Shorea Robusta: How to grow and care for it?

Shorea Robusta is an important outdoor evergreen tree that can live for a long time and grow to great heights.

Shorea Robusta is an ancient tree that holds great significance in South Asia. This tree finds its origin in South Asia and is commonly known by the name Sal. The sal tree is also known as sakhua in northern India. This enormous tree can grow up to 30-35 metres and has a comparatively thinner trunk. Shorea Robusta is an important outdoor evergreen tree that can live for a long time and grow to great heights.


See also: How to grow and care for Ashoka tree or Monoon longifolium?


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Shorea Robusta: Key facts

Name Shorea Robusta
Common name  sal tree, sāla, shala, sakhua, or sarai
Origin India 
Type Tropical tree
Indoor/Outdoor  Outdoor 
Height Upto 130 feet
Flowers Big, pink flowers
Soil Any type
Temperature  25-30°C
Water Plenty
Sunlight  Full sun



Shorea Robusta: Classifications and characteristics

Kingdom Plantae- Plants
Subkingdom Tracheobionta– Vascular plants
Super division Spermatophyta– Seed plants
Division Magnoliophyta– Flowering plants
Class Magnoliopsida– Dicotyledons
Subclass Dilleniidae
Order Theales
Family Dipterocarpaceae- Meranti family
Genus Shorea Roxb. ex C.F. Gaertn. – Shorea P
Species Shorea Robusta C.F. Gaertn.– Sal tree P


Mentioned in the table above is the taxonomical classification of Shorea Robusta.


The tree has ovate-oblong leaves that grow throughout the entire stem. When the weather gets extremely dry, Shorea Robusta can become deciduous and shed its leaves in between February to April. Additionally, it sports bright fuschia flowers that have petals. The Shorea Robusta flowers emit a sweet scent which is a signature fragrance of the tree. These flowers bloom in summer and grow in abundance.


Shorea Robusta: Biogeography

Shorea Robusta is native to South Asia, particularly the Indian subcontinent, ranging across south of the Himalayas, stretching from Myanmar in the east to India, Nepal, and Bangladesh. In India, Shorea Robusta extends from Assam, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, and Orissa west to the Shivalik Hills in Haryana, east of the river Yamuna. It is often the dominant tree in the forests it grows in. This terrestrial tree prefers monsoonal and sub-tropical climate zones.


Shorea Robusta: Care tips

Shorea Robusta is a tree that grows very slowly. It takes a long time to mature so many people give up looking after them. However, growing sal trees can be very rewarding. The wood obtained from Shorea Robusta can be used for furniture making. Additionally, the tree has medicinal properties that make it unique and beneficial for your home. 


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To have a healthy Shorea Robusta, you need to plant it directly in the ground. Choose a place that has a lot of space around for the plant to grow. Water it everyday till it crosses 3 feet in height. Fertilising is not necessary since Shorea Robusta is a very hardy plant. Make sure the tree receives full sunlight everyday. Keep it away from the house since its invasive roots can destroy your flooring.


Shorea Robusta: Pollination and Dispersal

Pollination of Shorea Robusta is either entomophilous, which means by insects (primarily ants, flies, wasps, and beetles), by del-pollination or by cross-pollination. The seeds of Shorea Robusta are dispersed by self dispersal, wind dispersal, water dispersal, dispersal by humans, or dispersal by animals or birds. 


Shorea Robusta: Propagation

Shorea Robusta plants can be propagated through seeds. As mentioned above, it can take a while for these trees to germinate. So, when it comes to growing and propagating Shorea Robusta, patience is the key. 


Shorea Robusta: Benefits and medicinal uses

Shorea Robusta is an ancient tree that has been a part of Hindu mythology for ages. Additionally, it is used for wood and timer making along with the manufacturing of paper. However, the tree also contains a host of health benefits that many people are not aware of. In ancient Ayurveda, extracts from the tree were used to make medicines and tonics for a variety of illnesses.


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Here are some of the top health benefits of Shorea Robusta tree:

Treats wounds

Sal tree contains a bioactive chemical that can be beneficial in cleaning wounds. The antibacterial quality of Shorea Robusta also helps in inhibiting the growth of germs and preventing the spread of infection. The anti-inflammatory power of the tree also helps in relieving pain that may result from wounds. 

Relieves pain and cures infection

Shorea Robusta has bioactive components that contribute to its anti-inflammatory nature. This quality helps patients get rid of pain by applying medication made from sal tree extracts. Shorea Robusta reduces swelling and  pain that is associated with inflammation.

Promotes weight loss 

Shorea Robusta is said to aid people in their weight loss journey. The presence of flavonoids and fibre in the plant actually has anti-obesity effects. It keeps the stomach full and reduces chances of overeating. Additionally, some studies have shown that Shorea Robusta extracts actually help in lipid fat distribution. This can help in weight loss.

Cures respiratory problems 

The amazing anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties of Shorea Robusta make it an excellent medicine for respiratory problems. It can treat coughs and colds quite easily. You can also get rid of sore throats that can be painful and irritating.

Boosts Immunity 

Shorea Robusta are said to contain a host of medicinal properties and nutrients. These nutrients replenish the body and help it fight against germs. Additionally, its antibacterial property helps to destroy the growth of harmful bacteria that might cause diseases.


Shorea Robusta: Uses in landscapes

Shorea Robusta is one of the most desirable plants owing to its ornamental properties. Suitable for growing in all kinds of soils, including dry, moist, well-drained, and fertile loamy soils, it is commonly planted in gardens and parks to beautify the landscape. With their beautiful and vibrant flowers and economical feasibility, Shorea Robusta serves as a great and budget-friendly choice for adding a dash of colour to any outdoor space. 



What is the common name of Shorea Robusta?

The common name of Shorea Robusta is Sal. It is also known by the name of sakhua in northern India.

What is the use of Shorea Robusta?

Shorea Robusta is used to make toner, wood, ply, and paper. Additionally, they are also used to cure medical problems like skin infection, respiratory problems, and obesity.

What is Shorea Robusta resin?

Shorea Robusta resin is extracted from the sal tree and used to treat various medical problems. It mostly acts as an antiseptic for open wounds and bruises.


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