House number 3: Significance of number 3 in numerology

House number 3 numerology: House number 3 is ideal for fun-loving, artistic and creative people, who like to live with their family and friends

A house with the number 3 or numbers that add up to 3 (12, 21, 30, 48, 57 and so on), is perfect for creative people. This house number encourages creativity and the will to express your true self in your personal and professional field. Such homes are also good for people who want to break the monotony of their life and want to experiment with their life. Here are more details that you should know about house number 3.


House number numerology: Significance of house number 3

See also: Sun sign décor: Sagittarius and its influence on journeys in life


How to calculate house number for numerology?

To calculate your house number for numerology, write down your house or apartment number. Add together all the individual digits in the number. For example, if your house number is 1543:

1 + 5 + 4 + 3 = 13

Continue adding the resulting digits until you get a single-digit number:

1 + 3 = 4

So, in this example, your house number for numerology is 4.

It’s worth noting that when calculating the numerology of a house, you should also consider any alphabets used in the address, as they carry numeric values as well:

  • A, I, J, Q, and Y stand for the numeric value 1.
  • B, K, and R stand for the numeric value 2.
  • C, G, L, and S stand for the numeric value 3.
  • D, M, and T stand for the numeric value 4.
  • E, H, N, and X stand for the numeric value 5.
  • U, V, and W stand for the numeric value 6.
  • O and Z stand for the numeric value 7.
  • F and P stand for the numeric value 8.

Consider these numeric values when calculating the overall numerology of your house or apartment number.


House number 3 numerology: Benefits

In numerology, the number 3 holds significant positive effects and benefits when it comes to house numbers. Here are some of the main effects and benefits of residing in a house with the number 3:

  • Enhanced creativity and self-expression: House number 3 is linked to creativity, self-expression and effective communication. Living in such a house can amplify your creative abilities, whether it be in art, writing, music or other forms of expression. You may also possess a natural talent for communication, including public speaking, teaching or writing.
  • Positive energy and good luck: House number 3 is believed to attract positive energy and good luck, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere in your home. This positive energy can contribute to your overall well-being and promote a harmonious living environment.
  • Social connections and communication: The number 3 is associated with social connections and effective communication. Residing in a house with this number can help enhance your social life, fostering positive relationships with friends and family members.
  • Optimism and joy: House number 3 can have a positive impact on your mental and emotional health, fostering optimism and creating a joyful atmosphere in your home. This can contribute to a sense of happiness and overall well-being.
  • Growth and expansion: The number 3 symbolises growth and expansion in terms of personal development and material success. Living in a house with this number can support your personal growth journey and open doors for financial prosperity and abundance.


Numerology number 3: Who should prefer it?

The number 3 is ruled by Jupiter and attracts people who spark joy and are fun-loving. Such houses are great for people who want to start a creative endeavour. House number 3 is ideal for artists, painters, photographers, actors or individuals working in the creative industry, such as advertising, marketing, etc. As per numerology, this house number attracts people who believe in philosophy. Such homes also promote self-expression and, therefore, are suitable for writers and dancers, among others. The home is also ideal for people who want to bring change to their life or personality, as the house has an artistic vibe and promotes interest in activities such as traveling, writing and painting. This house number is also good for joint families or friends who live together.

See also: House number 1 numerology


Numerology number 3: Who should avoid it?

A house number that adds up to three, is not suitable for people who like to stay independent. Since such homes are perfect for family living. People who love peace and quiet should not prefer this home.


Home décor for house number 3

Since these homes are ideal for artists, the décor of such homes should also be equally creative. You can deck up the interiors with bright, colourful paintings and choose beautiful furnishings in yellow or purple colour. Avoid black and dark blue colours in the interiors. To enhance luck, add a Mmidas touch with subtle gold in the home décor, such as a golden vase, golden embroidered cushions or metallic accent wallpaper. You can use natural colours or bright pastel shades, to paint the walls. You can also use plants, to improve the positive vibe of the home. Instead of heavy wooden furniture, opt for light wicker and cane furniture when designing the house number 3. This house’s energy can make one distracted or restless. So, to focus on the work, play music which is positive and soothing. Hang a wind chime in the north-west area, to keep negative energy away.

