543 Bus Route: Schedule, Information, Timings, And Fare

543 bus route has 30 stops between Anand Vihar ISBT Terminal and Safdarjung Terminal

Residents of Delhi who are looking for a quick and easy way to navigate the city may use the bus route 543 whenever it is convenient for them. Along the 543 bus route that runs between the Anand Vihar ISBT Terminal and the Safdarjung Terminal, the Delhi Transport Corporation runs several city buses each day. It makes stops at around 30 different locations along the way.

See also: Know about Delhi’s 181 bus route


543 bus route: Key Information

Route No. DTC 543
Source Anand Vihar ISBT Terminal
Destination Safdarjung Terminal
First bus Timing 06:00 AM
Last Bus Timing 09:50 PM
Travel Distance 18.8 KM
Travel Time  1 hr 10 min
No. of Stops  30

Read about bus route in Delhi

543 bus route: Timings

The Anand Vihar ISBT Terminal is where the 543 DTC Bus begins its route, and it travels all the way to the Safdarjung Terminal  before coming to an end. The first bus on the 543 DTC runs at around 6:00 in the morning, while the last bus on the route runs at roughly 09:50 in the evening. 

Known about: bus route Delhi

Up route and timings 

Bus Starts  Anand Vihar ISBT Terminal
Bus Ends Safdarjung Terminal
First Bus  06:00 AM
Last Bus  09:50 PM
Total Trips  80
Total Stops  30


Down route and timings

Bus Starts  Safdarjung Terminal
Bus Ends Anand Vihar ISBT Terminal
First Bus  06:40 AM
Last Bus  07:20 PM
Total Trips  58
Total Stops  29


543 bus route

Anand Vihar ISBT Terminal to Safdarjung Terminal

Stop Name First Bus Distance (KM)
Anand Vihar ISBT Terminal 06:00 0
Anand Vihar ISBT Main Road 06:00 0.2
Maharaj Pur Check Post 06:02 0.4
Gazipur Depot 06:03 0.2
Gazipur Village 06:07 1.1
SFS Quarter Gazipur 06:07 0.2
NHW-24 Xing (Gazipur Xing) 06:09 0.4
Khichripur 06:12 0.7
East Vinod Nagar Depot 06:15 0.8
Sanjay Lake Trilokpuri 06:18 0.7
Samaspur Jagir Village 06:22 1
Pusta Crossing / Akshardham Temple 06:24 0.5
Khel Gaon CWG Village 06:28 1
CWG Village / PWD Office 06:31 0.6
Nizamuddin Road Bridge 06:37 1.5
ISBT Sarai Kale Khan 06:40 0.9
Bala Sahib Gurudwara 06:44 1
Maharani Bagh / Ashram 06:47 0.7
Maharani Bagh (Ashram) 06:48 0.3
Nehru Nagar 06:52 1.1
Sri Niwaspuri / PGDAV College Lajpat Nagar 06:53 0.2
Lajpat Nagar Ring Road 06:55 0.5
Gupta Market 06:58 0.7
Andrews Ganj 07:02 1
South Extension 07:05 0.7
South Extn Kotla Petrol Pump 07:08 0.6
AIIMS 07:09 0.3
Kidwai Nagar 07:12 0.8
Safdarjung Terminal 07:15 0.6


Safdarjung Terminal to Anand Vihar ISBT Terminal 

Stop Name First Bus
Safdarjung Terminal 06:40
Vikas Sadan 06:41
INA Colony 06:42
Kidwai Nagar 06:43
AIIMS Ring Road 06:45
South Extension 06:48
South Extension 06:49
Andrews Ganj 06:53
Gupta Market 06:56
Lajpat Nagar 2 Ring Road 06:57
Lajpat Nagar Ring Road 07:00
PGDAV College / Sri Niwaspuri 07:02
Nehru Nagar 07:03
Maharani Bagh / Ashram 07:08
Bala Sahib Gurudwara 07:10
Sarai Kale Khan ISBT 07:14
Nizamuddin Road Bridge / CPWD Office 07:23
Khel Gaon CWG Village 07:25
Akshardham Temple / Pusta Crossing 07:29
Samaspur Jagir Village / Pandav Nagar 07:31
Sanjay Lake Trilokpuri 07:35
East Vinod Nagar Depot 07:37
Khichripur 07:42
Gazipur NH-24 Crossing 07:45
Gazipur Village 07:46
TELCO Gazipur 07:50
Gazipur Depot 07:50
Anand Vihar ISBT Terminal 07:52


543 bus route: Places to visit around Anand Vihar ISBT terminal

Due to its proximity to both religious and historical sites, Anand Vihar is a destination that is highly recommended for tourists. Visit the Swaminarayan Akshardham Temple, Talab Chowk, Gurudwara Bangla Sahib, and Gurudwara Sis Ganj Sahib while you’re around the Anand Vihar ISBT Terminal. These are some of the most well-known locations in the region, and each one will reward you with a tranquil environment and architectural splendour.


543 bus route: Places to visit around Safdarjung terminal

Safdurjung is a popular tourist destination since it is home to both parks and museums, which brings people from all over the globe. Around the Safdarjung Terminal are several interesting locations to visit, including the Delhi Haat, Nehru Park, Railway Museum, Safdarjung Tomb, Teen Burjee, and India Gate. These locations are important not only due to their architecture and tranquillity but also because they reveal a great deal about India’s history, culture, and customs.


543 bus route: Fare

If you take the bus route 543 from Anand Vihar ISBT Terminal to Safdarjung Terminal, the fare for the journey might cost anything from Rs 10 to Rs 25 per person, depending on your final location. Check out the website of the Delhi DTC for more information on the tickets that will be given out to the public.


543 bus route: Advantages

People who live along the 543 bus route have generally benefited the most from it since it has significantly reduced the amount of money they spend on their journey and the length of time it takes. In addition, you have the opportunity to make residential real estate investments in a variety of locations along the 543 bus route. These locations include Lajpat Nagar, Safdarjung, Nehru Nagar, and many other neighbourhoods.



Where does the DTC 543 Bus travel?

The DTC 543 Bus travels between the Anand Vihar ISBT Terminal and the Safdarjung Terminal. It also travels in the opposite direction, from the Safdarjung Terminal to the Anand Vihar ISBT Terminal.

What time does the first DTC 543 bus depart?

The first run of the DTC 543 Bus departs from Anand Vihar ISBT Terminal at 6:00 AM and Safdarjung Terminal at 6:40 AM.

How many stops does the DTC 543 route have?

The 543 Bus route includes 30 stops in total from Anand Vihar ISBT Terminal to Safdarjung Terminal and 29 total stops from Safdarjung Terminal to Anand Vihar ISBT Terminal.

How many trips does DTC 543 Bus make each day?

The 543 Bus route includes 80 journeys in total from Anand Vihar ISBT Terminal to Safdarjung Terminal and 58 journeys from Safdarjung Terminal to Anand Vihar ISBT Terminal.



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