Store room design ideas for a clutter-free house

A store room is a multifunctional space and helps keep the home clutter-free. Check these store room design ideas for your home.

Storage spaces are often left out when talking about rooms in the house that look pretty. A neat and uncluttered storeroom design dramatically improves the efficiency of your home. You could go about organising a house storeroom in a variety of ways. You could either clear out your existing storeroom and revamp it or create an entirely new storeroom design. 

Easy access store room design for house

Cabinet storage spaces

When storing stuff that you often use, keep them in spaces with easy access to them. Built-in cabinet storage spaces are way better than a dedicated house storeroom for this purpose. You can either go for generic storage or customised storage with built-in cabinet storage areas.

Customised storage can be tailor-made to your preferences and can be a significant investment in the long term. However, they require too much money and time to be a sensible choice in the short term. Generic storage spaces restrict what you can store but seem to work for the most part. 


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Free-standing cabinets

The brilliance of free-standing units is that they not only considerably increase your home’s storage space but also work well as interior decor. You can place these units anywhere in your house. Stuff that needs easy and everyday access can be stored in these units so that you can take them out and use them regularly. 


Source: Pinterest

Unique long-term storeroom design ideas 

Let’s look at ideas you can leverage for neat and efficient handling of your stores.

Under-stair storage solutions for store rooms

If you’re strapped for space in your house, unconventional small store room design ideas for a home will go a long way in improving storage spaces. Storage space under the staircase is an excellent idea as it is an unassuming storage space where you can store quite a few things used sparsely. It is an irregular-shaped storage space, so you’ll have to customise it a bit, but that is worth it if you have a small house with a minuscule amount of storage space. 

Source: Pinterest

under stairs closet ideas

Source: Pinterest

Stackable storage bins for easy access

If you have a basement area, your storage space virtually builds itself. A basement is an excellent spot for storing items that are used rarely. You can customise your basement to make it all-encompassing storage space. The beauty of this storeroom design for the house is that you can store everything in your basement space, leaving other areas in your home to look spic and span.


Source: Pinterest


Stackable bins for storage

Source: Pinterest

You can also use stackable bins in your rooms to save space and accommodate more.

Attic house store room

The second-best thing if you don’t have a basement. Although it has a few drawbacks, an attic can make for a great small storeroom design. With their cramped space and virtually zero air circulation, Attics need to be revamped before being used as a proper house storeroom. Although making an attic fit for purpose can be expensive and time-consuming, it is well worth it in the long run.


Source: Pinterest

know about: store rooms

Space-saving shelving for small store rooms

If you have a small apartment with no basement, attic, or staircase, you have to get creative with your storage spaces. Modern design embraces pull-out cabinets, hidden storage areas, niches in the walls to increase storage areas, and so much more. 


Source: Pinterest

Creative use of wall space with pegboards

Creative use of pegboard

Source: Pinterest

Use of pegboard for storage is an innovative and space saving way which also adds that extra zing to the home decor.

Industrial-style racks for organised storage

Industrial storage

Source: Pinterest

Industrial-style racks are sturdy and very spacious and make for great storage options in areas like kids room which has lot of knick knacks.

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