Flooring material types, prices, advantages and disadvantages

Some popular flooring options include hardwood, engineered wood, vinyl, tile, etc.

Flooring is the most crucial element of a residential or commercial space. The quality and durability of the floor is an important aspect to consider when choosing flooring materials. Besides, the choice of material will also have an impact on the visual appeal of the interiors. Nowadays, there are a variety of flooring options, such as vinyl, marble, hardwood, etc., which help a homeowner personalise her space based on her style and preference. In this article, we will examine the different types of flooring materials and compare them based on their price, advantages, and disadvantages.


Flooring material: Types

There are popular flooring options, such as hardwood, engineered wood, vinyl, tile, etc. Let us explore the pros and cons of each of these materials.


Hardwood flooring

Hardwood flooring is a traditional flooring option, which brings a classic appeal to any space, whether it is a modern apartment, or a farmhouse. This type of flooring can be expensive, but it is quite popular owing to the elegance it provides and its longevity.

Hardwood flooring is available in two forms – solid hardwood flooring comprising boards milled from a single piece of solid wood and engineered hardwood flooring comprising a multi-layer base made from compressed wood, resin, and polymers with real hardwood on the surface.


Flooring material types, prices, advantages, and disadvantages



  • Can be refinished multiple times
  • Increases house resale value
  • Strong and durable


  • Expensive
  • Requires maintenance
  • Prone to moisture damage, scratches, and dents
  • Not ideal for areas such as bathrooms, laundry rooms, and basements


Engineered wood flooring

Engineered wood flooring is a popular flooring material that resembles real wood. However, it is affordable than solid wood. It comprises a thin layer of hardwood bonded over a high-quality plywood substrate. The flooring mainly comprises left-over or cut-off wooden materials, which makes it a sustainable choice. It is installed over a base layer when addressing shrinkage issues. With proper care and maintenance, it becomes durable just as solid hardwood flooring.


Flooring material types, prices, advantages, and disadvantages



  • DIY-friendly material with multiple installation methods
  • High resistant moisture than real wood
  • Less prone to warping
  • Sustainable flooring option
  • Can withstand heavier loads than real wood


  • Can be refinished once
  • Not resistant to fading
  • Requires maintenance


Vinyl flooring

This type of flooring is made from several layers of different materials sandwiched to form a highly durable and affordable flooring option. The material is made up of polyvinyl chloride and plasticisers, with coloured pigments. It is available in two forms – luxury vinyl plank (LVP) and luxury vinyl tile (LVT).


Flooring material types, prices, advantages, and disadvantages



  • Affordable and durable
  • Fade-resistant
  • Resistant to water, thus ideal for kitchens, bathrooms, laundry rooms and basements


  • LVP and LVT can be more expensive than laminate
  • Difficult to repair
  • Not recyclable
  • May emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs)


Laminate flooring

Laminate flooring is another trending and affordable synthetic flooring with materials fused together with a lamination process. It is widely used as an alternative to carpets. It comprises a particleboard wood base covered with wood, or tile photographic image under a protective layer.


Flooring material types, prices, advantages, and disadvantages



  • Different texture and colour options
  • Affordable compared to wooden flooring
  • Easy to clean and maintain
  • Scratch-resistant


  • Prone to moisture damage
  • Can easily chip
  • Brings a hollow sound underfoot


Tile flooring

Tile flooring is a preferred choice for areas, such as bathrooms, and kitchens. One of the reasons behind its popularity is the availability of different textures resembling wood, stone, fabric, etc. Some common tile materials are ceramic and porcelain.


Flooring material types, prices, advantages, and disadvantages



  • Can withstand moisture
  • Easy to clean and maintain
  • Durable
  • Long-lasting


  • Expensive
  • Difficult to install
  • Installation
  • Slippery
  • Prone to grime with matt finish

See also: Floor design ideas for different rooms with images


Stone flooring

Natural stones, comprising materials such as, marble, granite, travertine, and sandstone, are widely used in indoor and outdoor areas, both in residential and commercial buildings. Their durability and waterproof properties make a popular choice over other materials. Further, they bring a timeless appeal and help add texture to any space.


