Sweet Pea Flower: How to Grow, Care, And Benefits

Sweet pea flower plant is cultivated everywhere due to its look and intense scent.

Known by the scientific name of Lathyrus odoratus, this species is native to Southern Italy. It is a climbing plant that reaches a maximum of 2 m in height. The tendrils from the leaves twist around other plants and use their support to climb. With cultivation, the generally purple flowers sport white, pastels, and rich magentas. Despite the dainty look, the plant is quite hardy. L. Odoratus is the species that means ‘fragranced or perfumed,’ so it’s a perfumed legume.


Sweet Pea flower: Facts

Common Name Sweet Pea Flower
Botanical Name Lathyrus odoratus
Other common Names  Mogra, Everlasting Pea
Family Fabaceae
General Description It is an annual plant with stem climbing. Their dainty appearance matches the blossom fragrance. 
Flowers In the wild, the flowers are of the colour purple and around 3 cm broad. There is a strong fragrance of the flowers. 
Leaves The leaves are in a feather-like arrangement with two leaflets and a tendril at the end.  
Fruit/Berries The legumes are brown-yellow, and the seeds are smooth.


Sweet Pea flower cultivation

The Sweet Pea Flower has been cultivated since the 17th century. These flowers are usually grown for the colored flowers and the intense scent and are produced in private gardens or exhibitions. These flowers are cultivated in cold weather and available in other seasons as young plants. The flowers tend to appear in midsummer. Sweet Pea flowers survive in open woods, forest margins, pastures, fields, slopes, and roadsides. 



This plant was highly restricted to its native region of Southern Italy. However, now it has been widely introduced as an ornamental plant everywhere. It is considered invasive in New Zealand and the Dominican Republic. Historically, in the late 1600s, these flowers were sent to England, where the breeding and selection of the sweet pea flower began. In the latter part of the 1800s, more than a hundred cultivars were breeding.



The sweet pea flowers have hermaphroditic flowers pollinated by bees. In the northern hemisphere, the species flowers from July to September and bears fruits from August to October. In China, flowers and fruits are delivered from July to September. The plant grows in heavy soil in moist areas. Therefore, well-drained soils are preferred, with a pH of 7 to 7.8. 


The seeds may pose to be toxic if ingested in larger quantities. In addition, if these plants are grown too close to each other, they may cause a fungal infection. This infection takes out all the nutrients and hinders their growth. 



Sweet Pea Flower propagates by following these steps:

  • Choose the seedlings. 
  • Cut the stem at a length of 5 inches just from the flower’s leaves.
  • Place the cuttings in the water, and place them on a windowsill that receives indirect sunlight.
  • Wait to have the roots develop, which usually develop in two weeks. 
  • After seeing the seeds, put their roots in a potting mix. 
  • After six weeks, one will see new growth. 

(Sweet Pea Flower Seed Pods.)

Source: Pinterest



Growing sweet pea flowers is relatively simple, and the plant proliferates. They often are grown on fences or trellis for support. 

  • Planting and Soil: One should plant the flower in late winter or early spring. Sweet peas prefer well-drained soils. 
  • Light: This flower thrives in full sunlight.
  • Water: This flower requires weekly watering to ensure the soil is moist while growing. 
  • Temperature and Humidity: The plant survives in warm climates. However, it can tolerate a little bit of lower, chilly temperatures. There is a dislike for sweltering temperatures.
  • Fertilizer: During the growing season, one can apply fertilizer every month. 


Risk factors 

Sweet pea flowers are invasive in non-native areas. The plant is highly adaptive to different environments. It is a fast-growing plant that may pose a problem to loss of life for other native plants. Because of its rapid growth and demand as an ornamental plant, it can be a monopolizing plant for resources.


This plant is highly cultivated as an ornamental plant. However, due to the high demand for sweet pea flowers, there is a risk of the native population declining. In addition, it is poisonous to mammals and can attract a host of pests. 

(Sweet Pea Flower in a garden )

Source: Pinterest

See also about: pea flower


How long does a sweet pea flower last?

The plant can grow and thrive for one full year and must be sown fresh every year.

What insect does the plant attract?

The plant attracts butterflies and bees.

Does the sweet pea flower suffer from pests and diseases?

Yes, sweet pea flowers do suffer from pests and diseases. The most common problems are aphids which suck the sap out of the plant, reducing plant growth. Greenflies spread a mosaic virus which results in the yellowing of leaves, distortion of shoots, and no change for flowers. Another tiny insect, the beetle, eats the pollen and scars the flowers.

Why is Sweet Pea Flower difficult to grow?

The plant requires support to grow as it is a vining plant. These flowers work great with a trellis, fence, mesh, or twine. The plant requires a structure that is strongly supported in the ground.

Are sweet pea flowers edible?

No, the flowers and seeds are poisonous.

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