How to organise your bathroom closet?

Organising your bathroom closet can make it fully functional and convenient for you and your guests.

There are times in the morning when you are getting ready for the day and cannot remember where you kept your toothbrush, face wash, or other things that form a part of your morning routine. A cluttered bathroom closet can be a frustrating way to start your day, and it can also be a significant turn-off for your guests. In this article, we are going to discuss how you can organise your bathroom closet, making it fully functional and convenient for you and your guests. An organised bathroom closet does not only serve a functional purpose, but it is also visually appealing and can save you a lot of time as you get ready in the morning.


Tips to organise bathroom closet

Here are a few simple tips and tricks to organise your bathroom closet easily.


Declutter your closet

The first step towards organising your bathroom closet is to remove all the things that you do not need. This may include things you haven’t used for a long time, things that have expired, etc. Then, you can start arranging things and grouping them. For example, you can group all your towels in one place, your cleaning supplies in one, and your skincare in another.


Categorising items in your bathroom closet

The next step is to categorise items in your bathroom closet by deciding which items must go in baskets, and which must go in the shelves, drawers or bins. For example, you can keep your towels on shelves, your makeup, skincare and other minor things in baskets, toiletries in drawers nearest to the toilet, etc. Grouping things and keeping them similar things in one place makes it less of a hassle when you are searching for something.


Investing in containers

You should consider investing in transparent, stackable baskets/ containers as they make it easier for you to find out what you are looking for, without opening all the drawers. Besides this, you should have separate drawers and shelves for separate items to make things look more tidy.


Utilise the space in your bathroom closet

To make the most of your bathroom space, you can stack containers from top to bottom or similarly install shelves so the bathroom looks organised and you make the most of an efficient storage system. You can also consider attaching hooks or hangers to keep small things like toothbrushes and razors. Besides this, you can also roll your towels so that they take up less space and add an aesthetic touch to your closet.


Prioritise the things that you use often

If there are a few things that you use more often than others, then it would be an intelligent decision to keep them in front drawers or shelves that are the easiest to reach. If you keep your toothbrush at the back of the shelf then it will be a hassle for you to reach for it every day. Instead, you should keep it within your reach to make it convenient for you. You can also keep your daily essentials like soap, face washes, toothbrush, and toothpaste in a separate tray.


Label the drawers in your bathroom closet

Constantly fidgeting through drawers while trying to find out where you kept something can be tiring. Instead, you should label your drawers so you know exactly where to look while searching for something. This way, you end up saving a lot of time while your guests can also easily find something that they need.



Organising your bathroom closet once isn’t enough. You should ensure that you keep things in their assigned places and it doesn’t form a clutter a few days later. If you feel the adjustments are off, you can rearrange things at your convenience.



How should I make my bathroom closet kid-friendly?

In order to make your bathroom closet kid-friendly, you can keep essential items in your lower drawers and keep harmful objects like scissors and razors out of their reach.

How can I reorganise my bathroom closet on a budget?

If you are on a budget, you can use existing storage options, buy bins, or make shelves to accommodate all your essentials.

How can I decorate my bathroom closet?

To decorate your closet, add LED lights with a modernistic touch. Besides this, you can also add candles and scents for a personalised effect.

What if my bathroom is tiny, but I still wish for a closet?

If you have a smaller bathroom, you can stack up containers or bins from top to bottom, as it helps you utilise all the space. You can also use smaller containers instead of larger ones.

How can I store my hairdryer in my bathroom closet?

You should store hairdryers in containers that are heat-resistant to prevent them from getting damaged.

How can I maximise storage in my bathroom closet?

To maximise storage, you can utilise the vertical space by stacking containers and installing hooks and hangers to place your essentials.

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