House number 4: Significance of number 4 in numerology

According to numerology, number 4 is governed by the Sun and encourages commitment but can also make you conservative and rigid

Houses with the number 4 or numbers that add up to 4 (such as 13, 22, 31, 40, 49, 58 and so on), are lucky if you want to set goals and want to remain focused to achieve it. The vibe of house number 4 is extremely positive and allows the residents to take responsibility and stay disciplined.

The number 4 signifies stability, reliability, sturdiness and it has the energy of being grounded, organised and productive. Four-numbered homes will most likely be shaped like a sturdy box.

If one wants to start a new business, house number 3 is a great house. It stands for a solid foundation on which one can build and expand one’s portfolio. It is also a great house to make investments, as it ensures financial gains.


Home number numerology: What does number 4 signify?

See also: All about number 3 house numerology


How to calculate house number for numerology?

To calculate the numerology of your house, follow these steps:

  • Write down your house or apartment number.
  • Add up all the individual digits in the number. For instance, if your house number is 1543:

1 + 5 + 4 + 3 = 13

  • Continue adding the resulting digits until you obtain a single-digit number:

1 + 3 = 4

  • In this example, your numerology house number is 4.
  • It’s important to consider any alphabets used in the address, as they also carry numeric values:

A, I, J, Q, and Y represent the numeric value 1.

B, K, and R represent the numeric value 2.

C, G, L, and S represent the numeric value 3.

D, M, and T represent the numeric value 4.

E, H, N, and X represent the numeric value 5.

U, V, and W represent the numeric value 6.

O and Z represent the numeric value 7.

F and P represent the numeric value 8.

  • Take these alphabetic numeric values into account when determining the overall numerology of your house or apartment number.


House number 4 numerology: Benefits

  • Logical and sensible thinking: Individuals residing in a house with the numerology number 4 are more likely to possess logical and sensible thinking. This promotes a practical approach to problem-solving and decision-making.


  • Strong determination: Residents of house number 4 tend to have a robust sense of determination. They approach life with a clear goal in mind, demonstrating a focused and steadfast attitude towards achieving their objectives.


  • Suitability for various professions: House number 4 is well-suited for individuals in specific professions, including estate brokers, craftsmen, architects, students, and bankers. These individuals are perceived as trustworthy and hardworking, aligning with the characteristics associated with the number 4.


  • Honesty, loyalty and maturity: Individuals with a life path number of 4 are known for their honesty, loyalty, and maturity. This makes them excellent friends, colleagues and companions, contributing to a positive and reliable social environment.


House number 4 numerology: Drawbacks

  • Strict and judgmental nature: Despite their practical thinking, individuals in a house with the numerology number 4 may tend to be strict and judgmental. This can lead to a less flexible and understanding approach in interpersonal relationships.


  • Rigidity and uncompromising attitude: Residents of house number 4 might display traits of rigidity and an uncompromising attitude. This can create challenges in adapting to changing circumstances or considering alternative viewpoints.


  • Difficulty in understanding others: Individuals with a life path number of 4 often uphold their values strongly, sometimes struggling to comprehend perspectives different from their own. This can result in communication gaps and potential conflicts.


  • Not suitable for sentimental individuals: This house may not be suitable for those who are sentimental or highly emotional, as the practical and grounded nature of number 4 may not align with their emotional preferences.


  • Unsuitable for adventure seekers: For individuals who enjoy adventure and seek an adrenaline rush, house number 4 may not be the ideal choice. Its conservative nature may not foster the dynamic and thrilling environment desired by adventure enthusiasts.


  • Lacks innovation and creativity: House number 4 is not recommended for creative minds, as it may lack the innovation and creative energy that are often associated with more artistically inclined environments.


  • Inappropriate for Those Valuing Freedom: Individuals who are liberal and value freedom may find this home inappropriate, as the structured nature of house number 4 may not support a free-flowing and unrestricted living environment.


Numerology number 4: Who should prefer it?

Number 4 is governed by the Sun and therefore, the residents in such homes tend to follow a routine and lead a very structured life. This home is well-suited for people who are practical in their lives and want to stay orderly and hardworking. Such homes are good for people who are looking to achieve their life goals and become successful in their endeavors. House number 4 is best for architects, real estate developers, students and bank professionals. This house number also ensures steady financial gains.


Numerology number 4: Who should avoid it?

This home is not suitable for people who are sentimental and emotional. As house number 4 is said to lack innovation and excitement, it is not recommended for creative people. Such houses also offer limited variety and people who like such attributes in a home, should completely avoid number 4, as it can cause frustration and negativity. The house also encourages commitment but can also make you conservative and rigid at the same time.

See also: House number 8: Numerology and significance of number 8 house


Home décor for house number 4

While there would be no financial issues in such homes, there could be relationship issues. Usually, house number 4 is full of gadgets and appliances, such as computers, speakers and smart speakers. Opt for wooden furniture and hardwood flooring, when designing the house number 4. Avoid sheer curtains to dress up the windows. Owners should create a garden or terrace at home and have bright-coloured paint on the front door. Green live plants in house number 4 will exude positive vibes and help its residents to stay calm. For the décor, use earthly tones such as caramel, brown or white. You can also use colours such as green and pink, for the interior walls. Apart from green, other auspicious colours to be used in the home are blue and silver that will bestow good luck and aid relaxation in house number 4.

Also read about House number 1 numerology

The occupants of house number 4 should ensure that their study/office is tidy and free of clutter. Well-organised rooms will allow energies to flow freely throughout your home, allowing you to maintain balance in your personal and professional lives.

Also read all about 7 number numerology


Challenges faced by owners of house number 4

There would be certain challenges that residents belonging to numerology house number 4 will face, which can be handled if they take precautions.

  • A house with number 4 is not suitable for emotional people. It is also not advisable for individuals who are adventurous and innovative.
  • You might also want to see a therapist, if you face emotional turmoil.
  • Since the number four relates to structure, ensure that the physical frame and foundation of the home are in good shape. The house will be more prone to structural defects, such as cracked walls, ceilings or sinking foundation. Therefore, do not ignore home repairs.
  • The house can create hurdles in achieving long-term goals. Therefore, take time out for leisure activities, such as gardening or playing sports.
  • Sometimes occupants of number 4 homes tend to hide their feelings and this could lead to separation from your loved ones.
  • One major drawback of this house could be that it could be too serious and lacklustre. The residents must take time out to balance work with play and practicality with emotions.

See also: Meaning of number 2 house in numerology


House number 4: How to balance energy?

Here are some tips to balance the adverse energies of house number 4:

  • House number 4 residents can be very impatient with family and friends, assuming they are all lazy and disorganised. Four is the number of measured, fundamental practicality.
  • The occupants should remain conscious to build playtime and avoid overworking themselves. As the energy of house number 4 is all about discipline and hard work, one has to put in effort to pursue recreational activities to lighten up and not get bogged down.
  • Go for regular health checkups, especially for lower back problems.
  • It is an ideal place to manifest ideas into reality. Make sure you focus your energy on the right kind of idea.
  • House number 4 occupants are driven by discipline. However, do not be too strict with your family and children and keep a cordial relationship with them for a peaceful existence.

See also: House number numerology: What does number 5 mean?



What is the Biblical meaning of number 4?

In the Bible, number 4 represents creation. It relates to the creative ability of god. On the fourth day, god completed the material universe and brought into existence the sun, the moon and the stars.

Is number 4 a good house number?

House number 4 is related to the ground and offers stability and security. Such a house favours financial opportunities and boosts discipline and responsibility.

(With additional inputs from Purnima Goswami Sharma and Aruna Rathod)


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