Navratri Day-4: Goddess Kushmanda puja vidhi

Appeasing the eight-handed goddess also known as Ashtbhuja Devi.

The fourth day of the nine-day long Navratri festival is dedicated to Goddess Kushmanda. Also known as the Ashtbhuja Devi, the eight-handed goddess is considered the creator of the universe in the Hindu mythology. For the fourth day puja, following the below-mentioned steps would result in better health and prosperity for you and your family members.


Navratri Day-4: Goddess Kushmanda puja vidhi
Making of Goddess Durga idol.


Navratir day-4 Puja: Goddess Kushmanda beej mantra

ओम् कुष्मांडायै नमः


Navratir day-4 Puja: Goddess Kushmanda dhyan mantra

वन्दे वांछित कामर्थेचन्द्रार्घकृतशेखराम्ण्
सिंहरूढाअष्टभुजा कुष्माण्डायशस्वनीम्॥
सुरासम्पूर्णकलशं रुधिराप्लुतमेव चण्
दधाना हस्तपद्माभ्यां कूष्माण्डा शुभदास्तु मे॥

वन्दे वांछित कामर्थे चन्द्रार्घकृत शेखराम्ण्
सिंहरूढ़ा अष्टभुजा कूष्माण्डा यशस्वनीम्॥

दृ दुर्गतिनाशिनी त्वंहि दारिद्रादि विनाशिनीम्ण्
जयंदा धनदां कूष्माण्डे प्रणमाम्यहम्॥

दृ जगन्माता जगतकत्री जगदाधार रूपणीम्ण्
चराचरेश्वरी कूष्माण्डे प्रणमाम्यहम्॥


Goddess Kushmanda bhog: Malpua

Navratri Day-4: Goddess Kushmanda puja vidhi
Malpua is a traditional Indian sweet pancake coated in sugar syrup.


Goddess Kushmanda bhog: Ash Gourd fruit

According to Hindu belief system, the fruit of the Ash Gourd (biological name: Benincasa hispida) is a favourite of Goddess Kushmanda. One can easily find the Ash Gourd fruit, commonly known as white pumpkin, in local vegetable markets.


Navratri Day-4: Goddess Kushmanda puja vidhi


Goddess Kushmanda bhog: Petha

If the fresh fruit of the ash gourd plant is not available, you can also use petha for bhog. For the uninitiated, petha a delectable India sweet made using the Ash Gourd fruit, sugar syrup and rose and various other essence. It is available in various flavoures.


Navratri Day-4: Goddess Kushmanda puja vidhi


Goddess Kushmanda bhog: Halwa and dahi

Halwa and dahi (curd) are the other two favourites of Goddess Kushmanda.


Navratri Day-4: Goddess Kushmanda puja vidhi


Navratri Day-4: Goddess Kushmanda puja vidhi


Goddess Kushmanda bhog: Cloves, cardamon and aniseed


Navratri Day-4: Goddess Kushmanda puja vidhi



Navratri Day-4: Goddess Kushmanda puja vidhi



Navratri Day-4: Goddess Kushmanda puja vidhi


Which colour to wear of Navtari Day-4 for Goddess Kushmanda puja?

Green and yellow are considered a favourite of the eight-handed goddess.


Navratri Day-4: Goddess Kushmanda puja vidhi


Navratri Day-4: Goddess Kushmanda puja vidhi


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