How to plant flowers?

Pinch the flowers from the plant before setting them in the garden bed.

There are two types of flowering plants – annuals and perennials. Spring is the best time to plant flowers. However, if you are looking at perennials, plant them in early autumn. Explore how to prepare the soil and plant flowers in your garden and tips for their growth and care.

See also: 5 gardening hacks for easy plant care


Choose the flowering plant

How to plant flowers?


  • Choose a healthy plant. Check for any foliage, wilted leaves or any other discolouration in the plant. Ensure that there are fewer flowers in the plant.
  • Note the amount of water and sunlight the plant needs and if it is suitable for your weather conditions.


Remove the plant from the pot

How to plant flowers?


  • If you have chosen a potted flower plant, remove it from the pot. Keep as much root ball as possible. If the roots are entangled, use scissorsto cut open the roots and make them into a root ball.
  • If the plant has any extra flowers, pluck them. This way, the plant will focus on its growth rather than attending to flowering.


Prepare the garden bed

How to plant flowers?


  • Dig the soil.Let there be, at least, an inch of organic matter to aid the plant’s growth.
  • If you are planting annual plants, dig and loosen the soil 12 inches into the ground. If you are planting perennial plants, dig the soil 18 inches into the ground.
  • Smoothen the soil with a rake.
  • While planting, ensure the same soil level as was in the pot.
  • Periodically add organic matter to help the plant’s growth.


Mulch the garden bed

How to plant flowers?


  • Mulch the garden bedwith wooden chips, pine needles, organic matter, barks or grass blades.
  • Monitor the plants carefully so that there is no disease infestation.
  • Do not overwater the plants and remove any pale or brown leaves.



What is the best time of the day to plant flowers?

Early morning, before the sun heats the soil, is the best time to plant flowers.

Which month is best for planting flowers?

Generally, the time between spring and autumn is the best season to plant flowers.

In which month do most flowers grow?

Flowers grow abundantly in mid-spring and early summer.

Do flowering plants need sunlight?

On average, a flowering plant needs 8 to 10 hours of sunlight.

Which season is best for planting in India?

June is the best season for planting in India as the plants will get plenty of water in the monsoon season.

Which flower grows fast?

Nasturtium is one of the fastest-growing flowering plants that shows growth within two weeks after germination.

How long do flowers last?

Flowers can last between 7-12 days.

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