Camphor tree in India: Growing and care tips

Camphor or Cinnamomum camphora is an evergreen tree that’s easy to grow and maintain in your home garden.

Camphor or Cinnamomum camphora is a low-maintenance evergreen tree that can be a great choice for your garden. As the tree does not require much care, you can easily plant it without hassle. Camphor tree is usually used for its valuable bark, which serves as a very popular spice used in the kitchen. Belonging to the family Lauraceae, this tree originated in places like India, China, Japan, etc. Camphor has a lot of health benefits, which is why many people are now showing interest in growing the tree in their gardens and yards.

See also: Cinchona tree: Tips to grow and maintain


Camphor tree: Key facts

Botanical name Cinnamomum camphora
Family Lauraceae
Common name Camphor Tree, Camphorwood, Camphor laurel
Plant type Evergreen tree
Native Tropical parts of Eastern Asia
Leaf type Glossy light green with three main veins
Flower Characteristics Small white flowers
Varieties available Laurus camphora, Cinnamomum camphora, Camphora officinalis Steud, Persea camphora, etc
Height 20 m to 30 m
Season Throughout the year
Bloom time April
Sun exposure Full sun
Soil type Moist, fertile, sandy soil
Ideal location for placement Partial shade area with sunlight
Maintenance Water the tree once a week, and soil should be sandy
Fertilisation Fertiliser is not necessarily required


Camphor tree: Physical description

The camphor tree is an evergreen tree that can grow up to 20 m to 30 m in height. The leaves of the camphor tree have a very glossy and smooth surface. When the leaves are crushed, they smell like camphor. Small white flowers are available in the spring season. Small berrylike fruits are available, which are usually 1 cm in diameter.


Camphor tree: How to grow and care for Cinnamomum camphora?

Source: Pinterest


Camphor tree: How to grow it?

You can grow a tree directly from seeds. However, to grow a camphor tree from seeds, you will have to wait for the spring season or the summer.

  • Keep an eye on the sunlight. Camphor trees need full sun for at least six hours a day. Also, partial shade sometimes is good for camphor trees.
  • Moist and sandy soil is good for camphor trees. You can prepare an area in your garden with sandy soil to plant the tree.
  • During the first two years of the growth of the camphor tree, you will have to use 15 gallons of water every week to keep the soil moist.


Camphor tree: Care tips

Camphor tree is a low-maintenance tree, but you have to keep some things in mind.

  • Water should be appropriately given because moist soil is mandatory for good growth of the camphor tree.
  • Sandy soil is needed for camphor trees to flourish.
  • Sunlight is required for at least six hours per day.


Camphor tree: How to grow and care for Cinnamomum camphora?

Source: Pinterest


Camphor tree: Benefits and medicinal properties

There are numerous benefits of camphor trees, such as:

  • Camphor is used in various facial creams and lotions. It helps rejuvenate the skin and reduce itchiness.
  • Camphor is good for reducing wrinkles.
  • Camphor is good for reducing pain. Various pain-reducing sprays use camphor for joint pain.
  • Camphor can relieve burns.
  • Camphor oil is good for reducing colds and coughs.
  • Camphor is used to relieve muscle cramps.
  • Camphor is used as a spice, which increases flavours in some desserts.


Camphor tree: How to grow and care for Cinnamomum camphora?

Source: Pinterest

Eco-friendly insect repellent: Camphor tree oil

Camphor oil is extracted from the tree and has several benefits. It is known to have anti-inflammatory properties. Camphor oil is among the main ingredients in vapour rubs, balms, and liniments. More importantly, camphor oil is known to be an effective natural mosquito repellent. Put a camphor tablet in a bowl of water and keep it in the room to drive away insects.

Soothing scent, majestic presence: Camphor tree

The pleasant scent of camphor is used in the making of fragrance oil. It can also be combined with other natural oils like eucalyptus.

Other benefits

Wood from the tree is used for cabinet work chests, making wooden panels, etc.


Camphor tree: Toxicity

Camphor trees are not toxic at all. But still, children and pets should not be allowed around the tree.


What are the disadvantages of camphor trees?

Some of the problems associated with growing Camphor trees include the common pests and diseases affecting its growth. The tree is prone to attack by Aphid and mites, which may result in the leaves turning yellow. The tree is also susceptible to fungi species known as Verticillium dahlia and its varieties. The infestation can lead to severe tree damage.


Camphor tree’s rich history

The camphor tree was introduced in Florida in the 1870s as an ornamental shade tree. It was used widely as an ornamental tree in China and Taiwan. Mainly, the tree was planted for camphor production and grown across several regions in the Gulf Coast. The climate in south Alabama is ideal for the plant. Thus, it began spreading and thriving across the most saturated sites. Camphor trees exist in some southern regions of Alabama and in other states across the Gulf Coast and the Carolinas.



Which kind of soil is required for a camphor tree?

Moist and sandy soil is required for camphor trees.

What is the scientific name of the camphor tree?

The scientific name of the camphor tree is Cinnamomum camphora.

Can I grow camphor trees in my garden?

You can grow a camphor tree in your garden by following basic tips like moist soil, partial shade, six hours of direct sunlight, etc.

Can I use raw camphor?

Camphor is not meant to be used raw, but you can boil it to take it as a good tonic.

Should you buy Camphor tree seeds or grown trees?

One can grow Camphor tree from seeds or from trees. However, seeds may take time to germinate and require proper environmental conditions to support their growth.

What is the growth rate of Camphor tree?

The camphor has a fast growth rate. Once it sprouts, it can grow quickly in the initial years but the rate may slow down later to around 24 inches yearly. The tree then grows steadily until it attains its mature height of 50 foot or higher.

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