How to clean glass shower doors?

Do not go overboard on using chemical products as they may scratch the glass surface.

No matter how organised your bathroom looks, if the glass shower door has mildew, or hard-water stains, it can give your entire bathroom a very ugly look. Once they are cleaned, the bathroom will be a place to spend time.

See also: How to clean a shower head?


Tips to clean glass shower doors

Chemical spray to clean doors

  • You can use chemical products that can remove water stains and moulds developed in the bathroom.
  • Also, one can find lime dust, calcium dust and even rust in a bathroom that can be removed using a chemical spray.
  • Refrain from using hard chemical products as they may scratch and spoil the glass surface.
  • Mix two tablespoons of ammonia with two cups of distilled warm water and use a microfiber cloth to clean the sprayed surface.
  • While using ammonia, ensure the bathroom is well-ventilated with windows and doors open.
  • Never mix ammonia with chlorine as toxic gasses will be produced.

Distilled white vinegar

  • In a microwave safe bowl, warm ½ cup undiluted white vinegar for 30 seconds.
  • Transfer this into a spray bottle and spray on the surface to get cleaned.
  • Leave the misty surface for 10 minutes so that stains get soaked with the vinegar solution. However, vinegar can erode natural substances and scratch it. So, do not leave it unattended for a long time.
  • Next, scrub the area with a brush or a sponge to remove all tough stains. Protect your hands and wear gloves, while scrubbing the surface.
  • If stains appear to be very tough, you may add liquid dishwashing detergent to the vinegar solution.
  • Wash the glass door and wipe dry with a paper napkin.

Lemon with water

  • Lemon is an alternative to vinegar. Use lemon juice with water to clean the glass surface.


How to clean glass shower doors?


How to clean glass shower door tracks?

  • The glass shower door tracks get filled with water and soap and become dirty. Soap scums may also affect the working of the glass shower door track.
  • To clean the track, plug its outlet and pour a solution of white vinegar and water. Let it soak for some time.
  • Next, use an old toothbrush or a brush with small bristles and clean the track. Wipe it clean the entire track.


Maintain a cleaning schedule

  • While the above mentioned techniques work, it’s good to follow a cleaning schedule to maintain a clean and dry bathroom.
  • After every shower, ensure that you wipe away extra water from the glass shower door. Next, use a window sponge, wipe the door, and let it dry.
  • If you see hard-water stains often on the glass door, it’s recommended to install a water softener in the bathroom. To avoid stains from the soap forming on the glass door, you may opt for liquid soap instead of a soap cake.
  • Wipe clean the shower track everyday so that dirty water doesn’t get collected here. It should be cleaned every day.



What can I use to clean my bathroom shower glass?

You can use ammonia, white vinegar, lemon, and water to clean the bathroom shower glass.

How do you remove tough stains from the shower glass?

A mixture of vinegar and liquid dish wash detergent can help remove tough stains from the shower glass.

How do I keep my shower glass shiny?

Maintaining a cleaning schedule and wiping the glass shower soon after taking a shower will help keep the glass shiny.

Can I leave vinegar on the shower glass overnight?

No, vinegar has the tendency to scratch the glass surface if left for long. So, it is not recommended to leave vinegar on the shower glass overnight.

Does toothpaste help clean the glass shower doors?

Yes, toothpaste can be used to clean scratches of the glass shower doors.

Can salt be used to clean the shower glass?

Yes, you can use Epsom salt or rock salt for cleaning the shower glass.

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