How to pack shoes for moving?

Before packing, wrap each shoe individually using packing paper, paper towel, or cloth.

When shifting houses, we pay attention to the most valuable items, or furniture and often neglect items such as shoes. However, if you have a collection of your favourite shoes that you want to pack and shift without any damage, it requires a few simple tips to follow. Whether it is delicate heels or your favourite sneakers, packing shoes when shifting needs proper organisation rather than simply putting them into a box.

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Packing shoes for moving: Items required

  • Packing tape
  • Marker
  • Medium-sized boxes or bins
  • Shoe boxes
  • Newspaper or paper towels
  • Hanging shoe organiser
  • Bubble wrap


Packing shoes for moving: Organise

Start by figuring out the pairs of shoes you want to retain and the ones you want to discard. Moving can be an excellent opportunity to organise your wardrobe. Examine each pair of shoes and place the shoes into three categories.

  • Ones to be kept – this includes shoes you wear regularly or those in good condition
  • Ones to be donated – this includes shoes that are wearable but no longer in use
  • Ones to be discarded – this includes shoes that are damaged beyond repair


Packing shoes for moving: Clean and repair

Check the pairs of shoes that need cleaning or minor repair. Some may require new shoelaces or soles. Make sure to submit the pairs of shoes for repair four to six weeks prior to moving. This will give you ample time.

Dry the shoes

Clean sneakers and synthetic shoes using mild soap and water. Make sure to allow them to dry in a well-ventilated area before packing. Moisture can result in the formation of mould and mildew, which can damage the shoes and lead to an unpleasant smell. Do not dry the shoes in direct sunlight or near a heat source, as it can lead to warping or fading of colour.

Got white shoes? Here is how you can clean white shoes.


Packing shoes for moving: Gather materials

  • Get the packing materials from the nearby moving supply stores or online stores.
  • Select the boxes that match the size and type of shoes.
  • Go for shoe boxes as they are designed to protect shoes and can be easily stacked.
  • You can choose small to medium-sized moving boxes.
  • Buy packing paper and bubble wrap that secure your shoes against scratches and impact during movement.
  • Get packing to tape the bottom of these boxes for sealing.


Packing shoes for moving: Stuff the shoes

Stuff shoes using packing paper, allow them to retain their shapes during the move. It is necessary for dress shoes and high heels, as they are prone to getting deformed. You can also go for socks or other small clothing items for stuffing shoes, which is an eco-friendly and space-saving option. Roll the socks or paper into a ball and push them gently into each shoe, filling the toe area. Fill the boots or high-top shoes with packing paper or cloth. Avoid overstuffing the shoes as it can stretch the material.


Packing shoes for moving: Wrap the shoes

Wrap each shoe for extra protection. Spread a sheet of packing paper or bubble wrap on a flat surface. Keep each shoe in the centre and fold the material over the shoe. Make sure the shoe is properly covered. Go for an additional packing layer for heels or other delicate areas, to ensure additional cushioning. This can be done by cutting a small piece of bubble wrap and wrapping it around the heel or delicate area. Use packing tape to keep it in place while avoiding taping the shoe as it can damage the shoe.


Packing shoes for moving: Pack the shoes

Pack the wrapped shoes into boxes. Put the heaviest pairs of shoes at the bottom of the box to provide a solid base. Place the lighter ones at the top to avoid damage under the weight of heavier shoes.

Position the shoes compactly but without them getting squashed. Put smaller shoes or flip-flops in the gaps between bigger shoes to optimise space. Do not overstuff the box as it can damage the shoes or create unnecessary pressure on the shoes.


Packing shoes for moving: Label the boxes

Label each box with a marker or a pen. Make sure the labels are easy to read. Provide specific details for easy identification, such as running shoes, work shoes, casual shoes, winter boots, etc. When packing shoes of different family members in separate boxes, label the boxes using the person’s name. Also, mention the place on the labels. Put the labels on multiple sides as it will make unpacking convenient.


Packing shoes for moving: Secure the boxes

Using tape, sealing the top flaps of the boxes and all the edges and openings. This secures the box against accidentally opening during movement. Choose the ‘H’ taping method by applying tape along the middle seam of the box and then along the edges, forming an ‘H’ shape.

