A guide to AC servicing and maintenance

Regular maintenance and servicing of your AC system ensures optimal performance.

Air conditioners are an inherent and inseparable part of our lifestyle. In a tropical country like India that experiences summers in its full glory and various shades, ranging from dry winds to high humidity, air conditioners are necessary for comfort and efficient performance of our daily routines. However, your ACs also require proper care and maintenance to provide optimal performance in such extreme climatic conditions. This article is a brief guide to the proper servicing and maintenance of your ACs where you can explore essential care tips, troubleshoots and the importance of professional consultation.

See also: A step-by-step guide to outdoor air conditioner maintenance


Common AC problems and their remedies

AC systems can face various problems from time to time that need prompt attention to ensure functionality. Here are some of the common problems and ways to tackle them:

Problem Cause Solution
Poor cooling performance Dirty or clogged air filter, coolant issues or faulty thermostat Clean or replace the air filter; check coolant levels and replenish if required; calibrate or replace the faulty thermostat
Power on issues Problems with electrical components or the thermostat, or a blown fuse Check the thermostat settings and replace the batteries of required; check the circuit breaker for blown fuse and replace as required; inspect and replace faulty wiring
Unusual noises Grinding, squealing or banging sounds may be caused by loose or damaged parts, worn-out belts, or accumulated debris Tighten the loose components; replace the damaged belts as required; remove debris, especially from fan blades
Leaking water Excessive condensation or a clogged condensate drain line Clean the condensate drain regularly; check the insulation of coolant lines to prevent condensation
Frozen evaporator coils Restricted airflow, inadequate coolant, or dirty coils Clean or replace dirty air filters; replenish coolant levels; clean coils and adjust blower setting for proper airflow
Uneven cooling Poor insulation, ductwork issues, thermostat malfunction Inspect insulation issues and address as required; seal gaps in ductwork; calibrate the thermostat for optimal temperature control
Foul odours  Mould, mildew and bacteria growth within the system Clean the air filter regularly; go for mould and mildew inhibitors in the drip pan; install UV lights to inhibit growth
Short cycling Frequent power switch in the AC due to thermostat issues, coolant levels or faulty compressor Check and calibrate the thermostat; ensure adequate coolant levels; repair the compressor as required


When to seek professional consultation?

While several issues with the AC can be addressed at home with basic technical know-how, if the problems persist, it is advisable to seek professional help. Here are some cases where you should consider professional consultation:

Coolant issues

Inadequate coolant levels or leaks in the lines must be addressed by a professional. HVAC technicians possess the tools and skills to handle coolants without causing spills or safety hazards and tackle related problems.

Electrical problems

Tripped circuit breakers, faulty wiring or problems with the capacitor are common issues that might arise. For safe handling of these issues, it is best to consult a technician for correct assessment and troubleshooting since working with electrical components might be potentially hazardous.

Compressor malfunctions

Being a crucial component of the AC system, the compressor, if malfunctioning, often requires specialised knowledge and tools for fixing. If any problem is detected, it is advisable to seek professional help to obtain the most effective solution.

Complex repairs

Several AC repairs might involve intricate components and specialised technical knowledge that are beyond the scope of basic DIY efforts. Technicians with the necessary training and equipment to handle complex repairs should be consulted in these cases for efficient handling.

Ductwork issues

The ductwork of the AC might face problems like leaks, blockages or inadequate insulation that are likely to impact the efficiency of the entire system. Professionals have the required skills to perform thorough inspection and address any issues that might arise in the ductwork appropriately.

System replacement

In the case of old AC units, inefficiency and the need for frequent repairs are common problems. In such cases, professionals can help assess if it is more feasible to replace the unit. They can even provide the proper guidance and technical assistance to help you choose an energy-efficient system that suits your needs.

Safety concerns

If you notice burning smells, smoke or signs of potential fire hazards, make sure to turn off the unit immediately and consult a professional. Safety should always be the top priority and a trained professional can help address these safety issues in the most efficient manner.

Warranty considerations

If your system is still under warranty, consulting a professional might be more feasible since they can perform the necessary repairs under the warranty coverage. Trying DIY hacks on the system might void the manufacturer’s warranty and cause financial losses.

