How to use acrylic paint for walls?

Acrylic paints are a versatile and durable choice for walls.

Acrylic paints for walls are becoming an increasingly popular alternative among homeowners when it comes to home improvement or decor. These paints, characterised by their water-based composition with pigments suspended in an acrylic emulsion, are preferred for their durability, versatility and easy adaptability. Moreover, they can be used in several ways to achieve a plethora of effects as per your aesthetic tastes. Read on to find out more about acrylic paints and how you can use them to adorn walls.

See also: A guide to using cement paints


Features of acrylic paints

Acrylic paints are known for their characteristic features that distinguish them from their counterparts and boast of why they should be chosen over the others. Here is a list of qualities acrylic paints bring to the table:

Quick drying time

These paints have the ability to dry quickly, thereby allowing easy layering of paint to achieve the desired effect without the need of keeping aside extended periods of time for a layer to dry. As a result, this speeds up the painting process, making it more spontaneous and efficient.


Acrylic paints are compatible with a wide variety of surfaces like canvas, paper, wood and more. In case of walls as well, they offer superior adhesion properties which makes it easy to use for various types of wall decor projects.

Water solubility

When wet, acrylic paints display the exceptional ability of dissolving in water. This makes it super easy to clean without the use of specialised cleaners, unlike oil paints that require solvents for this purpose. Additionally, this solubility also allows to achieve an aesthetic watercolour-like effect by diluting the paint.

Colour range

Not only are acrylic paints available in a vast range of colours, they can be easily mixed to create an elaborate palette of custom colours. This unique feature allows endless possibilities of creative expression and a host of aesthetic choices to spruce up your walls.

Opacity and transparency

Depending on its formulation, acrylic paints are designed to provide various effects, ranging from opaque to transparent. This makes them the perfect choice for application in techniques like glazing and can be used to obtain various effects by using specific layering techniques.

Flexibility and adhesion

Once dried, acrylic paints retain their flexibility and to prevent cracking or becoming brittle with time. Their adhesion properties also ensure the longevity and ease of usage.

Texture and consistency

Ranging from fluid to heavy body, these paints are available in varying consistencies suited for different types of applications. While heavy body acrylics are used to achieve textures, the more fluid varieties are preferred for smoothness and even textures.

Permanent and lightfast

The high-quality pigments in acrylic paints provide superior resistance to fading. If cared for properly and kept away from direct exposure to sunlight, these paints admirably retain their vibrancy and colour for a long time, reducing the need for refreshing its coats.

Ease of usage

Known for their user-friendly properties, acrylic paints are highly preferred as they are non-messy, easy to clean and maintain and require minimal setup during the application process. Their fast-drying property also ensured more efficient layering and a speedy application.


Types of acrylic paints

Acrylic paints are available in various types that are best suited for specific applications. Here is a guide to the types of acrylic paints with their features and applications to help you choose the most suitable one for your walls:


Type Features Application
Interior wall paints The standard type designed especially for interior walls; available in various finishes like matte, eggshell, satin and semi-gloss Interior walls not exposed to harsh environmental factors and accent walls 
Exterior acrylic paints Formulated to withstand harsh environmental conditions such as fluctuating weather and temperatures and UV rays for long-lasting colour retention and protection for the wall Exterior building walls
Primer Prepares the surface to ensure the paint’s adhesion, covers imperfections and protects from mildew Preparation of the surfaces that are to be painted; mildew resistance for damp areas
Acrylic latex paints Water-based, easy to clean, durable and low-toxicity Interior and exterior walls
Ceiling paints Have a flat finish to minimise glare; designed for less splattering during the application process and superior coverage Overhead surfaces
Textured paints Formulated with additives such as sand and similar aggregates to achieve a textured effect Adding depth and dimension to interior walls, concealing minor flaws and creating visual interest
Low-VOC paints Environmentally sustainable alternative with lower quantities of volatile organic compounds Improving indoor air quality, creating healthier living spaces and reducing environmental impact
Mildew resistant paints Contain antimicrobial agents to resist the growth of mould and bacteria Preventing mould and mildew in high-moisture areas such as bathrooms and basements
Chalkboard paints Endow writable properties to the walls with a chalkboard-like finish, easy to clean Providing a creative and functional dynamic to your space
Metallic and pearl finishes Contain additives for a shimmering or metallic effect Accent walls and special design features


Application of acrylic paints for walls

There are numerous ways in which you can use acrylic paints to achieve the wall of your dreams. To get you started with the creative process, here are some ideas you can refer to for understanding how you can use these paints to the best of your ability:

Solid colour painting

The most common yet timeless way to use acrylic paint for your walls, this method involves painting the wall using a single colour in as many layers as required for the desired coverage and effect. Go for high-quality acrylic paints and use a suitable paint brush or roller for uniform coverage to achieve a fresh look for your space.

