How is the hospitality industry prioritising sustainability?

Recycling, reducing water consumption, waste minimisation are some of the key measures being taken.

In recent times, the hospitality industry has widely recognized the growing need for sustainability to maintain the health of natural ecosystems. There is a need to support life for both current and future generations and  realising sustainable methods is crucial to imbibe certain practices. Hotels rely heavily on natural resources such as pristine landscapes, beaches, and clean air to attract guests. However, this reliance also places significant strain on these resources, posing a risk to the very environment upon which the industry depends.


Motivations and trends

 To deal with spiking costs, more stringent laws, and intense competition, hotel owners are now focusing on sustainability efforts and revenue management systems more and more. In this process, there seems to be a rising consciousness among tourists as well who are looking for hotels that are doing something about the environment. These two dynamic forces fuel the move toward sustainable practices as a central activity.

Hotels are increasingly embracing the sustainability challenge, through which they implement sustainable practices. Recycling laws, reduced water consumption, waste minimization, energy conservation, and carbon emission reduction are among the measures that are being adopted. The front-runners among the hotel chains such as Hilton and Marriott are the major proponents of this movement owing to their open declarations of the measures adopted to minimize the negative impact on the environment.


Current best practices in sustainable hospitality

Energy efficiency and green building initiatives – hotels are increasingly investing in renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power, along with adopting energy-efficient technologies like LED lighting and smart thermostats. Furthermore, certifications like LEED and BREEAM recognise hotels that minimise their environmental footprint through sustainable building practices. 

Waste management and reduction – Hotels are taking steps to minimize single-use plastics and disposable items, while also implementing food waste reduction programs and exploring innovative recycling solutions.

Water conservation – Water-efficient fixtures, rainwater harvesting systems, and greywater recycling technologies are being adopted to reduce water consumption without compromising guest comfort. 

Sustainable sourcing and local partnerships – Leading hotels are prioritising the procurement of goods and services that meet ethical and environmental standards, including organic and locally produced items. By fostering local partnerships, hotels not only reduce their carbon footprint but also support nearby businesses and communities.


The role of technology in sustainable hospitality

Technological advancements play a pivotal role in facilitating sustainable practices within the hospitality industry. From IoT-enabled smart systems that optimize energy usage to mobile applications that promote paperless operations and AI-driven predictive analytics for resource optimization, technology is instrumental in driving efficiency and reducing environmental impact. 

It’s easy to predict that the growing focus on sustainability is going to continue based on the current trends. Consumers have become extremely cautious as environmental concerns continue to rise. People vacationing are looking to make eco-conscious choices and embrace hotels that imbibe sustainability. Hotels are also embracing sustainability not only to contribute to a healthier planet but also to gain a competitive edge in the market. Guests are willing to pay more for environmentally responsible accommodations, making sustainability a strategic imperative for the industry’s continued growth and success.

Sustainability has become not just a goal but a necessity for the hospitality industry. By implementing energy efficiency measures, waste reduction strategies, water conservation efforts, and sustainable sourcing practices, hotels can significantly reduce their ecological footprint while meeting guest expectations. Through collaboration, innovation, and a commitment to social and environmental responsibility, the hospitality industry can pave the way for a more sustainable future.

(The author is the CEO and Director – Axis Ecorp)


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