Lack of cooling

It is advisable to conduct checks on the thermostat, air filter and basic components if your AC system is not providing adequate cooling. If you cannot figure out the issue on your own, it might be a warning sign for you to seek professional help. Persistent issues related to cooling might indicate a more complex problem beyond the scope of DIY, requiring expert diagnosis.

Preventive maintenance

Even if you don’t detect any problems with your C systems, it is advisable to undertake professional maintenance to ensure efficient functioning and prevent potential problems. Annual or bi-annual inspections by qualified technicians can help in this case.


Regular maintenance tips

Alongside addressing specific problems and seeking professional help, some regular maintenance can do wonders for your AC system in minimising the risk of potential problems. Here are some preventive maintenance tips for the general health of the AC system:

  • Clean or replace air filters: Consider cleaning the air filter every 1 – 3 months to ensure unrestricted airflow. If you have pets or allergies, you might need to do it more often 
  • Check and clean the coils: The evaporator and condenser coils need to be cleaned regularly since the accumulation of dirt might affect the heat exchange.
  • Inspect and clean the condensate drain: Regularly flush the condensate drain using a bleach solution as a clogged drain can lead to water damage and affect humidity levels.
  • Examine the thermostat: Check the thermostat settings to make sure that it provides accurate temperature control. Programmable thermostats can be reviewed and updated as required.
  • Tighten electrical connections: Turn off the power and inspect the system for loose connections and terminals periodically. Tighten as required to avoid a system failure.
  • Lubricate moving parts: Specific components such as fan and motor that use moving parts might need lubrication. Apply lubricant as required after consulting the manufacturer’s guidelines.
  • Check coolant levels: If you observe a difference in cooling efficiency, consider checking the coolant levels and replenish as required.
  • Check ductwork for leaks: Seal any leaks in the ductwork with appropriate materials to ensure optimal system performance.
  • Clean and straighten coil fins: Straighten any bent fins using a fin comb and remove accumulated dirt or debris using a soft brush or vacuum to ensure proper airflow.
  • Inspect the condenser: The outdoor condenser unit might be exposed to dirt and debris. Clean the surrounding area regularly and remove any obstructions.
  • Test the system: Check the system periodically by switching it on and monitoring the performance. Any unusual sounds, odours or cooling patterns must be promptly addressed.
  • Schedule professional maintenance: Professional maintenance of the system is recommended at least once a year. Technicians are better equipped to perform thorough inspection, identify potential problems and ensure peak performance.
  • Check insulation: Check for damage around the coolant lines and repair or replace as required to maintain proper temperature control.
  • Install a smart thermostat: Upgrading to a smart thermostat provides more accurate temperature control, energy savings and remote monitoring.



How often should I get my AC system serviced?

Annual professional servicing for AC systems is recommended. Additionally, regular maintenance can help prevent potential problems and prolong the lifespan of the system.

Can I do the servicing myself?

While basic maintenance tasks can be done at home, it is recommended to seek professional help for more complex issues as technicians possess the expertise to handle them suitably.

Why is my AC not cooling effectively?

Dirty air filters, low coolant levels, or issues with the thermostat might lead to insufficient cooling. It is advisable to consult a technician for more accurate diagnosis.

What should I do if my AC is leaking water?

Water leakage can be avoided by cleaning the condensate drain regularly, ensuring proper insulation of coolant lines and addressing any blockages in the system.

How can I improve the efficiency of my AC system?

Regularly cleaning the components such as air filters and coils and ensuring proper insulation can help improve the efficiency. Additionally, schedule professional maintenance annually for better results.

When should I consider replacing my AC unit?

If your AC unit is more than 10 - 15 years old and requires frequent repairs, you should consider upgrading. Consult a professional for the technical assistance on which system might be most suitable for your needs.

Is it necessary to service my AC if it’s still under warranty coverage?

Adhering to the manufacturer’s maintenance schedule is necessary if your AC is under warranty. Otherwise it might void the warranty.

Got any questions or point of view on our article? We would love to hear from you. Write to our Editor-in-Chief Jhumur Ghosh at jhumur.ghosh1@housing.com


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