How to move a piano when designing your home interiors?

Take help from a professional experienced in moving this heavy-yet- extremely sophisticated item.

Moving a piano can be a challenging task that requires careful planning and execution. Whether you are relocating to a new home or rearranging your living space, understanding how to navigate a piano move is crucial. This article covers the essential steps to ensure a safe and successful piano move.


How to move a piano when designing your interiors?

Source: Pinterest (Stocksy United)

See also: How to transport refrigerator?


Assess the piano move

Assess the size, weight and type of piano you will be moving. Evaluate doorways, hallways and staircases to determine the feasibility of the piano move.


Gather the necessary equipment for the piano move

  • Gather the essential tools and equipment required for a piano move, such as furniture straps, dollies, padding, blankets and strong ropes.
  • It is necessary to have a team of strong individuals to assist with the piano move.


Prepare the piano for the move

  • Before moving the piano, remove all decorative items, music sheets, and accessories from the piano.
  • Secure the piano lid and wrap the instrument carefully with padding or blankets to prevent scratches and damage.


Disassemble if needed

  • Depending on the type of piano, such as grand or baby grand, you might need to disassemble certain components.
  • Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for disassembly during the piano move.


Strategise the piano move

  • Plan the path for the piano move, considering any obstacles, stairs or tight spaces that might be encountered.
  • Assign specific roles to each individual involved in the piano move to ensure a coordinated effort.


How to move a piano when designing your interiors?

Source: Pinterest (Xpress Movers)


Use proper techniques to move the piano

  • Adhere to proper lifting techniques, using your legs and core muscles when lifting the piano.
  • Use furniture straps to secure the piano, preventing it from sliding or tipping during the piano move.


Use a dolly for the piano move

  • Place the piano on a dolly with appropriate cushioning to protect the piano’s legs and body.
  • Use strong ropes to secure the piano to the dolly, ensuring stability throughout the piano move.


Navigate stairs and doorways

  • Approach stairs and doorways with caution, moving the piano slowly and carefully to maintain balance.
  • Use wooden planks or ramps to bridge gaps and safeguard the piano during the move.


Transport and unload the piano

  • Load the piano on a suitable vehicle, ensuring it is well-padded and secure for transportation.
  • Drive cautiously, avoiding sudden stops, turns and rough roads.


Unload and place

  • Gently unload the piano from the vehicle and position it in its designated location after moving the piano.
  • Remove the padding and blankets, and do a thorough inspection for any potential damage that might have happened during the piano move.



Are professional piano move services recommended?

Professional movers experienced in piano moves can ensure a smoother and safer process.

How to protect the piano's finish during the move?

Use padding, blankets and wraps to shield the piano's exterior from damage.

What's the best way to navigate stairs during a piano move?

Use ramps, wooden planks and careful coordination to navigate stairs during the piano move.

Is a specialised vehicle necessary for a piano move?

Depending on the piano's size, a larger vehicle or professional movers may be required for the piano move.

Should the piano be tuned after the move?

Yes, it is recommended to have the piano tuned following a move to ensure optimal performance.

How to secure the piano to the dolly during the move?

Use sturdy ropes to fasten the piano securely to the dolly for stability during the move.

Can the piano be moved on carpeted surfaces?

Yes, but using furniture sliders or a specialised piano board can help preserve the carpet during the move.

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