Flooring material types, prices, advantages, and disadvantages



  • Waterproof
  • Long-lasting
  • Enhances property value
  • Can be customised


  • Requires high maintenance
  • Susceptible to cracks or chipping


Linoleum flooring

Linoleum flooring comprises renewable natural materials, including linseed oil, jute, cork powder, tree resin, and wood. It differs from vinyl flooring as the design is embedded throughout the material instead of layers.


Flooring material types, prices, advantages, and disadvantages



  • Inexpensive
  • Sustainable
  • Easy to install
  • Available in different colours and patterns


  • Prone to dent or cut
  • Can darken or turn yellowish when exposed to sunlight
  • Not suited for moisture-prone areas


Carpet flooring

Carpet flooring is highly preferred for areas, such as bedrooms and a popular choice due to the availability of colours, materials, and textures. Moreover, modern carpets are stain-resistant and cost-effective flooring, thus an ideal option to suit every budget.


Flooring material types, prices, advantages, and disadvantages



  • Adds warmth and texture
  • Used for sound proofing
  • Affordable
  • Recyclable


  • Requires regular cleaning and maintenance
  • Prone to stain and spills
  • Not suited for allergy sufferers, or homes with pets


Rubber flooring

Rubber flooring is a popular flooring option for commercial areas and sports areas, such as gymnasiums. The material is resilient, durable, and easy to maintain, and the flooring can be customised based on the colour and design choice.


Flooring material types, prices, advantages, and disadvantages



  • Affordable
  • Easy to maintain
  • Durable
  • Slip resistant
  • Eco-friendly and recyclable
  • Waterproof


  • Prone to stain
  • Brings a rubber smell
  • Heavy and difficult to install


Cork flooring

Cork flooring is a natural material, made from the bark of the cork oak tree, which was quite popular in the mid-twentieth century houses. Cork is group up, compressed, and made into sheets bonded with resins.


Flooring material types, prices, advantages, and disadvantages



  • Adds comfort and warmth to the space
  • Natural insect repellent
  • Insulation properties
  • Suitable for dry areas
  • Easy to clean


  • Requires sealing
  • Prone to fading
  • Poor durability
  • Require maintenance
  • Not suitable for heavy furniture


Tips to consider when choosing flooring material

When considering flooring options for your home, it is essential to understand your requirements in terms of the size of the room, humidity conditions, weight of the furniture, foot traffic, and budget.

  • Location: Not every flooring material is suitable for all space. For example, you cannot install carpets in a bathroom, or a kitchen. Choose a material best suited for the space.
  • Resilience: Go for an ideal flooring material suited for high foot traffic space.
  • Aesthetics: When selecting the colour and design, take into account your personal style and interior design preferences.
  • Comparison: It is better to compare samples of some flooring materials before they are installed.
  • Measurements: Consider the size of the room before purchasing the flooring material. It is better to purchase 10% extra material.
  • Price: Flooring materials vary in price. While stone flooring is affordable, a hardwood flooring can be an expensive option. Take your decisions based on your budget needs.


Flooring materials: Price

Flooring material type Price per square foot
Hardwood flooring Rs 300
Laminate flooring Rs 120
Tile flooring Rs 48
Stone flooring Rs 32
Vinyl flooring Rs 25
Concrete flooring Rs 40
Cork flooring Rs 150


Factors that influence flooring materials price

  • Quality of material: A high grade of flooring materials can be quite expensive. However, they ensure more durability.
  • Installation: The method used for installation can significantly impact the overall cost of flooring. For example, glueing planks can be more costly than nailing down solid wood.
  • Labour charges: Labour costs may lead to significant expenses. Further, opting for additional services, such as levelling to the subfloor, installation of baseboards, etc., can add to the costs.



What material is used in flooring?

The type of flooring will depend on various factors, such as area. For example, tile flooring is used in bathrooms, and kitchen as it can withstand moisture.

How many types of flooring are there?

Some of the widely used flooring materials are hardwood, engineered wood, vinyl, tile, carpet, etc.

Which type of flooring is suitable for kitchens and bathrooms?

Stones, such as marble and tile flooring are ideal for kitchens and bathrooms.

Which kind of flooring is good for play areas?

Rubber flooring is suitable for areas with high foot traffic. It is durable and slip resistant.

Which type of flooring material is eco-friendly?

Engineered wood and linoleum are sustainable flooring options.

Got any questions or point of view on our article? We would love to hear from you. Write to our Editor-in-Chief Jhumur Ghosh at jhumur.ghosh1@housing.com


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