Aquariums in Walls: Unique and Stunning Design Feature

In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know to set up your own aquarium, from selecting the proper size to evaluating the required materials and installation procedure.

If you’re a fan of aquariums but don’t have much space to spare, a wall aquarium might just be the perfect solution for you. Not only are they visually appealing and easy to maintain, but they also allow you to enjoy the aquatic world without taking up valuable floor space. 

In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know to set up your own aquarium, from selecting the proper size to evaluating the required materials and installation procedure. Whether you’re a seasoned fish-keeping enthusiast or a novice, this will assist you in creating a beautiful and functional wall aquarium that you’ll love to show off.

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Wall aquarium: What is it?

A wall aquarium is a type of aquarium that is specifically designed to be mounted on a wall, and typically features interchangeable frames and backgrounds, brushed stainless frames, and a thickness of 4-6 inches. It is also known as a wall-hanging aquarium, wall-mounted aquarium, or wall-hanging fish tank

The aquarium comes equipped with an electronic cord to provide power to the pumps and filters to keep the aquarium clean. Wall aquariums are chosen for their space-saving properties and unique visual appeal, and may require professional installation for secure mounting.


Wall aquarium: What can you keep in it?

Typically little more than 12 gallons in volume, wall aquariums are classified as nano tanks. This means that many fish species, particularly larger ones such as goldfish and cichlids, are not suitable for these aquariums due to their small size. Instead, smaller fish species such as bettas and small schooling tetras are better suited for wall-mounted aquariums that are at least 5 gallons in size, with sufficient space for a filter and aeration system. 

If you choose to house live inhabitants in a wall-mounted aquarium, ensure that it is located near an electrical outlet for easy access to a filter, heater, or air pump. Alternatively, the small and rounded half-moon wall-mounted aquariums may be better suited for plants, small species of snails, or shrimp.


Wall aquarium: Where to install it?

A wall aquarium can be installed in various places in your home to add a lively touch to your décor. Some of the places where you can install a wall aquarium include:


  • The wall between two rooms

Installing a wall aquarium between two rooms can be a fantastic way to make the most of your space and add a lively touch to both areas. For instance, if a strong wall separates your living room from your home office or workstation, you may like to build an aquarium in the wall so that it is visible from both areas. This can create a peaceful and serene atmosphere that’s perfect for both work and relaxation.


  • Installing aquarium on staircase landing wall

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The staircase landing is a great place to install a wall aquarium, as it’s often a spot where people pause to catch their breath or take a moment to admire the view. Adding an aquarium to this wall can create a stunning visual display that draws the eye and invites guests to stop and take in the beauty of the fish and the tank. Plus, if you have a window nearby, the aquarium can get plenty of natural light to help the plants and fish thrive.


  • Aquarium on wall below staircase

If you have a large or multi-tiered aquarium, consider utilising the space beneath your staircase to showcase it. The result may be a beautiful centrepiece that your visitors will be sure to notice and appreciate, while also making use of otherwise wasted space in your house. Make absolutely sure the concrete base of the steps can hold the aquarium’s weight.


  • Floor-to-ceiling multi-tiered aquarium

A floor-to-ceiling multi-tiered aquarium is a truly breathtaking display that can add an extra touch of elegance and luxury to your home. However, the wall must be strong enough to sustain the weight of the tank and the water. Therefore planning and skilled installation are necessary for this sort of installation. If done correctly, though, a multi-tiered wall aquarium can become the centrepiece of your home decor.


  • You can install an aquarium between wall cabinets

A small aquarium installed between wall cabinets makes the most of limited real estate while providing a beautiful focal point. A small aquarium may be installed between cabinets, much like a television or stereo system. An attractive alternative for individuals who want an aquarium on the wall but don’t want to sacrifice storage space.


  • Fix aquarium on the wall like television

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Another way to install an aquarium is by making it a wall-mounted fixture like a television. This involves creating a suitable-sized compartment on the wall and securely placing the aquarium inside. The electrical connection can be set up in the same way as a television, making it easy to control and monitor the water temperature and other settings.


  • Install wall aquarium along the edge

If you want to add a dramatic element to your home decor, consider modifying an edge of a wall to install a small aquarium. This involves cutting through a part of the wall and placing an aquarium with a small width in the gap. This creates a stunning visual effect that draws the eye and adds an extra touch of elegance to your home.

Considerations for a wall aquarium

Installing a wall-mounted aquarium can be an exciting and rewarding project, but it requires careful planning and consideration of several factors to ensure that the installation is safe, effective and meets your needs. Here are some considerations for a wall aquarium:


  • Dimensions of the wall and aquarium

The size of the aquarium and the space available on the wall are two of the first factors to think about. Depending on the space you have available, you can choose from pre-built aquariums or customise the size according to your needs. It’s important to make sure that the size of the aquarium is suitable for the space and doesn’t overwhelm the room.


  • Wall strength and width

The wall should be strong enough to support the weight of a full aquarium. Therefore, it’s crucial to check the structural integrity of the wall and choose a location that can handle the weight of the aquarium. The width of the wall is also important to consider, as a wider wall will offer more stability and support.