See also: All about house number 8 numerology


Challenges faced by owners of house number 3

  • House number 3 has a vibe, which encourages flexibility. People staying here might completely shun their obligations. So, people who are more prone to procrastinating tasks, should avoid such houses.
  • House Number 3 causes excessive flow of cash, since it promotes family living and friendships. So, keep your budget in check and plan for additional expenses in advance.
  • As such houses are full of activity, home owners might feel that they are not getting enough rest. A life full of activity can leave you exhausted. Ensure that you get adequate sleep at night. For this, try and cut down on social gatherings and follow a proper routine.
  • Such houses can also cause depression, stress and legal tangles.

See also: All about house number 2 in numerology


House number 3: How to balance energy?

Here are some tips to balance the adverse energies of house number 3:

  • Be a disciplined investor. Set a monthly target to save a certain amount of money, to set up an emergency fund.
  • Do not forget to take out some ‘me-time’ for yourself and spend quality time with yourself. The occupants of house number 3 should incorporate, in their lifestyle, some meditation and yoga, which are good for the mind, body and soul – equilibrium trinity.
  • Work out regularly to keep yourself motivated and fit. While occupants are not vulnerable to health issues, exercising and working out could be a great cure for stress.
  • Also, to boost immunity, the occupants of house number 3 must take lemons, gooseberries and leafy vegetables in their diet.

See also: Home number numerology: What does house number 4 signify?


House number 3 numerology: Dos and Don’ts 

Here are some recommendations to make the most of the positive aspects of House Number 3 and prevent potential challenges:




  • Utilise your creative talents: House number 3 is an ideal space for individuals seeking to express their creativity. If you have artistic abilities, this house provides an excellent environment to nurture your skills and pursue your creative passions.


  • Maintain a positive outlook: Positive energy is crucial for residing in house number 3. Strive to remain positive and focus on the positive aspects of life, fostering an environment that attracts good energy into your home.


  • Keep the energy flowing: House number 3 is linked to movement and energy. Enhance the positive energy in your home by ensuring ample light and ventilation. Consider incorporating elements of water or wind, such as fountains or wind chimes, to maintain a continuous flow of energy.


  • Keep the house clean and tidy: A clutter-free and organized home is essential to preserve the positive energy associated with house number 3. Maintain cleanliness and tidiness for a peaceful and harmonious environment.


  • Be sociable: House number 3 is associated with social interactions, so it’s important to be outgoing and friendly. Whether it involves hosting gatherings, parties, or simply spending time with friends and family, fostering social connections is key.




  • Avoid clutter: To facilitate energy flow, it’s crucial to keep the house free of clutter.


  • Avoid isolation: Since house number 3 is associated with social interactions, it’s vital not to isolate yourself. Connect with neighbours and build a sense of community.


  • Steer clear of arguments: While house number 3 is linked to communication, it can sometimes lead to arguments. Avoid unnecessary conflicts or disagreements to preserve the positive energy within the house.


  • Curb negative thoughts: Negative thoughts can disrupt the positive energy associated with house number 3. Focus on positive thinking and surround yourself with optimistic people and experiences.



What is the significance of number 3 in the Bible?

The number 3 denotes the Trinity; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit In a broader way, number 3 symbolises growth and multiplication. Number 3 also represents the amalgamation of body, mind, and soul.

Is house number 3 lucky in Feng Shui?

Number 3 is considered as a positive number, linked with expansion and eternity. A magical Feng Shui symbol comprises placing three coins under a healthy plant to attract wealth. The number three in Feng Shui, also possesses mystical powers.

(With additional inputs from Purnima Goswami Sharma)


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