How to register as a real estate agent? What guidelines are issued by RERA?

Your licence will be valid for five years as per RERA registered real estate agent.

A real estate agent is a professional representing buyers and sellers in the real estate industry. To register or to become a real estate agent, one must fulfil certain criteria and guidelines issued by the Real Estate Regulatory Authority (RERA). Real estate agents play an important role in helping clients buy and sell properties in the market. They majorly help their clients in negotiating the prices of a property their clients are interested in. The knowledge they possess, the experience they have navigating this industry, and the expertise to communicate with potential clients are added advantages.

A real estate agent helps their clients navigate the complex procedures and legalities of the market. They are the bridge between buyers and sellers. In this article, we will talk about the registration process, the documents required to register as a real estate agent and what are the other benefits of hiring a real estate agent.

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What are the advantages of hiring a real estate agent?

Hiring a real estate agent can provide advantages that no one can in the real estate industry. Here are some advantages of hiring a real estate agent:

  • Real estate agents possess the expertise to navigate the real estate market. They also have in-depth knowledge of the market which is helpful for the buyers and sellers.
  • The time is saved by hiring a real estate agent which helps the buyers and sellers focus on other things.
  • Negotiation skills are the main aspect while purchasing or selling a property in this sector and real estate agents have the skills and expertise.


How to become a real estate agent?

Becoming a real estate agent can be an interesting career to pursue. The real estate market is booming and its demand is steadily increasing. Here are some steps to follow if you want to become a real estate agent:

Networks and contacts

To become a real estate agent, you need to have good connections with fellow real estate agents in your locality. The networks improve over time and with experience. You can also list yourself under the National Association of Realtors (NAR), the Association of Certified Realtors in India (ACRI), and the All India Real Estate Agents Association (Aireaa).

Transparent information

Clients want transparency in their information and the real estate agents should provide all the relevant information. This can help you gain goodwill in the market.

Knowledge of the realty process

Real estate agents should possess all the knowledge of the process of buying and selling the properties. The documents required, the registration process, the legalities associated, and other necessary processes.


What are the registration guidelines for real estate agents issued by RERA?

To improve the transparency and credibility of real estate agents in the sector, the Real Estate Regulatory Authority (RERA) was formed by The Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act 2016. According to this act, all agents should be registered under the respective state RERA. The agents will receive a registration number and after receiving the number the following practices must be followed:

  • Agents shall not facilitate unregistered property’s sale or purchase.
  • They should adhere to the regulations stated by the respective State RERA.
  • Agents should avoid unfair trade practices, such as creating false and misleading statements.
  • Real estate agents should complete the entire transaction process, including transfer of document possession.


What are the documents required to register under RERA?

The following documents are required to register under RERA:

  • Proof of identity
  • Proof of address
  • Registration fee
  • Registration details of other state
  • Memorandum of Association (MOA)
  • Articles of Association (AOA)
  • Financial statements
  • Experience certificates
  • Any pending criminal cases or civil cases


How to register as a real estate agent online?

The following steps should be followed to register as a real estate online.

Step 1: Collect the required documents including identity proofs, address proofs, and passport-sized photographs.

Step 2: Visit the official website of your state.

Step 3: On the website, you need to fill out the registration form.

Step 4: Upload the necessary documents.

Step 5: Pay the registration fee.

Step 6: Submit the registration form.



Is it good to have a career as a real estate agent?

Yes, the real estate market is gaining popularity, and pursuing a career will benefit you.

What is the cost of RERA registration in Delhi?

The cost of RERA registration in Delhi is Rs 10,000 for individuals.

Which real estate job is the highest paying?

The highest paying job in real estate is Real estate development manager.

How much to spend to get a real estate licence in India?

You need to spend from Rs 5,000 to Rs 2,00,000 to get a licence in India.

What to study to become a real estate agent in India?

To become a real estate agent you need to study BBA in real estate and urban infrastructure and MBA in real estate management.

For how much time is the RERA licence valid?

RERA enrolment and licence are valid for five years.

What is the role of a real estate agent?

The role of a real estate agent is to support its clients and guide them in buying and selling a property.

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