Gently shake the boxes to check if nothing inside moves. In case, the shoes are moving, use extra packing paper or bubble wrap to close gaps.

Place the boxes in moving truck 

Make sure to keep the packed shoe boxes in the right spot inside the moving truck. Avoid placing them in a spot where heavier items might crush them. It is better to keep the shoe boxes over heavier furniture.

Do not place the boxes near the truck doors as they might fall off in case the doors accidentally open during transit. So, place them in the middle or back of the truck.

Unpack the shoe boxes

After reaching your destination, unpack the shoe boxes as soon as possible. The longer they stay packed, the higher the chances of damage under pressure. Keep the boxes in a cool, dry place. Avoid areas with high humidity or temperature fluctuations, as it can cause damage.

Checking for damage 

Inspect each pair of shoes for signs of damage, such as crushing, change of shape, scuff marks, etc. Mishandling, improper packing or unfavourable storage conditions may cause damage. Find out if damage can be rectified using DIY solutions or professional services.

How to pack bulky shoes?

Choose heavy-duty, medium-sized box or plastic bin to pack heavier shoes. Line the bottom of the box with these shoes and place them upright in pairs. If they are prone to getting crushed, stuff them properly using newspaper or paper towels. Go for multiple smaller boxes than a few excessively heavy boxes, prone to bursting.

How to pack everyday shoes?

For non-delicate shoes of everyday use, get a hanging shoe organiser and arrange it on the backside of a door. Place shoes in each of its pockets. After filling it, carefully remove it from the door and fold it over itself two to three times. Put it into one of the heavy-duty medium-sized boxes above the bulky shoes.

How to pack delicate shoes?

For fragile, expensive shoes, pack them in their original shoe boxes or new moving boxes after stuffing them with packing paper or clothes. Place these boxes in a bulky-shoe-lined box. Secure them with bubble wrap.

How to pack seasonal shoes?

From garbage bags and suitcases to plastic storage containers, it is essential to consider the type of boxes suited for packing your shoes. Pick boxes of different colours for different types of shoes. Place appropriate labels to identify shoes for a season or occasion. Pack the plastic boxes inside moving boxes and label them for storage.

Check these tips on how you can clean Suede shoes


Tips to consider when packing shoes

  • Pick individual or reusable bags for packing dirty shoes separately.
  • Pack shoes while maximising space. This can be done by placing large shoes such as boots or heels around the edges of a suitcase. Their shape can be used to provide a solid base.
  • Get a separate compartment or packing cube for packing more than one pair of shoes. It helps secure them and prevents them from moving around.
  • When packing shoes, tie their laces together or use a shrink warp to keep them together.
  • If moving will take some days, do not pack all the shoes at once. Keep a few pairs with you or in a box for easy access.
  • Avoid packing shoes with clothes, towels, or other linens as shoe odours can get into the fabric. News Viewpoint

When packing shoes, make sure to use the right box and packing material based on the type of shoes. Delicate shoes may need additional protection, such as bubble wrap. It is also essential to clean your shoes before packing to avoid unpleasant smells or dirt while reusing them. Make sure to label the boxes for hassle-free unpacking. Finally, packing shoes should be left for the last minute. Take some time to pack your favourite shoes to shift them securely to your new house.



What is the best way to pack shoes to move?

Stuff the shoes using packing paper, or cloth and place them compactly in moving boxes. Delicate shoes should be secured using bubble wrap.

What is the rule of 3 shoes packing?

When packing shoes for travel, pack two pairs of functional, and comfortable shoes and a third pair of formal shoes.

Should you clean shoes before packing?

Yes. Shoes must be cleaned and allowed to dry before packing.

Should you wrap each pair of shoes individually?

Yes. Wrap each shoe individually using packing paper, paper towel or cloth.

Can you use vacuum-sealed bags for packing shoes?

Vacuum-sealed bags can be used to save space. However, they must be used carefully when packing delicate, or structured shoes.

How to pack boots to prevent them from losing shape?

Choose boot shapers, or stuff the shoes using packing paper, cloth, or newspaper. This helps retaining their shapes during packing.

Can you use shoe boxes for packing shoes?

Shoe boxes offer solid protection and help pack shoes in an organised way when moving house.

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