Accent wall

Paint a single wall of the room in a bold colour that contrasts with the other walls. This is a simple way to add depth to your space, create visual interest and have a focal point for the room by highlighting the wall with a vibrant hue.

Colour blocking

Colour blocking is an easy way to achieve a quirky and dynamic effect for your walls. Divide the wall into sections using clean lines or geometric shapes and fill each section with a different solid shade. This design can be easily customised to achieve different effects, ranging from playful to sophisticated, depending on your tastes.


Acrylic paints can be used to create intricate patterns and designs on the walls with stencils. Ranging from simple shapes to elaborate motifs, you can give your wall a customised and detailed look without any requirement of advanced artistic skills.

Gradient effect

Also known as an ombre effect, a gradient transition involves blending of colours as you move upwards with the painting for a seamless look. You can start with one colour at the bottom, gradually blending it into another as you move upwards for a light-to-dark or dark-to-light effect as desirable.

Textured painting

Formulate your own textured paint by adding sand or texture paint into your acrylic paint. This paint can be used on walls for a unique finish and a visual, as well as tactile appeal.

Mural painting

Make a large painting on your wall using acrylic paints. You can go for any design that suits your style and artistic abilities, ranging from geometric abstract art to scenic landscapes. This design allows a lot of scope for personalisation and creates a visually stunning centrepiece for your space.

Graphic art

Bring the dynamic energy of graphic and typography art on your walls using acrylic paints. Use a painter’s tape for clean lines and a professional finish and put down quotes, phrases and abstract shapes onto your walls.

Chalkboard wall

Use chalkboard acrylic paint to create a writable and easy to clean surface on a part of your wall. You can use this space to write down to-do lists, important reminders, or even general creative expression, thereby adding a dynamic and interactive element to your space.

Drip painting

Ditch the professional finish and clean lines by allowing the paint to drip down and find its own way to create a unique, abstract design. This technique is perfect for a show of free-flowing and expressive aesthetic in your space.


Tips for using acrylic paints on walls

While any wall painting project might require some professional consultation, here are a few tips to keep in mind if you are planning to take up a wall painting task using acrylic paints:

  • Prepare the surface properly. Make sure to remove any loose debris from the surface and prime it before applying the paint to ensure better adhesion and durability.
  • Experiment with different creative techniques such as sponge painting, stippling or unique usage of tools to make the most out of the versatile medium.
  • Acrylic paints depict exceptional blending properties. Make the most of it by layering and blending the colour for depth and complexity.
  • Make sure to protect the areas you won’t paint to avoid getting paint on the floor, furniture or your clothes.
  • Once done with the application, go for a clear sealer to protect the walls in high-traffic areas from wear.



Can I use acrylic paints on interior walls?

Acrylic paints are compatible with various surfaces and available in different finishes such as matte, satin and semi-gloss, making them highly suited for application on interior walls.

Is it necessary to use a primer before applying acrylic paint on walls?

Priming the wall before painting them is recommended to achieve a smooth surface for better adhesion and uniform colour coverage.

Can I mix different acrylic paints to use on walls?

While mixing paints of varying brands and colours is fine, make sure to stick to the same type of paint for a consistent end result.

How do I clean acrylic painted walls?

Acrylic painted walls can be easily cleaned periodically using a mild detergent solution and a soft cloth. Avoid abrasive cleaners and harsh scrubbing during the cleaning process.

Are acrylic paints suited for exterior walls?

Acrylic paints specially formulated for exterior walls offer superior resistance against harsh environmental agents and ensure prolonged durability and colour retention.

How long does it take for acrylic paint to dry?

While a layer of acrylic paint usually dries within 1 - 2 hours, the complete curing might take a few days depending on the temperature and humidity levels it is exposed to.

Are acrylic paints suitable for textured effects?

Acrylic paints are available in textured varieties and the same can also be achieved by mixing sand or additives in regular acrylic paint.

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