Step-by-step guide for power washing concrete patio

Power washing your concrete patio is a great way of removing stains and enhancing its appeal.

Unsightly concrete stains can diminish your patio’s visual appeal and compromise its surface integrity. For outdoor cleaning, a pressure washer is a swift and effective solution. This versatile device is available in portable models, powered by either electricity or gas. A pressure washer utilises an engine to drive a water pump connected to a garden hose. This mechanism pressurises the water, expelling it with a significantly greater force than a regular garden hose.

See also: How to power wash your home?


How to power wash concrete patio?

Prep the patio

  • Begin by clearing away any loose materials, such as dirt, stones and debris, from the patio surface. This can be efficiently achieved with a leaf blower or a broom.
  • Ensure that no toys, bicycles or vehicles are left on the patio.
  • Relocate potted plants and outdoor furniture away from the targeted area.
  • If your patio is adjacent to walls or doors, shield them with a tarp secured by painter’s This precautionary measure would protect these surfaces from accidental damage or flying debris.
  • If there are ground-level plants nearby, cover them with a protective tarp. The detergents used during pressure washing could harm plants. However, avoid leaving the plants covered for an extended period as the tarp may restrict their air access.
  • Take a moment to identify the highest point of your patio and the direction of water flow across its surface. Initiate the power washing process from the highest point, allowing gravity to guide the water flow away from your working area.

Degrease the patio’s surface

  • Consider applying a degreaser. This solution helps loosen the stains, facilitating their removal through power washing. Certain pressure washers come equipped with an attachment for applying degreaser. Alternatively, you can manually scrub the degreaser into the concrete using a brush with stiff bristles or a push broom.

Prepare the pressure washer

  • Before initiating the pressure washing process, it is essential to familiarise yourself with the Pay careful attention to the guidelines outlined for your model.
  • Generally, the setup involves connecting the spray wand to the pressure washer with a pressure hose. The washer is connected to a water supply via a garden hose. Various nozzles are available, each serving a distinct purpose. The low-pressure nozzle is for applying detergent, whereas the high-pressure nozzle is for thorough rinsing. Avoid using the high-pressure nozzle on delicate surfaces like bricks.
  • Given the potent force of a pressure washer, exercise caution during its use. Prioritise safety by wearing appropriate gear, such as eye and ear protectionand closed-toe shoes or boots. A pressure washer’s impact can lead to significant harm. Never direct the spray wand towards others or yourself. Maintain a safe distance from the spray’s trajectory to prevent Should accidental contact occur, especially on your skin, seek immediate medical attention.

Clean the patio

  • Start the pressure washing process from the elevated part of your patio, gradually moving downwards in alignment with the water flow direction. Direct the spray wand towards the patio surface and activate the trigger to start the water flow. Employ a steady sweeping motion, moving the nozzle horizontally across the concrete. Ensure that each stroke overlaps the previous one by a few inches.
  • After uniformly applying the detergent to the entire patio surface, allow it to sit for approximately 15 minutes. During this time, periodically moisten the area to prevent the detergent from drying out. This step aids in effectively loosening and breaking down stains.
  • After 15 minutes, transition to a high-pressure nozzle and adjust the pressure washer to rinse mode. Employ the same sweeping motion, covering the entire area, to effectively remove the detergent. Utilise the high-pressure spray to dislodge any remaining grime or stains, making more focused sweeps for stubborn stains. Ensure that all traces of detergent are thoroughly rinsed away. Allow the patio to air dry.
  • Once the concrete surface has thoroughly dried, apply a sealant as a preventive measure against future stains. Employ a roller with an extension pole to evenly coat the patio surface with a concrete sealant. For optimal results, allow the treated surface to set for an entire day before resuming normal use. Sealing helps maintain the cleanliness and durability of the patio, enhancing its overall longevity.



Is power washing safe for my concrete patio?

Yes, power washing is safe for concrete patios. However, it is important to use the right pressure settings and techniques to prevent damage. Start with a lower pressure and gradually increase, if needed. Avoid using high-pressure nozzles on delicate surfaces like bricks.

Can I use any detergent with a pressure washer?

It is recommended to use a detergent specifically designed for pressure washers. These detergents are formulated to work effectively without damaging the equipment or surfaces. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for detergent usage.

How do I protect my plants during power washing?

Cover your plants near the patio with a tarp during power washing to shield them from the detergent and high-pressure spray. However, do not keep the tarp on for long as it could restrict their air access.

Can I use a pressure washer indoors?

No, pressure washers are designed for outdoor use only. The high-pressure spray can cause water and debris to be scattered, which could be hazardous indoors. Always operate pressure washers in well-ventilated outdoor areas.

Is it necessary to seal my concrete patio after power washing?

While not mandatory, sealing your concrete patio after power washing is a good idea to protect against future stains and enhance its durability.

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