How is Ram Navami celebrated?

Celebrated on the ninth day of Chaitra Navratri, Ram Navami usually falls in March or April.

Ram Navami is an auspicious occasion that celebrates the birth of Lord Rama, the seventh manifestation of the god Vishnu and one of Hinduism’s most revered deities. The event is celebrated on the ninth day of the lunar month of Chaitra’s bright half (Shukla Paksha), which, according to the Hindu calendar, usually occurs in March or April.

The Chaitra Navratri, including Rama Navami, is observed in the spring and is of great spiritual significance to Hindus worldwide. On this auspicious day, devotees pray, sing bhajans and go to temples to seek Lord Rama’s blessings. People gather to celebrate the event with fervour, passion and joy as they pay tribute to Lord Rama’s life and teachings.

See also: How to perform Annakut puja?


How is Ram Navami celebrated?

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Shri Ram Navami: Significance

As one of the most important Hindu celebrations, Rama Navami, the birth of Lord Rama, is commemorated with tremendous fervour and devotion. It serves as a reminder of Lord Rama’s good deeds, his steadfast dedication to dharma (righteousness) and his status as an example of honesty, love and compassion. Millions of people all around the world continue to be inspired by the epic tale of Lord Rama’s life, known as the Ramayana, which also imparts important life lessons and moral values.

Shri Ram Navami 2024 date: Wednesday, April 17, 2024



How is Ram Navami celebrated?

Source: Pinterest (Bhaskar Live)


Shri Ram Navami: Rituals

  1. Devotees wake up during the Brahma Muhurta, which is regarded as a very fortunate period for spiritual practices. They promise to fast and perform certain rites in Lord Rama’s honour.
  2. A symbolic swing is set up and Ramlala, Lord Rama’s young form, is positioned inside of it. The swing has lovely floral and ornamental decorations.
  3. Around midday, Ramlala is lavishly worshipped by the followers. They provide ritualistic offerings in a copper urn, including mango leaves, coconut, betel leaves (paan) and other holy objects. On top of a bed of rice, this urn is set, and a four-faced light is lit all around it.
  4. A wide range of delectable foods is presented to Lord Rama as Bhog (holy food offerings), including kheer (sweet rice pudding), fruits, sweets, panchamrit (a concoction of milk, curd, honey, ghee and sugar), lotus, basil leaves and flower garlands.
  5. Devotees recite the Vishnu Sahasranama, which is a collection of Lord Vishnu’s thousand names.
  6. In addition to the panchamrit, a special prasad made with powdered coriander, noted for its therapeutic powers, is produced using jaggery or sugar. This prasad is given to the worshippers.
  7. Many followers follow the very auspicious custom of reading the complete Ramayana for a week before Rama Navami.
  8. There are significant celebrations at Ayodhya and several Rama temples all around India. Numerous locations have vibrant Ratha yatras (chariot processions) honouring Lord Rama, Goddess Sita, Lord Lakshman and Lord Hanuman.
  9. During the Rama Navami and Vijayadashami celebrations, the theatrical performance of Ramlila, which portrays the life and exploits of Lord Rama, is a significant cultural event.



When is Ram Navami in 2024?

Ram Navami is on April 17, 2024, the ninth day of Chaitra Navratri.

How is Ram Navami celebrated?

Ram Navami is observed with tremendous zeal and devotion. People who practise devotion go to temples, pray and recite lines from the Ramayana. To commemorate the birth of Lord Rama, some people also hold processions and bhajan sessions.

Are there any specific rituals on Ram Navami?

Reading or listening to the Ramayana is one of the important rites. Some followers of Lord Rama also sing Kirtans or bhajans in his honour.

Is there any special significance to Ram Navami?

Ram Navami is of utmost importance since it commemorates the birth of Lord Rama, a personification of morality, virtue and compassion.

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