Rug placement ideas for living room.

Rugs not only keep the room warm but add an enhanced look to the living room.

The right rug can transform a living room, bringing warmth, texture and colour to the space. However, placement is key when it comes to maximising the impact of your rug. In this article, we will explore 15 inspiring ideas for living room rug placement that can redefine the aesthetic appeal and functionality of your living room.


See also: Essential floor rug rules for any decor


15 rug placement ideas

Anchoring the room

Placing a large rug in the centre of the room can effectively anchor the space. This is particularly useful in open-concept spaces or large living rooms where furniture might otherwise seem to be floating. The rug serves to tie all the individual pieces together, creating a cohesive, inviting space.


Under the coffee table

A smaller rug under the coffee table creates a cosy, intimate area for conversation. This placement works best with a statement coffee table, as the rug frames it and draws attention to its design.


In front of the sofa

A rug placed in front of the sofa can give the illusion of a larger, more open space. This is especially useful in smaller living rooms where you want to maximise perceived space. The rug also provides a soft, cosy landing for your feet.


Under the sofa

A rug placed under the sofa creates a layered, luxurious look. This works well in large rooms or spaces where the sofa is positioned away from the wall. The rug acts as a base, grounding the sofa and making the space feel more put together.


Multiple rugs

Using multiple rugs can define different areas in a large, open space. Each rug can demarcate a specific area—like a seating area and a dining area—helping to break up the room and make it feel more organised.



A wall-to-wall rug can make a bold, dramatic statement. This can be particularly effective in rooms with cold or hard flooring, as the rug adds warmth and softness, enhancing the overall comfort of the room.


Diagonal placement

Placing your rug at a diagonal can create a dynamic, eye-catching look. This unconventional arrangement can help draw the eye through the room, creating a sense of movement and excitement.



An off-centre rug placement can add an unexpected, modern twist to your living room. This can break the monotony of a symmetrical room layout, creating an interesting focal point.


Under the entertainment centre

A rug placed under the entertainment centre can help visually ground the space. This helps to define the entertainment area and can add a touch of style to the functional space.


Layered rugs

Layering rugs can add depth and interest to a room. By placing a smaller, colourful rug on top of a larger, neutral one, you can create a unique look that also adds extra dimension and texture to the space.


Half-on, half-off

For a casual, laid-back look, position your rug so that it is half-on, half-off your seating furniture. This informal arrangement gives the room a relaxed, easygoing vibe.


Full room coverage

In a smaller living room, a rug that fills most of the space can make the room feel larger and more cohesive. The rug helps to connect all the pieces of furniture, creating a unified look.


Under a chaise or lounge chair

A rug placed under a chaise or lounge chair can create a cosy reading corner. The rug defines the space and adds an extra layer of comfort, making it the perfect spot to curl up with a good book.


In the corner

A small rug placed in the corner of the room can create a cosy nook or highlight a piece of furniture. This can be a great way to utilise an otherwise unused corner, making the room feel more complete.


Under a bench or ottoman

A small rug under a bench or ottoman can add a pop of colour and texture to your living room, while also protecting your floors. This can be a great way to highlight a favourite piece of furniture or add a touch of style to a functional item.


Important considerations

Size and proportion

Consider the size of the rug in relation to your room and furniture. A too small rug can make the room feel disjointed while a too large rug can overwhelm the space. Ideally, the rug should be large enough so that at least the front legs of your furniture are on it.

Style and colour

Your rug should complement the style and colour scheme of your living room. It doesn’t have to match perfectly, but it should tie in well with the overall decor.


Think about what purpose you want the rug to serve. Is it to define a seating area, add colour and texture, or provide comfort underfoot? The purpose can guide your choice of placement, size and material.


The material of the rug should be suitable for the room’s usage. If it’s a high-traffic area, choose a durable, easy-to-clean material like wool or synthetic fibres.


Ensure the rug is secured properly to avoid slipping. Consider using a rug pad or rug grippers to keep the rug in place.


Maintenance tips

Regular cleaning

Regularly vacuum your rug to eliminate dust and dirt. If it’s a small rug, you can also shake it out outside.

Spot cleaning

If there are any spills, clean them immediately to prevent stains. Use a damp cloth and mild soap and blot rather than rub the spill.

Professional cleaning

Consider getting your rug professionally cleaned once a year, especially if it’s a large or expensive rug.


Rotate your rug every few months to ensure even wear, especially if it’s exposed to sunlight or placed in a high-traffic area.


If you need to store your rug, roll it up and keep it in a dry, clean place. Avoid folding the rug to prevent creases.

The right rug placement can dramatically enhance the look and feel of your living room. Whether you choose a centre-stage placement for a large, statement rug or opt for a cosy nook with a small rug under a lounge chair, there’s a rug placement idea to suit every living room. Remember, the best rug placement for you will depend on your living room’s size, layout and style, so don’t be afraid to experiment with different ideas until you find the perfect fit.



Can I use more than one rug in my living room?

Yes, using more than one rug can help define different areas in a large or open-concept living room.

What size rug should I use in my living room?

The size of the rug will depend on the size of your living room and the furniture arrangement. As a general rule, choose a rug that is large enough to touch or go under the furniture.

Should my rug match my living room decor?

Your rug doesn't have to match perfectly, but it should complement the colours and style of your decor.

How far should my rug be from the wall?

In general, you should leave between 10 and 20 inches of bare floor between the edge of the rug and the wall.

Can I place a rug in front of a fireplace?

Yes, but make sure it's made of a fire-resistant material and positioned at a safe distance from the fireplace.

How often should I rotate my rug?

It's generally recommended to rotate your rug every six months to a year to ensure even wear and prolong its lifespan.

Can I use a vacuum to clean my rug?

Yes, but use a gentle setting and avoid vacuuming the fringe to prevent damaging the rug.


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