How to grow and care for Bellflowers?

An easy-to-grow plant, this is a great option for the rookies.

Bellflower is a diverse and vibrant plant that can grow easily in every garden area or common yard. You can grow this mesmerising plant without thinking of higher maintenance. Even if you are a beginner in gardening, this plant is the right pick for you. So, get to know the magical blue or purple beauties of nature. 

See also: How to grow and care for Cuphea?


Bellflowers: Key facts

Scientific name  Campanula
Common name Bellflower
Family  Campanulaceae
Native area Northeastern America
Type of plant Perennial
Mature size 6 feet
Exposure to sun Ample sunlight
Soil type Organic soil with pH 6.0 to 7.5
Flower  Yes
Colour of flower White, blue, purple
Toxicity level Not toxic


Different variants of bellflowers

Bellflowers can make your garden fill with various shapes, shades of white, purple, and blue, and an amazing appealing ambience. Here are some different variants of bellflowers that you can add to your garden. 

  • Scotch Bluebell
  • Dwarf Bellflowers
  • Carpathian Harebell
  • American Bellflower 
  • Birch Hybrid’ Bellflower
  • Campanula Raddeana
  • Clustered Bellflower
  • Pearl Light Blue’ Carpathian Bellflower
  • Peach-Leaf Bellflower
  • Pink Octopus’ Bellflower
  • White Canterbury Bells
  • White Peach-Leaf Bellflower
  • Sarastro’ Bellflower


What are the basic requirements for bellflowers?

Bellflowers are a very low-maintenance plant that can grow well anywhere. Here are a few factors that can induce more growth in the plant. 


A lot of water is needed to grow bellflower. Make sure to water the plant frequently. When it is the summer season, make a routine of frequent watering so that you can avoid dried or wilted flowers. 


The very first thing about the soil requirement for bellflower is a well-drained soil. Also, the soil must consist of a higher level of organic elements that can induce growth without any external chemicals. Maintain a pH level between 6.0 to 7.5. When you plant bellflowers, you should not compact the soil. Bellflowers love to grow in slightly dense soil. So, it is also a vital factor for the good growth of the plant. 


Ample sunlight is required to maintain the healthy growth of both plants and flowers. Try to keep your bellflower in such a place where at least 6 hours of sunlight is available.


How to propagate bellflowers?

Bellflowers can be easily propagated from both seeds and rhizomes. 

In case you are interested in seeds, try to sow the seed at the start of spring. Under the very thin sand layer, keep the seed for germination. Within two or three weeks, you will get the seedlings. Keep these in a larger pot and make a good gap to help in growing. 

The procedure for rhizomes is also quite similar. You need 4-6 weeks to get buds from the rhizome. When you will see larger saplings, plant them in the original location where sunlight is always available. 


Major pests and diseases in bellflower plants

A very common problem you can experience is aphids. This is a small insect that sucks the nutrients from the plant. It causes slower growth, wilted leaves, etc. Use neem oil or neem water to get rid of aphids. 

Sometimes mildew disease can also appear. You will see a whitish cover on the bunches or leaves. Always apply fungicide to remove this issue. 


Care tips required for bellflowers

Bellflowers are very easy to grow in your garden. But still, some factors can help to enhance the overall growth of the plant. 

  • Regularly water the plant. Especially in the middle of summer, water frequently.
  • Always cut down the dead flowers or dried leaves. When you cut these, the overall blooming time will be longer. 
  • To create a bushy shape, maintain a good shape of the plant by cutting it in winter. It will help to grow the plant in the next fall season. 
  • Use slow-release manure for bellflower growth. 



Bellflower is not toxic. Both humans and pets have no danger of toxicity from it.



With little care and low maintenance, you can fill your garden with the regal aura of bellflowers.



What is the main benefit of a bellflower?

Bellflower is used in teas to treat colds and coughs.

What is the main feature of bell flowers?

Bellflowers have a very distinctive bell-shaped pattern. The shade of petals is blue and bell flowers are widespread ornamental flowers used for various decorative purposes.

What do bellflowers denote?

According to florists, bellflowers signify a sense of gratitude and thankfulness.

Can bellflowers be used in the food industry?

In the food industry, especially in the bakery industry, bellflowers are used in decorations.

What is the scientific name of bellflowers?

Campanula is the scientific name of bellflowers.

Can you grow bellflowers from seeds?

Yes, you can easily grow bellflowers from seeds. You need to select a well-drained flowerbed.

What is the basic pH of soil required for bellflowers?

Bellflowers grow well in such soil where pH is around 6.0 and 7.5.

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