Syngonium plant: How to grow and care for it?

Due to its laid-back nature and attractive hanging shape, the Syngonium plant has gained popularity as a houseplant.

Under the correct circumstances, the Syngonium plant, a pretty trailing or climbing vine, tends to grow swiftly. Due to its laid-back nature and attractive hanging shape, this South American native has gained popularity as a houseplant.

The leaf structure of the Syngonium plants ( syngonium podophyllum ) alters as it ages, evolving from a straightforward arrow shape to a heavily lobed or divided mature leaf. Depending on how old they are, the leaves’ colours can range from dark green and white to lime green and brilliant pink. Because Syngonium plants can only be grown as outdoor plants in USDA hardiness zones 10 through 12, it is typically grown indoors all year round in most parts of the United States. The vine grows best when left mostly unattended, making it an excellent choice for inexperienced gardeners or people who frequently forget to care for their indoor garden.

Syngonium plant: Key facts

Botanical name Syngonium Podophyllum
Kingdom Plantae
Order Alismatales
Family Araceae
Subfamily Aroideae
Tribe Caladieae
Genus Syngonium
Varieties available 16 varieties
Also known as Syngonium plant, arrowhead vine
Height 3-6 ft tall
Sun exposure Partial shade
Soil type Moist but well-drained
Soil pH Neutral to acidic
Maintenance Low


 Syngonium plant: Physical description

It is an evergreen climbing vine that usually reaches a length of 3 to 6 feet. It is often grown as a houseplant for its lovely ornamental leaf, which evolves in shape with age. Young leaves are oblong, up to 5.5″ long, with heart-shaped bases, and occasionally have silver variegation. The leaves develop into arrow shapes. Later, leaves grow to be pedate (up to 14″), with 5 to 11 leaflets per leaf. A greenish-white spathe (up to 4.5″ long) encircles the greenscreen-to-green white flowers on the spadix. In the leaf axils, flowers begin to bloom in clusters. Brown-black berries replace blooms. In cultivation, flowers are infrequent.


10 tips for growing a healthy Syngonium plant

Growing a healthy Syngonium plant requires attention to detail and some specific care tips. Here are 10 tips to help you grow a thriving Syngonium plant:

  • Sunlight: Syngonium plants prefer bright, indirect light, so place them near a window that receives filtered sunlight.
  • Watering: Keep the soil moist but not waterlogged. Allow the soil to dry out slightly between waterings.
  • Humidity: These plants thrive in high humidity, so mist them regularly or place a tray of water nearby.
  • Fertilisation: Use a balanced fertiliser every two to three weeks during the growing season.
  • Potting soil: Use a well-draining potting soil that contains perlite or vermiculite.
  • Repotting: Syngonium plants require repotting every one to two years to provide fresh soil and more room for growth.
  • Pruning: Regular pruning can help control the size and shape of the plant, promote bushier growth, and remove damaged or dead leaves.
  • Temperature: Syngonium plants prefer temperatures between 60-80°F (15-26°C), so avoid exposing them to extreme temperatures.
  • Pests: Keep an eye out for spider mites, mealybugs, and scale insects, which can all harm Syngonium plants.
  • Propagation: Syngonium plants can be propagated through stem cuttings, which can be rooted in water or directly in soil.


How to propagate a Syngonium plant?

Syngonium plants can be easily multiplied by cuttings. Stem and leaf node cuttings can be used to multiply the plant. Wherever the nodes meet the ground, the plants take root there. As a result, each node with roots might develop into a different plant.

  • Regular pruning is good for propagation as Syngoniums are vining plants.
  • The water method, where you place the stem cuttings with leaves as well in a water vase, is a more effective method.
  • If instead of water, you plant the stems in soil provided with indirect sunlight and moderate watering, it is known as the soil propagation method.
  • Soil recommendation: a mixture of potting soil, sphagnum moss and orchid bark.
  • Indirect sunlight and mild temperatures.
  • Quarter or half-neutralised fertilisers are suggested.

Syngonium plant: Care tips

  1. Syngonium plants don’t care too much about the soil and are quite hardy. It can also be cultivated in ordinary soil.
  2. Traditional potting soil for Syngonium plants consists of a blend of coarse sand and leaf mould. These days, a potting mixture made of coco-peat and a lot of vermicomposts is used to grow these plants.
  3. Syngonium plants prefer a warm, muggy climate. In dry conditions, spritz the plant occasionally using a hand sprayer.
  4. To retain the colour of the foliage, occasionally place the plant in the sun.
  5. Syngonium plants require light to moderate irrigation. Watering indoor Syngonium plants twice per week is preferable.

Benefits of having a Syngonium plant in your home

1) Excellent air purifier.

2) Boosts humidity and reduces dry air.

3) A great CO2-absorbing plant.

4) Helps to lower stress and anxiety.

5) An ideal houseplant.

Syngonium plant: Toxicity

  • They are toxic to cats and dogs if ingested.
  • The sap of the plant can cause irritation if contacted.


5 creative ways to display your Syngonium plant

There are many creative ways to display your Syngonium plant to add some greenery and visual interest to your space. Here are five ideas to get you started:


  • Wall-mounted planters: Consider using a wall-mounted planter to display your Syngonium plant as a piece of living wall art. These planters come in many styles and materials, from sleek modern designs to rustic wooden frames.


  • Terrariums: Syngonium plants are well-suited to terrariums, which create a self-contained mini-ecosystem. Choose a clear glass container and layer gravel, activated charcoal, and soil for a low-maintenance display.


  • Hanging baskets: Hang a Syngonium plant in a decorative basket from the ceiling or a high shelf to create a striking visual display. Choose a basket with an interesting texture or colour for added impact.


  • DIY macrame hangers: For a bohemian touch, create your own macrame hanger for your Syngonium plant. You can find many tutorials online that guide you through the process of creating a unique and stylish hanger.


  • Grouped together: Create an eye-catching display by grouping several Syngonium plants together on a shelf or table. Choose pots of varying sizes and heights for added visual interest, and consider mixing in other plants with contrasting colours and textures for a lush and layered effect.



What kind of light is ideal for Syngonium plants?

Bright indirect sunlight is the optimum kind of sunlight exposure for Syngonium plants. It enjoys a warm, sunny location but does not fare well in direct sunshine.

How frequently should Syngonium plants be watered?

When the top inch (2.5 cm) of your Syngonium plants is dry, you should water it. In the spring and summer, this typically occurs every week, while in the fall and winter, it typically occurs every 10 to 14 days.

How frequently should Syngonium plants be fertilised?

In the spring and summer, fertilise your Syngonium plants once every 14 days, and don't fertilise them at all in the fall and winter. Your Syngonium plants will benefit from this all year round.

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