How to apply polyurethane wood finish to your furniture?

Applying polyurethane finish makes the wood resistant to scratches, stains and water damage.

Using polyurethane is a very common and efficient way to protect and enhance wooden surfaces. Applying polyurethane can give your wood a durable and long-lasting finish. It makes the wood resistant to scratches, stains and water damage. There are two types of polyurethane available in the market: oil-based and water-based. While water-based polyurethane dries quickly and has a clean finish, oil-based polyurethane is more durable and gives a glossy finish. This article will walk you through the application of polyurethane wood finish.

How to apply polyurethane wood finish?

Source: Pinterest (Family Handyman)


Step-by-step guide to apply polyurethane wood finish

Work in a dust-free and well-ventilated area. You should avoid applying polyurethane in high-humidity or low-temperature areas as it will slow down the drying process.

Gather the materials required

  • Polyurethane
  • Fine grit sandpaper
  • Synthetic bristle brush
  • Cloth

Sand the wood

Sand the wood using fine-grit sandpaper to create a smooth and even texture. Make sure to thoroughly clean the surface to get rid of any dust or debris. 

Apply the coats

Firstly, stir the polyurethane either with a stick or gently shake it to ensure an even consistency. Apply the first coat of polyurethane using a fine synthetic bristle brush for water-based polyurethane and a natural bristle brush for oil-based polyurethane. Apply long, even strokes only moving in one direction. Applying too much polyurethane at once can result in drips and uneven coverage. Adhere to the manufacturer’s instructions for the drying time. After the wood has dried, gently sand the surface with the help of fine-grit sandpaper. Wipe away the dust and debris with a cloth. Now again, apply another coat and follow the same steps. Remember to let the wood dry completely and sand the surface after each coat.

Finishing touch

Apply the final coat carefully and allow it to dry. Avoid placing any objects on the surface until the polyurethane polish has completely dried. If necessary, gently sand the surface.

Maintenance of the surface

It’s important to take proper care of the surface to make sure the polyurethane wood finish lasts a long time.

  • Avoid placing hot objects directly on the surface; instead, use coasters.
  • Wipe spills and clean the surface regularly. 
  • For stubborn stains, wash it with a mild detergent.
  • Apply thin coats of polyurethane once in 4-5 months.


Why is a polyurethane layer on a wood surface required?

A polyurethane layer gives the wood a smooth and shiny finish and makes it durable.

How to avoid bubbles when applying polyurethane?

Before using the polyurethane, stir it gently. Use the appropriate brush for the type of polyurethane you are using. Apply thin, even coats of polyurethane with smooth, steady strokes. Do not over-brush.

Can I remove the bubbles formed?

Yes, some of the ways are listed below: Use a pin or needle to pop the bubbles while they are still wet. Avoid damaging the wood. Sand them gently with a fine-grit sandpaper. Apply another coat of polyurethane.

How many coats of polyurethane should I apply?

For the best and long-lasting finish, it is advised to apply at least three coats of polyurethane.

How much time does polyurethane require to dry?

The drying time depends on the type of polyurethane. While water-based polyurethane dries in a few hours, oil-based polyurethane may take a day or two to dry completely.

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