How to grow and care for Cobra plants?

Know more about the insects eating Cobra plant.

A Cobra plant is named so for a reason. Its voluptuous green head and blood-red twisted tongue remind you of-yes, a cobra! It doesn’t look like a snake but resembles one in its appetite. The cobra plant, or Darlingtonia californica, is carnivorous. The Cobra plant is naturally found in a specific swampy atmosphere native to California and Oregon. It may be difficult to mimic this boggy environment, but with some care, it can be achieved in your home.


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Facts about Cobra plant


Species Name Darlingtonia californica
Commonly known as Cobra Lily or Cobra Plant
Found in Northern California and Oregon, USA
Family Sarraceniaceae
Type Carnivorous


The leaves are curled and rise from right above the soil. They turn into hoods, looking like small spectacular snakes. It has red petals that imitate the tongue of a snake. The beautiful balloon-like hood gives it a glorious glossy look. It has transparent windows called fenestrations. These confuse the prey while trying to escape. The tube beneath the hood had a lining of hair that grew downward. Colours ranging from yellow, and green to purple can be seen in various parts of the plant. The plant is in full bloom during the spring season and goes dormant during winter.


How does a Cobra plant work?

  • Unlike other pitcher plants, cobra plants do not collect rainwater. Instead, it uses the water that comes up from the roots. 
  • The hood-like leaves spread a honey-like aroma that invites insects and other small vertebrates. 
  • Its translucent appearance gives a false impression of an exit while hiding the actual tiny exit hole. 
  • The hairs inside the pitcher point downwards, making it difficult for the prey to escape. In addition, the walls of the pitcher are also slippery.
  •  It does not secrete a digestive enzyme like other pitcher plants. Instead, it depends on bacteria and commensals to digest the captured insect. The commensals are small wormlike creatures that are immersed in the pitcher fluid.
  • The nutrients are absorbed by the cells on the inner side of the pitcher tube.


Plant care

The Cobra plant is not quickly grown everywhere because its natural habitat has a rare combination of soil, nutrients, temperature, sunlight, and other factors. The successful survival of this plant depends on how well these conditions are replicated in your home garden. However, some varieties of Cobra plants have recently been developed that can survive in slightly different situations.

Mentioned below are the essential requirements you should take care of, to grow Cobra plants in an environment closest to its native. 


  • Soil

The Cobra plant initially grows in a bog. Marshy soil that is always moist and even has moss is the best suited for this plant. The plant does not depend much on the soil’s nutrients since it consumes insects in its natural habitat.


  • Sunlight

The plant thrives well near a bright sunny window. It requires a lot of direct sunlight or a partially shaded area. The attractive colours on the plant can be seen when light is evenly distributed and may vary depending on the sun it receives.


  • Water

Proper irrigation is one of the most significant factors contributing to creating a suitable environment for Cobra plants. Rainwater is the apparent ideal source of water for the cobra plant. To replicate the marshy environment, the roots of the Cobra lily require abundant mineral-rich cold water. The root must be cooler than the rest of the plant body. In other words, it must be watered regularly, especially if the daytime temperature is high.


  • Temperature

The plant cannot sustain itself in a constantly warm environment. Even though it needs bright sunlight, a lower temperature is preferred by its roots during nighttime. A humid climate is ideal for its growth. It is rare to find a plant with different organs and varying temperature preferences. 


  • Nutrition

It is a pitcher plant that gains nutrients from the insects it consumes. Potting soil also usually has the necessary nutrients. It would be sufficient to repot the plant once a year since the primary source of nutrition is not the soil.


Propagation of Cobra plants

Seeds of the Cobra plant can be used for propagation. But the growth is slow and hard to maintain.  Hence, a more effective method would be cutting the arching stem or stolon with some roots intact. This needs to be laid on cool and well-watered moss. This setup requires a location with high humidity and bright sunlight. Following these steps results in a better breed of cobra lilies.



The pollination of the Cobra plant is still a mystery. Researchers are yet to confirm the method of pollination. No flies or bees seem to be attracted to its flower. The plant was, however, found to be pollinating even in the absence of a male. This suggests that it might be self-pollinating.

In addition to the nitrogen and phosphorus drawn by the roots, the cobra plant uses nutrition from the insects it captures. This nutrition method makes it possible for the plant to thrive in conditions that could be otherwise hostile for plants to grow. With the quality of its natural habitat, this wild plant can also survive in harsh conditions.


What is the use of Cobra plant?

The plant is used as a home-grown remedy for arthritis, snake and dog bites, piles, constipation, liver infection and respiratory issues. The plant is also used to treat stomach related issues in animals.


Is Cobra plant poisonous?

Yes, the Cobra plant is poisonous.


What does the Cobra plant eat?


The Cobra plant eat small insects.


Is the Cobra plant safe for humans?

It is not known to harm humans or pets.

What is the colour of the Cobra plant flower?

It is yellowish purple. The flower has five green sepals, which are longer than the petals.

Can ice be used to cool down the roots?

Yes. Purified cold water should be used to water the Cobra plant. Ice cubes can also be placed on the soil on hot days.

How tall can the Cobra plant leaves grow?

The leaves grow between 40 and 85 cm long.

Why is the Cobra plant called a pitcher plant?

Its leaves are modified into the shape of a pitcher. It has a cavity to trap its prey.

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