Know all about timber: Types, pros and cons

Timber is an eco-friendly choice for the construction and furniture industry.

Timber refers to wood that is specifically harvested and processed for various construction and woodworking purposes. Generally, timber has two types, namely softwood and hardwood. Timber is used mainly in the construction industry for structural elements like framing, beams and columns. Additionally, it is also used extensively for furniture, flooring, cabinetry and decorative items. 

See also: What is wood paint?


Types of timber

Teak wood

Teak is known for its durability which makes it a popular choice for furniture. The wood has natural oil and an attractive grain pattern which accounts for its distinct appearance and shine. 


Pine wood

Pine is a softwood known for its affordability and versatility. It is commonly used for framing and furniture due to its anti-stain surface and beautiful finish.


Oak wood

Oak is a hardwood with excellent strength and durability. The wood features attractive grain patterns which make it great to be used for furniture, flooring, and cabinetry.


Mahogany wood

Mahogany is a premium hardwood known for its rich, reddish-brown colour and elegant appearance. It is often used for high-end furniture, interior detailing and for an organic appeal.


Cedar wood

Cedar is also a softwood popular for its natural resistance to decay and insects. It is commonly used for outdoor applications like fencing and siding.



Bamboo is a sustainable and fast-growing grass used as a building material. It is exceptionally strong, lightweight and eco-friendly and is used extensively for furniture and flooring purposes. 



Rosewood is a dense and richly coloured hardwood known for its beauty and is widely used for musical instrument construction. The wood is used in high-end furniture and decorative items popular for its unique appearance and durability.

Read also: Sheesham wood vs Teak wood


Pros of timber

  • Timber is harvested from forests which is a renewable resource, making it an environmentally friendly choice.
  • The manufacturing process involved in curating timber products causes less energy production and few carbon emissions making it an eco-friendly choice.
  • Timber has natural insulating properties which helps to reduce heating and cooling costs.
  • Timber is extremely beautiful and has an organic appeal which makes it a popular choice for architectural and interior design.


Cons of timber

The following are the major cons of Timber.

1. Susceptibility to decay

Timber is extremely vulnerable to decay when it comes in contact with moisture and insects for a prolonged time period. It is susceptible to rot, and thus requires regular proper treatment and maintenance from time to time. 


2. Fire hazard

Timber is flammable which makes it vulnerable to fire accidents. This is why proper vigilance has to be taken and the surface should be coated with fire resistant to mitigate the risks.


3. Limited load capacity

Timber is not a great alternative when it comes to supporting heavy loads. Timber does not support heavy loads as compared to steel and concrete which restricts its usage.


4. Shrinking and swelling

Timber can expand and contract due to changes in humidity that cause warping, twisting, or cracking in structures over time.


5. Deforestation impact

Overharvesting timber contributes to deforestation which leads to habitat loss, reduced biodiversity and increased carbon emissions.



What is called timber?

Timber is a type of processed wood which is used for construction and furniture.

Is timber a type of wood?

Timber is a general term for wood that is fit for construction and related purposes

What is a timber forest?

A timber forest is an area where trees are harvested only for timber production.

What timber is used for furniture?

Teak wood, oak wood and bamboo is popularly used for furniture.

What industry is timber used in?

The construction and furniture industry extensively use timber.

What timber is used for building?

Oak, pine and cedar are some popular timber types used for building.

What are the cons of timber?

Moisture decay, fire accidents and termite decay are some of the major cons of timber.

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