Lacquer polish for furniture: Everything you need to know about wood finishings

Lacquer polish gives furniture a glossy finish and prevents wear and tear in the long run.

Lacquer polish is a popular choice of finish in various industries. It can be used over wood, metal or paint to enhance the appearance of the object and also prevent wear and tear. From furniture and decorative items to automobiles and musical instruments, the usage of lacquer polish covers a wide range.

Made with natural resins and pigments, lacquer provides a glossy finish to the surface it is used on. It is applied layer-by-layer and each layer is polished before the application of the next one. Have a look at everything you need to know about lacquer polish.


Types of lacquer

The primary raw material of lacquer polish is derived from the lacquer tree that is only found in Asia. Lacquer can be classified into two types based on the substance this raw ingredient is mixed with.

Solvent-based lacquer

This kind of lacquer can be applied only after being diluted with a thinner. Solvent-based lacquers are highly reactive to the external environment, including sunlight, humidity and other chemical agents. They might also distort the original colour of the surface or object.

Water-based lacquer

The popular choice for furniture finishing, this kind of lacquer needs to be diluted with water for application. Unlike its chemical counterpart, it is less reactive and much more durable. Moreover, it is less hazardous to the environment and health alike.


Why use lacquer polish?

There are several reasons why lacquer polish finish is so widely used. Being both affordable and accessible, this finish serves the dual purpose of enhancing appearance as well as providing protection against wear and tear.

Lacquer polish adds a layer of sheen to the surface it is applied to. This makes it a go-to choice for people looking towards revamping their interiors as it adds to the aesthetic appeal of their furniture, wall paints and other decorative items.

Alongside aesthetics, lacquer polish finish also takes care of the durability factor. By adding a protective coating on the surface, lacquer polish increases the longevity of the item it is being used on considerably. It provides protection against scratches, humidity, sunlight and regular wear and tear.

Like coating substances, lacquer polish also requires multiple layers of application to serve its purpose effectively. However, lacquer polish dries much faster than other substances. This makes the process of application easier and faster.

Lacquer polish can simply be sprayed on the surface instead of being manually applied. This ensures that the coating is uniform while also reducing the time taken for application.


Competitors and alternatives

Surely, lacquer polish is not the only one of its kind in the market, is it? How versatile is it in terms of its pros? Well, we have to admit, lacquer polish has some disadvantages as well. A lacquer finish can turn yellow over time. This, combined with the damage over time, cannot be repaired.

Lacquers also contain harmful chemicals that have adverse effects on the environment and the health of the user. Keeping all this in mind, it is important to check whether using lacquer checks off all your boxes.

If it does not, no worries, Here are some alternatives you can consider and how they compare to lacquer.


Unlike the tinted lacquer, varnish is a transparent coating that forms a thick and glossy layer on furniture. It protects the surface against moisture, sunlight/UV and chemicals without turning yellow.

Varnish is a much more durable substance than lacquer and provides better protection to the surface on which it is used. However, its application process is more tedious and it takes longer to dry than lacquer.



Polyurethane essentially is liquidised plastic that can be applied on wooden surfaces. It  is available in oil-based and water-based options. While water-based polyurethane is less toxic, the oil-based variety provides better protection to surfaces.

Polyurethane is an excellent choice for indoor usage due to its durability, especially for wooden floors and walls. However, it does not provide protection against UV rays, leading to extensive cracking if used on surfaces that are regularly exposed to sunlight and outdoor usage.

See also: How to apply polyurethane wood finish to your furniture?


Lacquer polish: how to use it?

Using lacquer polish, how is it done? Here’s an overview of the steps, simplified for you.


The surface needs to be cleaned in order to maintain its quality. Wiping the area down with a wet cloth and mild detergent is necessary. It’s also important to remove any excess moisture with a dry cloth afterwards to prevent streaking. 


Rubbing sandpaper on the surface is necessary to achieve the desired texture. Holding the lacquer efficiently, the smooth surface is what it is.


The surface is ready for lacquer application, which can be accomplished through either brushing or spraying. The surface needs to be even before spreading the lacquer and then allow it to dry.


Rub the surface with sandpaper after the coat of lacquer has dried fully. Repeat this step until all the layers have been addressed, and then proceed to the subsequent layer.


For a more durable and glossier finish, add a layer of polish once all the coats are applied and properly dried.


Lacquer polish prices

Prices of lacquer polish generally vary from place to place according to the surface area being covered. Mostly it ranges from Rs 2500 – 4500. While getting a lacquer polish for your cupboards can cost you anything between Rs 3000 – 4500 on an average, lacquer application on smaller furniture costs lesser.



Why use wood finishing for furniture?

Wood finishing provides an added layer of protection against wear and tear and also provides a glossy appearance.

What is lacquer polish used for?

Lacquer polish is used as a finish on furniture, automobiles, musical instruments, jewellery and metallic and wooden decorative items.

What is the price range for lacquer in India?

Lacquer polish finishing for furniture can cost Rs 2500 - 4500 in India.

What can I use instead of lacquer?

Varnish and polyurethane can be used as alternatives to lacquer for wood finishings.

How long does lacquer last?

The longevity of lacquer coating depends on the quality of lacquer and the after-care provided. Good-quality lacquer that is maintained properly can last for several decades.

What is the difference between lacquer and varnish?

Lacquer polish has a slight tint that appears on the surface where it is used whereas varnish is a fully transparent wood finishing.

Where can I apply lacquer?

Lacquer polish can be applied on wooden and metallic surfaces.

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