How to get rid of pigeons permanently?

Getting rid of pigeons isn’t hard once you know what to do.

One of the most frequently asked pigeon-related questions is how to get rid of the birds from rooftops, verandas, and manufacturing sites. Pigeons are an inconvenience at best and a health hazard at worst. Pigeon faeces are corrosive and can carve through steel or even concrete, regardless of the material.

How to get rid of pigeons permanently 1

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Problems caused by pigeons

  • Disease: Diseases carried by pigeon droppings include hemolytic anaemia, cryptococcosis, and psittacosis. These diseases can be dangerous or even fatal to people who have certain conditions, such as asthma or weakened immune systems.
  • Contamination of food: Pigeons can contaminate food for farm animals and human consumption in rural or agricultural areas.
  • Corrosive damage to the building: Pigeon faeces is highly acidic and can damage structures, siding, vegetation, and gardening in addition to being slippery.
  • Drainage and gutters are clogged: Pigeon nests in gutters or downspouts can cause water back-ups, flooding, and other problems.
  • Fire danger: Pigeon nests that block chimneys or flues can cause a serious buildup of poisonous gases and increase fire risk.



See also: How to get rid of ants permanently and take care of an ant infestation?


How to get rid of pigeons from the balcony?

  1. Wires: To keep pigeons from perching on railings, use a fully built or stainless-steel wire.
  2. Track of shock: A “shock track” system is available from several suppliers to keep birds out of balconies. The shock track does not harm the bird, but it stimulates it enough to make the targeted perching area unappealing.
  3. Netting: You can use a netting system to physically keep birds off your balcony. This is the most expensive option, but if properly installed, it is completely effective. Netting is virtually invisible in newer versions.
  4. Either sound or reflected light: The most effective way to keep pigeons away from your patio, deck, or balcony is to use sound or reflected light. This can be accomplished using a wind chime, Mylar balloon, aluminium foil pans, or even hanging CDs. The reflected light causes confusion.
  5. Rubber snake or plastic owl: Consider scarecrows (also known as “effigies”). A plastic owl or rubber snake is the most common example. Unfortunately, the effects will almost certainly be transient. The pigeons learn to recognise the scarecrow as something harmless.
  6. Spikes: Consider installing anti-perching spikes anywhere the birds like to perch. Spikes are best used in small areas where the goal is to relocate the birds. They are available in a wide variety of materials ranging from plastic to stainless steel.
  7. Repellants made of gel: Gel repellants can be applied to ledges where pigeons nest. The gel creates a sticky, which the birds will attempt to avoid. Unfortunately, debris and dust take their toll, necessitating reapplication.


How to get rid of pigeons from the roof?

  • To keep pigeons from perching on the ridge, use a wire coil or stainless-steel wire(s).
  • A “shock track” system could keep birds away from rooftops.
  • For a roof design that includes nooks, wire or netting is appropriate. You can also use nets in areas where pigeons can build nests.
  • Pigeons love the shelter provided by solar panels. The most effective method would be that of metal grid netting, as it restricts bird access. 
  • Flat commercial roof styles present unique challenges. The first option is to electrify the perching areas on the parapet. Installing simple spikes is the second option. Keep in mind that pigeons enjoy the convenience of HVAC installations. Consider netting these units as a solution.

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What home remedy deters pigeons?

On smaller pigeon projects, there are several home remedies that can be used, aluminium pie plate or CDs that reflect sunlight can be used.

Why do individuals want pigeons to be removed?

Simply put, pigeons are a nuisance to the property. Pigeon droppings are highly acidic and have the potential to stain and etch surfaces. Accumulated faeces pose a risk to both people and property, particularly your roof and automobile. Faeces on a balcony or patio will stain and damage outdoor furniture over time. Pigeons urinate in their nest. When the faeces dry, they bind the straw and debris together to form a structure that can last for many seasons. Pigeon nests built during the dry season frequently clog gutters when it rains.

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