If you are a member of the West Bengal Scheduled Tribes (ST), Scheduled Caste (SC), or Other Backward Class (OBC) and have applied for a new caste certificate, you should check the status of your application.
Also, if you or someone you know already has a certificate, you may want to check the certificate’s details or status the Backward Classes Welfare Department of the Government of West Bengal allows you to verify or check the status of your West Bengal SC/ST/OBC Caste Certificate online at castcertificatewb.gov.in.
You will learn the following information about OBC certificate status check West Bengal online in this article.
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OBC certificate status check West Bengal: Documents necessary for a caste certificate
- Personal identification details
- Address proof
- Birth certificate or class 10th boards admit card
- Income certificate
- Aadhaar card
- Passport size photograph
- Bank passbook
- Voter ID card
- Ration card
- Caste certificate of father or a close family member
OBC certificate status check West Bengal: How to check the status of a caste certificate application online
Step1: Go visit the official website first
- First, go to the West Bengal caste certificate’s official website (castcertificatewb.gov.in).
- Click the ‘Application Check’ button on the homepage.
- A new page will be displayed in front of you.
Step 2: Type in the application number.
- Enter your application number on the new page.
- Select ‘Search’.
- A new page will be displayed.
Step 3: Verify the status of your application.
- Your caste certificate application status will be displayed on the screen.
- You can print the page for future reference.
You can easily check the status of your West Bengal caste certificate application online by following these steps.
OBC certificate status check West Bengal: Verification of caste certificate details
Step1:Go to the official website first.
- First, go to the West Bengal caste certificate’s official website (castcertificatewb.gov.in)
- Click the ‘Check Certificate’ link on the homepage.
- A new page will appear.
Step 2: Enter the certificate information.
- Enter the ‘Old certificate number’ and choose the “Year of Issue” and “Issuing Authority” options.
- If you don’t have the certificate number and issuing authority details, provide your name and the date the certificate was issued
- Now, select ‘Search’.
Step 3: Check the status and details of your caste certificate.
- The information from your caste certificate will be displayed in front of you
- You can check the status and other data of your caste certificate here
- You may also print a copy of the page
- You may easily verify the details and validity of any caste certificate online by following these steps
How can I check the status of my West Bengal caste certificate application online?
How can I check the status or details of a West Bengal caste certificate?
How can I obtain my OBC certificate?
Downloading an SC/ST/OBC Cast Certificate in West Bengal is simple by using castcertificatewb.gov.in. First, go to the website and click on Certificate Details (Download Certificate).
Who can grant an OBC NCL certificate?
The Backward Classes Welfare Department published Circular 1204-SBCW/MR-67/10 on July 27, 2015. The certificate is issued by the Sub Divisional Officer of a Sub Division in a District of the Government of West Bengal. In Kolkata, such a certificate is issued by an officer authorised by the State Government by amendment.
What is the validity of the OBC NCL?
The validity of an OBC NCL certificate for the Central Government is generally one year; however, the validity of an OBC NCL certificate for the State Government is three years.