Fridge Vastu direction for placement

According to Vastu Shastra, the best direction to place a fridge is the southwest corner of a kitchen.

A refrigerator is an essential component in a kitchen, which must be placed in an easily accessible area. Vastu Shastra, the ancient architectural science, can provide useful guidelines for the placement of a fridge to ensure that it promotes the flow of positive energies in a house. One should avoid placing a fridge in the northeast direction. Let us find out the right direction for the placement of a fridge and other Vastu guidelines.

See also: Direction for wardrobe placement as per Vastu


Fridge direction as per Vastu

Ideally, the refrigerator should be placed in a kitchen. According to Vastu Shastra, the best direction to place a fridge is the southwest corner of a kitchen. The fire element of the kitchen helps balance the energies. The southeast direction, which is associated with the fire element, is another favourable direction to keep a fridge in a house. If these corners are not available, one can consider west, northwest, and north directions for the fridge placement.

Different directions bring different energies and influence various aspects of our lives.

Direction for fridge placement Significance
West Improves family relations and brings prosperity
Southwest Promotes peace and harmony


Fridge location to avoid as per Vastu

  • Do not place the fridge in the east corner.
  • The fridge should not be placed in the northeast direction.
  • Do not place a fridge in front of a door as it may lead to financial problems.
  • Avoid placing a fridge near the stove. As the fridge is associated with water while stove is related to fire, these energies may clash and lead to health issues and family problems.


Fridge position as per Vastu

According to Vastu, if a fridge should be placed in a way that its doors open in the east zone, it promotes positivity in a house. It ensures calmness of the mind, which will be beneficial for the financial condition of a house. Placing a fridge in an incorrect direction may lead to a shortage of food even if you keep food items in a fridge.


Fridge Vastu tips for placement

  • A fridge should be placed at least one foot away from walls and corners.
  • Keep a fridge away from direct sunlight as it can heat the appliance.
  • Place the fridge away from an oven and microwave as these appliances also produce heat.
  • Make sure to keep a fridge clean and organised, which will promote good health and eliminate negative energies.
  • Discard items that do not have nutritional value. Make sure to keep the fridge filled with items, such as water and green and red coloured vegetables. This is considered auspicious, attracts wealth and promotes the overall growth of the household.
  • Do not keep things on top of the fridge.


Fridge Vastu: Importance of right placement

A fridge is the place where we store food items, which is connected to our health. Incorrect placement of a fridge can have adverse effects on health, as per Vastu. Further, if there are frequent disagreements between the family members, one should check the Vastu of the house and make necessary changes to ensure a balance of energies. Moreover, if appliances in a house are not arranged in a Vastu-compliant manner, it may lead to unforeseen financial troubles.


Fridge Vastu colour

According to Vastu, certain colours are considered ideal for a refrigerator. If you are planning to purchase a new fridge or get an old refrigerator painted, consider these auspicious colours:

  • Metallic colour with white and cream shades
  • Shades of blue or earthy shades
  • Wooden look or shades of green



Which direction should a fridge face?

A fridge should be placed in the southwest or southeast corner.

What is the lucky position of a refrigerator?

If it is positioned in a way that its doors open in the east zone, it leads to positive changes.

Can we keep a fridge facing south?

A refrigerator can be kept in the southeast or south direction.

Can we keep a fridge beside TV?

According to Vastu, one should avoid placing a fridge near other appliances, such as a television, oven, or microwave.

Can we keep a fridge near the stove?

Do not keep a fridge near the stove as it is related to water and stove is related to fire. These energies may clash and cause health issues and family problems.

Can a fridge attract negative energies?

A fridge can accumulate negative energies. Thus, it is essential to keep it in the Vastu-recommended direction and also keep it clean and organised.

Which colour of a fridge is auspicious as per Vastu?

According to Vastu, lighter shades, such as metallic or earthy tones, are ideal for a fridge.

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