques. Always refer to the manufacturer's instructions for proper care.


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