  • Electrical connections

To ensure the proper functioning of your wall-mounted aquarium, you’ll need to connect various electrical components, such as oxygen, a heater, a cooler, and lighting. You need to make sure that the electrical connections are safe and secure. Consider hiring an electrician to check the connection and ensure that it’s up to code.


  • Feeding, cleaning and changing convenience

The convenience of cleaning, changing the water and feeding the fish should be taken into account when selecting a location for your wall-mounted aquarium. The aquarium should be easily accessible for regular cleaning, and changing water should be simple and convenient. Also, consider the location of the aquarium for easy feeding, so that the food doesn’t spill over the room or carpet.


  • Proper installation help

Installing a wall-mounted aquarium requires proper knowledge and experience. Therefore, it’s important to seek the help of someone who has the necessary skills and expertise to install it. A professional can help you choose the best location for your aquarium and ensure that it’s installed safely and securely.


  • Accessories and fish for wall aquarium

Choosing the right accessories and fish to keep in your wall-mounted aquarium is essential to ensure the health and well-being of your aquatic pets. There are several accessories you can choose from, such as lighting mechanisms,  oxygen tanks, filters, and heaters, that can make the aquarium environment more comfortable for the fish. 

Wall-mounted aquariums are often smaller and more restricted; therefore, it’s necessary to think about the fish species that can be maintained in the aquarium. You may want to consider small and peaceful fish, such as guppies, tetras, or rasboras, that can thrive in a smaller environment.


Wall aquarium: Maintenance 

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Even if it’s not difficult to keep up with a wall aquarium, you should nevertheless do it on a regular basis for the sake of your fish and other aquatic creatures. A micro syphon may be used to execute weekly partial water changes in a wall-mounted aquarium because of its small size. However, the frequency of water changes is very variable and will be determined by factors such as the number of fish in the aquarium and the presence or absence of live plants.

In addition to keeping up with water changes, it’s also important to make sure the aquarium’s wall screws are secure. There is a chance that the aquarium’s screws can loosen over time due to the weight of the water and any decorations you have placed in it, including rocks and gravel. As a result, you need to ensure the screws are always nice and snug.

Another important factor in wall aquarium maintenance is keeping the aquarium clean. Algae can grow quickly in small aquariums, so it is necessary to clean the walls and gravel regularly. A soft-bristled brush can be used to clean the inside walls, and a syphon can be used to clean the gravel.

It is also essential to keep the filter clean and working correctly. A dirty filter can cause the water quality to deteriorate quickly, which can harm the fish. Filters should be cleaned or replaced at least once a month, depending on the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Finally, it is essential to pay attention to the behaviour of the fish in the aquarium. Any sudden changes in behaviour or signs of illness should be addressed promptly to ensure the health of the fish. Regular maintenance and care will keep your wall-mounted aquarium looking beautiful and your fish happy and healthy.


Wall aquarium: Advantages 

Wall aquariums have many advantages over conventional aquariums. For one, they require minimal cables and plugs for installation, making them easy to set up. These types of aquariums are also less prone to bacterial and fungal infections, which means that maintenance is not a major concern. 

Another advantage of wall aquariums is that they don’t take up valuable floor space, making them a great option for those who live in small houses or apartments. They are also perfect for offices, doctor’s chambers, lobbies, and shopping malls where regular cleaning can be a hassle. Wall aquariums are low-maintenance and can add a touch of elegance to any space without taking up too much room.

Wall aquariums are also very safe, as they are mounted properly on the wall and are not dependent on heavy foot traffic. Additionally, these aquariums are mounted at eye level, making them more visually appealing than conventional aquariums. The fish swimming around can provide a relaxing and soothing environment, which can be especially helpful in a high-stress workplace or at home.



What materials do I need to set up a wall aquarium?

To set up a wall aquarium, you will need materials such as drywall, drywall joint compound, trim, a router, drill, and level. Additionally, you will need aquarium-specific materials like an aquarium, lighting mechanisms, power filters, and a heater.

How do I know if my wall is strong enough to hold a wall aquarium?

The strength and width of your wall are important factors to consider when installing a wall aquarium. You should consult a professional to determine whether the wall can handle the weight of a full aquarium.

Can I keep any fish in a wall aquarium?

Since wall-mounted aquariums are typically smaller than conventional ones, they can only accommodate certain types of fish. Some popular options for wall aquariums include guppies, swordtails, mollies, dwarf gourami, algae eaters, Betta splendens, ghost shrimp, small barbs, rasbora, tetras, and White Cloud Mountain minnow.

What are the advantages of a wall aquarium?

Some of the advantages of a wall aquarium include the fact that it takes up minimal floor space, making it ideal for small homes or spaces, and that it is visually more attractive than a conventional aquarium because it is mounted at eye level. Wall aquariums are also low-maintenance, making them a good choice for offices, doctor’s chambers, lobbies, and shopping malls.

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